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Everything posted by kickerfish1

  1. They are my favorite jerkbaits. I usually buy them used or from a few places for less when there are sales. The 100sp also casts quite well.
  2. Thank you. I am going back and forth on several rods to pair with an Alphas SV. I don't want a true BFS for but something that is versatile for lighter baits in the 1/8 to 3/8 is range. Considering a 2 powered NRX like the 802 or 842. I am early in the rod hunting process so I have some time...
  3. Well done on those John! Ever tried the Poison Ultima?
  4. There are probably a few pictures Keitech 3.8 inch fat impact Keitech 4 inch swing impact GY swim senko with a portion of the head/body cut down some RI dipper and skinny dipper The ribbed ones you are referring to are the Keitechs.
  5. Everything looks sharp Matt! Well done sir.
  6. Outstanding! Well deserved, you have been putting in your time.
  7. Nice post! I agree 100%
  8. I think you have gone through more frog rods in a week than I have in my lifetime.
  9. Reels are marketed to different price points and markets. I am not sure Daiwa is better than Shimano. Is there a better round reel than the conquest? How about Shimano and their DC line of reels. The Exscence DC can be cast without thumbing the reel. Can any other reel do that? I am not touting Daiwa or Shimano being better than the other but they seem to offer reels that appeal to the budget angler and enthusiast alike. I fish 50/50 Daiwa and Shimano. Lews tends to appeal to the low to mid level market but lacks high end and enthusiast level reels. Abu makes nice round reels but their Gen 3 reels are failing in both sales and performance. Get in where you fit in. I have weeded through dozens of reels to find what I like for what I plan to use it for. Fish what you like and fish what you can afford. There aren't any right or wrong choices but rather options that fit your preference and budget.
  10. I have moved to 7.0:1 + reels for deep water jit fishing. For taking up the slack while fishing deep I have been able to increase my hook setting percentage a bit.
  11. Picture is kind of blurry... must be a sasquatch in the background.
  12. I find it lazy and unecssary to boat flip fish. If you are made of money or have a rod sponsor by all means have at it. It is not worth compromising a nice rod. Lip the fish, net it, or even grab the line and lift it that way. At the end of the day it is your gear so do as you wish.
  13. For about $190 you could buy an Alphas SV from Japan. Having used the reels you mentioned their isn't a comparison. Sure it is slightly out of your price range but far and away a better reel than a Revo or Less. There are many other reels I would consider before those you mentioned as well. A Curao I and Tatula would be up there. Many good lightly used options as well. Off of shear casting distsnce and ease of use, their is no comparison to the Alphas SV IMO. Also given the fact that it is light and very user friendly. The Tatula and Curado I are heavier and bigger frame reels, but offer good performance for less.
  14. Currently an Exscence DC I bought has me intrigued quite a bit. The breaking is simply the best I have used. Strongly considering adding a another. A close second would be the TDZ 100m and Alphas SV. For rods either an NRX 873 CRR, the original black Cumara rods or a K2. Every outfit I have is my favorite. If it wasn't something I like it would have been sold. Currently I am tweaking things a bit but come this winter I will layout a detailed post of my arsenal and what I use each for.
  15. Wire has zero impact on silicone skirt damage if done correctly.
  16. I like 22 or 24 gauge floral wire for silicone or rubber skirt material. You can find it at your local craft store for just a few bucks.
  17. Probably 90% of what I buy from my jig guys are hand tied. If I assemble them myself it will be a collar style though I may wire tie them as a winter project. As a side note wire tie should be no more than $.50 extra per jig. If you buy from Siebert Mike gives you a wire or collar option.
  18. Here is what became of the jigs I assembled pictured several posts above. Matching trailers for everyone. Hoping for a strong jig bite again this fall!
  19. I would say close to 15 - 40 per rod for reasons that rippinlips states. Just shipped a rod about 4 hours away and cost $26 for a 7'1 rod.
  20. Thank you! I have about another 30 to make. I will try to remember to get some better photos up when I do.
  21. Just a few jigs... Decided to buy some heads and skirts separately from a few of my favorite places. The end result is about every color combination out there. Those that only fish 3 colors of jigs need not look!
  22. One of the best and most sought after topwater baits on the market with a cult like following. When supplies ran out in the US these baits would sell for nearly double what their worth sometimes more.
  23. Looks sharp!
  24. Yep, this will work just fine. Just used this over the weekend.
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