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Everything posted by kickerfish1

  1. Nice, that should get the "Goose52" highest level of approval rating! Rod in use - Check Reel in use and spooled with line - Check Fish slime - Check
  2. Wow, that is crazy John G. I have the 6.8:1 years from the pixy type r in mine and it is scary smooth. Palming, retrive quality, and light bait casting is the only reasons I have mine still plus it just looks cool. I just don't care for the somewhat finicky nature of the reel with flourocarbon. It handles better with braid but I just don't like trying to break off snags even with a leader. Would love to get an SV spool for it and see where that gets me. Member Tim S is a huge Alphas fan. If he doesnt see this maybe send him a PM. He has a great knowledge base of the Alphas and each of the models. He is also a huge fan of the SV as well.
  3. All of mine are rigged for fishing. None of them are man cave decorations that just sit. I really use a mix of technique specific gear and a few all around outfits. I do a combination of fishing so I tend to rig them for different scenarios. When I am at the helm of the boat I may take 10. If I am in the back I may only have 3-5. Fishing out of a yak I take one or two. Bank fishing smaller bodies of water I take 2-4. Occasionally I will get an invite to fish a private lake out of a ski boat. In this case I take 2 or 3. All of may reels get fished and most covered with reel covers to minimize wear and tear.
  4. The Alphas SV can be bought and shipped for about $200, maybe a bit less. Frankly this maybe the best performing and user friendly Alphas of all. Unless you need a certain color scheme of more bling the Alphas SV would be your best bet. Here is a custom painted and tuned Alphas 103, the once "purple" colored model. It can be finicky with Flourocarbon at times especially into a head wind.
  5. Thehookuptackle has a 20% off sale. Call them to see what they can do pricing wise.
  6. Where are you fishing, the equator?
  7. Sounds good. May sell off some gear to make room for one. Finances have been lacking this year do to health care problems. Thanks for the feedback RippinLips
  8. 1. Just other low profile reels around the same price point. Say previous Gen Alphas 103 or Shimano 50 series reels. Whatever you may have experience with.
  9. Not trying to derail the thread but I have a few if I can... 1. Casting distance as good as other low profile reels? 2. Is the stock spool compatible with older Alphas 103 reels?
  10. This, every day of the week and twice on Sundays.
  11. I would find a classic gently used Loomis GLX. They can be had for under $300. I would also second the *** or Orichi XX rods.
  12. Most of my smallmouth fishing ranges from 6-8# line on spinning gear to 12# on casting. Mono will give the most versatility.
  13. As with most things, there are more than a few variables that come into play to affect casting distance. First there is some aspect of user ability and experience. Next consider wind conditions. You also have to to look at the weight of the bait and how aerodynamic it is. Plus you have the big three which are rod, reel, and line. Lastly consdier the bearings and brake settings. All of these factor into what type of distsnce can be attained by the user. I don't have either rod or reel you are using to measure distance so I can't speak to what I maybe able to get. Also consider that most fib when gauging distance. Unless you have a football field with yard markers or the ability to measure distsnce in yards you probably aren't getting a realistic measure of distance. This video really helps explain how to get more distance:
  14. I checked with Mike a few years ago and he said he wasn't comfortable tying hair jigs. Perhaps things have changed since. I know it more costly and more time consuming.
  15. The best price I have found the Stradic FJ for was $115 shipped. For that price I couldn't pass on a 2nd
  16. It just looks mean!
  17. Personally for me I fish braid for Frogs Arigs, and some topwater baits. I like mono for cranks baits, topwaters, and jerkbaits. Floro for about everything else like weightless plastics, Texas rigs, Carolina rigs, jigs, Dropshots, shakeyhead, and small swimbaits.
  18. I have this problem on a previous generation Sahara. I would love to know what the problem and fix is as well. Same problem at times when I go to engage the handle it sticks or feel like it is locked in place. May be a simple internal fix. Never had this problem on my other Shimano Spinning reels.
  19. Buzzed bait, Have you used the plug jacket covers prior to your order? Any feedback as far as how the hold up with regular use? I was reading some reviews on the Rod Glove brand and there seems to be lots of complaints about the red bleeding through. I have a few of BPS lure wraps and like them for the most part. Looking to add some more in the future ...
  20. There isn't going to be a better line than Tatsu. I use 6# typically so I can toss the really light stuff too. I also use 8# sniper. Both are great. I back the reel with a little mono to help on line savings cost.
  21. Both are stand up guys and great to have around here for their service and expertise!
  22. It would probably depend upon the time of year, wind conditions, water clarity, and body of water. If I was going in blind had to pick 5 of my outfits to bring I would probably choose: Casting: 1. NRX 873/TDZ 2. Megabass EMTF/Scorpion 3. Dobyns 705cb glass/Citica 200E Spinning: 4. Cumara Gen 1 Drop shot rod/Stradic FJ 5. Fenwick Elite Tech/Stradic FJ This would cover most all apps I would need. I would feel more comfortable with 8-10 but I could scrape by blindly with these 5.
  23. Megabass X-pod it can pretty much be morphed into doing whatever and everything in between.
  24. Maybe I lucked out a bit my standard Tat on a Gen1 Cumara is a very far casting jig setup. Looks pretty stealthy too!
  25. If you sell a Sahara you would be lucky to get $60 shipped. The money gained would only buy you one president unless you were buying them used. The president is one of the best budget spinning reels out there. I would say you would probably be best adding a president to the Sahara. Fish both for a while and see which you prefer. I have a very small president that has caught me lots of freshwater gamefish and it still works just fine. Shimano shines from the Saros on up from my own findings. I have a Sedona, Sahara, Symetre, Saros, and a handful of Stradic models.
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