For Zara Spooks....I use pretty much all models from the smallest one, one knocker, chuggin, saltwater etc...
Favorite colors are Bone, Clear, Sexy Shad with orange belly, Red head white body, black shore? (White markings on black body) and chart/White, Chart/Black. Also have a chrome/black I like as well. Firetiger patterns as well....
Also go for the baby bass color for all size torpedo's, still one of my favorite topwaters in Florida as it casts better than a devils horse and like the sizes & profile, feel they are rarely thrown. Clear and think I have a rainbow trout pattern I throw alot. Most paint is gone.
Only other heddon Lures I have in my box are the Spittin Image topwater walking bait and poppin image, swimin' image shallow crank and all are in same shad pattern, really old, never throw em anymore but should cause they catch fish...
Of course, A black jitterbug as well....Don't believe I have any Hula Poppers or other Heddon Lures.