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Tuckahoe Joe

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Everything posted by Tuckahoe Joe

  1. Those look really good!
  2. Sounds like your kids on the right track. I try and make lists like that before I go too. Too bad I can't seem to stick to them once I get there.
  3. I discovered the jitterbug just this past month. Awesome lure. I've had good success early morning (before the sun comes up). Don't fish it through the weeds and lily pads but if you can run it along the edge you should definitely call out some bigguns. That's how I got the fish in my avatar. Open waters good too. If there's a topwater bite, you'll do well with this lure.
  4. Caught a couple nice bass this morning. Both of them hit a Red Eye Shad. I think the color was Green Tomato. I also caught 4 smallish pickerel and a little crappie. The wife got a yellow perch and some kind of sunfish. I went back out this afternoon too and didn't get anything but I actually only got to make 2 casts. Since I had my dog with me and he's usually a spaz, I only brought 1 spinnerbait. Figures this time he was good and listened to me and I end up getting snagged on my second cast. Think I'm gonna put together a small Plano box that I can throw in a back pack for those dog walking days.
  5. Yeah. He's goofy as hell but he always catches a nice fish with some off-the-wall technique.
  6. That's a nice bluegill...congrats on the award!
  7. Haven't read the books but I like the movies. I'm trying to get them all on my DVR cuz I'm too cheap to buy them but they keep re-running the same 2 or 3 on the movie channels.
  8. Really sorry to hear about your friend. My prayers go out to him and his family but there's no way I could afford a boat/truck right now.
  9. That's dumb. I work for Dominos and were not supposed to take 50's or 100's for delivery orders but there's no reason we wouldn't take them in the store. We have one of those markers that shows if the bill is counterfeit or not. Dunno if those things are 100% on point but we've never had a problem.
  10. LOL...that's pretty funny!
  11. Pickerel should hit just about anything a bass would. I've caught them on... Worms Roostertails Squarebills Lipless Cranks Spinnerbaits ...and I'm sure they would bite a myriad of other lures. I probably catch as many pickerel as I do bass without even trying.
  12. Tuckahoe Joe

    Tuckahoe Joe's Fish

    pictures of my catch from various fishing trips
  13. Congrats on some nice fish!
  14. Awesome fish!
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