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  1. primetime's post in Help Id Spoon Type Lure? was marked as the answer   
    As mentioned above, keep fishing them the way you have been, since a slow steady retrieve with little pauses to let the spoon flutter below usually is a good method all year round and I find if I use a steady retreive when the fish are not active I just get alot of followers.
    I would not pay the $ for the Bagley's as people ask crazy money for vintage tackle and you can find models by Northland as mentioned above that are every bit as good imo, and so are the many casting or s-curve spoons, flutter spoons in light wieghts in the "Live Forrage Imaging" which I believe is what Cabelas and Bass Pro call them.
    Lurh Jensen, Northland, Acme, Johnson all make good spoons that are only a few bucks and often cheaper if you hunt around on-line. I have a few light Bagley's spoons I basically use in shallow water or over submerged weeds right after the Bluegills spawn as I have firetiger patterns and they are light-1/4 oz, so I real steady and then kill the lure so it flutters slowly below and flashes which is when they get bit most of the time. I find if I use a steady retrieve I get alot of followers, but just like any lure, a quick change of direction, speed, or depth will usually get a following fish to strike. I have had times when I could fish a spoon as fast as I could retrieve it and Bass would crush it, but rarely are they that active.....
    If you like spoons, take a look at some of the larger 1/2 oz to 1 oz. flutter spoons that are manufactured toward Bass Fisherman like the Lake Fork FLutter spoons or Strike King versions, although I can't afford $7-$10 for a spoon when I can find a Quality version on a closeout somewhere or buy blanks in a 50 pack for a buck or two each. I usually throw a Johnson Sprite 1/2-3/4 silver or gold sprite most of the time, but the live image spoons on the market today are much better than they were 10 years ago imo, and I like some in baby bass, firetiger, shad, and a dark orange like the one you have and spoons are a great way to cover water or catch good numbers when fishing a small pond or lake....Check out overstock bait as they often have Luhr Jensen spoons for .99 and other name brands for under a $1. Casting-Scurve-Flutter or wobble spoons are all good, jigging spoons like a hopkins are only good if you fish deep water vertically imo...I stay in the 1/2-1 oz range and 1/8-1/4 for light spinning tackle....hope that helps...Making your own spoons is actually fun and rewarding and by far the easiest lure to make as all you need is a box of blanks, hooks, and split rings, and if you want to go crazy get some prism tape, feathered trebles, and just make your own that you can modify to fit the lake you are fishing.
  2. primetime's post in Braid Question was marked as the answer   
    Here is how I fixed my problems with braid getting kinked 1x and then it just gets worse as the day goes on...I also went to an 8 strand and PP Plus is perfect as it is soft, won't dig, and I never go with anything lighter than 50 lb test, since I would never use anything less than 10lb on a casting reel for mono...I have found that Power pro Plus, Samurai, Suffix 832 is still a bit rough, but in 50-65 I like it....Suffix has a new y6 braid out that is thicker so 30lb is similar to 10lb in diameter...I just spooled up some 40lb which I belive is 12lb for my round baitcasting reel, and it casted like a boss.....And that line is also less expensive than the 8 strand spectras..
    I also find if I use Tuff Line Xp it will not give me issuesf and that is a 4 stand that is soft and not too expensive..I can't use Power Pro on Casting Reels, it is to stiff, however I like it for flipping so I only use 20 yards of 65 on tourney day. I like how it cuts weeds since it is wound so tight it is almost like wire....
    I went through 7-8 boxes of Berkley Crystal Superlines which are meant for spinning gear, power pro, WInd Tamer, Stren...all in the 20-30lb range, and all were a nightmare on my casting set ups...I upped to 10lb minimum diameter with softer braid....BLue Power Pro Plus 50 and 65, and also new suffix y6 is really good and I just tried it and actually prefer it to 832 for casting reels...Now I love Crystal, 832, and PP on spinning gear, but I bet that helps your problems.....I have friends who can use 30, but I notice they are more gentle than I am, so a good amount of the people I fish with only go 10lb or 12lb preferably...Hope that helps...I bet it will....and who cares if it is overkill, Bass never minded 10-15lb Trilene BIg Game...
  3. primetime's post in Glow In The Dark Soft Plastics? was marked as the answer   
    I only have had success with glow baits in saltwater for Trout, Reds,snook...Glow is actually a good color and often is best either deep or in stained water. I have never tried them in for Bass. I used a grub as a trailer on a spinnerbait when fishing was slow, so not sure how they would work, but our of all the baits we sell at our soft bait bar, glow is first to sell out always. People love to buy them, I hear Crappie will get fired up for some glow grubs at times, I would rather throw Lime or chartruese if I need some bright colors, or think I do....
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