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Everything posted by motobrad14

  1. Hey was wondering if any of you experts knew anything about this old fly rod i have... Heres what i know about it... Garcia Conolon Length 8'8" # of Guides:6 Dark Green #26861 No stars or any other markings 2 piece hollow glass pole cork handle Hopefully someone on here will let me know possibly a $$ amount... I had it on craigslist for $40 and people call me everyday. I'm just not sure I want to sell the Old rod. Its pretty neat. Thanks for looking Gents and Ladies...
  2. One more thing, I know daylight, Water Visability, and many other factors contribute to which color tube to pick... Is there a particular color that you reccomend for this area? Ive went out at night with spotlights to try to see crawfish so that I can match my bait color and size, but haven't seen much. Thanks much!!
  3. I was hoping to hear form you glenn, I know your a local and probably have this area figured out! I will definatetly take that advice and buy some, I'm actually getting ready to leave now for Dalton Lake so my girlfriend can catch a few trout. I will keep trying on the Yakima, And after reading " Fishing Tips with Hank Parker" I think I jumped the gun too soon on the Yakima. They should be heading up the river right to me. I will post a report after I try out those tubes. Thank you very much for responding. Brad
  4. Went under the 240 hwy bridge near richland this morning (7-10AM) and caught two large smallmouth. Just have been throwing a Blue Fox #3 silver/silver and doing pretty good. Im just struggling with catching them in high volumes. I fished this exact spot every day at the same time for the past week but I'm only catching a fish or two a day. I can't help that think I'm just getting lucky or maybe landing them while waiting for food or crawfish to float on down the river. River is 50'-75' wide steady flowing, some vegatation, mostly rocky with rocky shores, deepest I've waded into was to 5',9" Water temp today was 59 degrees. Does anyone have any insight on this river? or possibly how or why I'm only catching one or two a day. Ive tried watermelon, black, red, and orange crawfish, floating rapalas, crankbaits, jerkbaits, tubes, senkos, spinnerbaits (3") I have been fishing everyday like this in numerous spots in my area on the river, and this is the only place im catching fish. I've been reading books on habits of bass, bass fishing on rivers, and tackle for the rivers and am coming up short. Am I missing something?
  5. Tri Cities here... anyone want to teach a newbie how to steelhead fish? haha from shore? Been doing pretty good on the yak for smallies with a popper and fly-pole. Just fished Naneum Lake near Ellensburg with caddis flys and got a few nice cutthroat!!
  6. Hi everyone, new to the forum, have been using it for tips and tricks. Decided that I would join in hopes that I can maybe get some help with fishing areas in the Tri Cities WA area. Bit about me, Civil Engineering student at WSU 2nd year in the program in Richland Bass fished about ten years. orignally from Moses Lake, spent the Ten years fishing potholes and Mardon Area I am 22 years old I fish every single day rain, snow, wind, or shine just quit my job so I can have weekends to chase pigs and gobblers Looking for fishing buddies, tips, tricks, areas to fish near me. I pay my half of gas, food and tackle and willing to clean youre boat (since I dont have one) to go fishing.
  7. motobrad14


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