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Everything posted by MrBassAckwards

  1. Hello anglers from all over, i am brand new to this forum! As I have spent hours and hours reading, and watching videos. I have learned to much and am very anxious to try out my newly learned tips, i am from western kentucky. I can tell you if i find a hobby i love, like fishing, i am not afraid to dump the money into, i am 25 and will be purchasing a new bass boat soon. im wanting to get serious about my fishing because it is what i enjoy most in life. I have a feeling this forum is gonna be my new home, as i have my phone and PC homepaged to this when i sign on. I look forward to talking and sharing experiences and maybe getting to know a few people. Feel free to correct me if I do anything wrong or are in the wrong. Thank you, and have fun!
  2. http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/616658_4346178533648_726806987_o.jpg nothing fancy here, just a pro max, I like as i plan on getting more and more and more...
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