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  1. kickerfish1's post in Maximizing Tw Bait Monkey Offering was marked as the answer   
    It is hard to beat TW for your one stop shoping simply put the inventory, price, color options are as great and diverse as one can find. They only have 20% off for their BF sale. All other sales are either 10-15% off. From my understanding you can buy a gift card and then use it later for one of their sales. That should give you about 20-25% off so it should be as good or better than what you have now. Perhaps their policy has changed on redeeming gift cards around the holidays but it should still work from my understanding.
    Are you looking on getting anything particular or just sort of restocking on a wide range of items?
  2. kickerfish1's post in Which Casts Further was marked as the answer   
    As others have noted it is a 4 part equation for casting distance with either spinning or baitcasting. Rod + Reel + Line + Lure. All 4 of these must be in sync to get maximum distance.
    Having your reels professionally cleaned and oiled/lubed is a great start. Upgrading the spool bearings and supertuning only will help with distance. The only drawback is that a trained thumb is required to help add additional breaking to the point of making the upgrades worth it over a stock reel.
    I would say about 90% of the time my casting reels are launching baits further than my spinning rigs. I have a few casting reels that have been upgraded to just about the max and the casting distance is just unreal.
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