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About primetime

  • Birthday 12/25/1975

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • My PB
    Between 10-11 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Tarpon, Hillsborough River, Tampa and Land O Lakes, Lakeland nameless lakes and ponds, public parks....Keystone lakes.
  • Other Interests
    Football, Basketball, MMA, Boxing, Wrestling-The real type, Buying Fishing Lures to collect..Some say it is hoarding but they are clearly wrong...Love to explore backwater areas, managing a few ponds to grow Trophy Bass. Documentaries and reading books about History to Fishing...

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  • About Me
    Spend alot of my free time working on creating a few Trophy Bass Ponds, never knew how hard it is to grow large Bass and how many factors matter.  I am the guy who is always experimenting and messing with every lure or bait to see if it makes a different. I want to figure out "Why". If Junebug is working, then I try Junebug Red Flake to see what happens. After 30+ years, I have no clue what makes a difference. I only know one thing for sure...There are no absolutes in fishing.

    I love fishing with new people, especially someone who is much more skilled than I am, especially if they are willing to help me learn. Some of the best Bass Angler's I have met fish with the most basic rods and reels you could think of, and maybe carry $100 worth of tackle. They also have patience and can focus from 6 AM to 3PM on every cast, every second. I have a hard time not changing baits every 15 minutes even when catching fish. If something is working good, then how can I make it better which of course is not logical thinking but fishing is for fun right?

    Alway's listen to anyone willing to give you advice. Often times the Older Man with the Cain Pole knows more about the lake you are fishing than anyone else.....

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Big 'un (7/9)




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