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Everything posted by kickerfish1

  1. If you like St Croix, the next logical step would be the Avid or Avid X. Hammer rods are very nice too if you like microguides and winn grips. My personal pick would be the ALX Zolo B series. Retailers like TW will have them right at your price range or touch more but when on a sale for 10-20% off you can get them well within your range.
  2. Thanks for the feedback. I bought one when they ran a 50% off sale. Other than fishing perhaps a bit lighter than you like do you feel they are good performers?
  3. Outside of fishing trips/vacations maybe once a week. Depends on time of year and my schedule. Usually no fewer than 2x per month.
  4. NRX 852s arrived over the weekend. Paired with a Stradic CI4+. Feels like finesse heaven!
  5. A gift card would get my vote too. Probably Tacklewarhouse (largest fishing operation) or TheTackleTrap(Largest niche high end tackle dealer IMO plus lots of sales/specials too). If you really want to knock his shorts off buy him a Megabass rod and reel.
  6. Not sure what you mean by a bail as that is not something found on a casting reel. It may be something to do with the levelwind. You should send the reel to a tech familiar with that model. They can get it fixed up right for you.
  7. Do you have a builder in mind? That would be step one. Next you need to have a budget for your build. What are you looking to spend? Have you bad other custom rods built so you know what to expect from a cost standpoint? Unless you are willing to shell out $300 you won't be able to accomplish everything you listed including the incredibly senstive part unless you find a blank on sale or have some sort of hook up on the labor portion of the build. Do you have a preference for painted or unfinished or neutral color blanks? Any sort of brand loyalty...brands you like, dislike, etc? You can probably get 100s of recommendations from $50 blanks to those over $250.
  8. You probably are reeling them too quickly. I use almost a 3/8 oz exclusively (the ones that bluebasser makes) I like a 6:4 ratio but I have fished them on slower and faster reels as well. I will usually cast the bait out and start the retrieve when I feel like it is in the desired depth zone then start a pretty slow but steady retrieve. Every now and then I will rip them if I am around weeds. The other thing to keep in mind is what depth you are fishing in relation to the weight of the bladed jig. With a 3/8 oz I would be comfortable fishing the various portions of the water column down to about 8 or 10 FOW max. Anything more and I am bumping up 1/2 oz or more. The trailer will also add weight (usually another 1/4 or 3/8 oz) so those 3/8 oz chatterbaits get to 1/2 oz plus pretty quickly. Not a lot of action really needed from the user. The head of the chatterbait creates plenty of vibration plus wobbles the bait back and fourth. The skirt will add movement and flash while the trailer (something like a paddletail) will add both bulk and side to side movement as well as more action.
  9. Same as I do during the rest of the year. Water clarity dictates color choice. The only thing that is different in my jig selection come October/November, just before ice out is my trailer choices and jig material choice. 1. For jig trailers I usually opt for bulk and less action. More of the beaver style and less action style like Rage. 2. For jig material I opt for more hair and living rubber mop style. Since I am fishing much slower I want the jig to have very subtle movement and flair while at rest.
  10. There is a lake that is not too far from me that is private with the exception of one public dock. Several years ago I was fishing late into November using a jerkbait. Felt the light get slightly heave only to find that I had some how managed to catch a LC Pointer 120. Had it snagged somehow. Bait still had usable hooks and was in decent shape. Ended up tying it on that day and catching 2 fish on it.
  11. Anyone here build on the 6'10 mag light IM drop shot blank? Thoughts or feedback whether it be good or bad? Have one on the way for a custom build that I am going to use for a finesse casting rod winter project.
  12. 6 or 8# Invisix or Sniper. No braid with a leader garbage.
  13. Budget and weight or lures would help? Tat CT, Tat SV, SV105 or SV 103. All are worth the price of admissoon and easy to cast.
  14. God may have blessed you with those bass, but pike are the devil! Nice work
  15. Those are little pieces of smallie candy. I fish them on some ned heads I bought from a member of this site.
  16. Nebraska...home of the Cornhuskers...guess I am in a cornfield somewhere.
  17. I don't ever catch fish so no one ever asks me. If is share things with others it is usually situational. So with people I know I will give them more specifics. With complete strangers it always depends. Years back I was fishing a really tiny lake. Seen a mom with her boys out fishing(dad probably at work). They were friendly and polite but weren't catching much. I gave them some baits and terminal tackle and explained what they could try and where. They thanked me. Always enjoy helping/teaching when I can. It is also good to see kids outside and doing something other than being glued to a TV, video game, phone, or computer.
  18. I guess the term "high end" would have to be defined in some way that all of us could agree on it first. Someone may think high ends is anything over $200, another might think something over $300, someone might say only $500+ and there are a few that may think only high end if it is rare, collectable, limited run, special color plus some sort of magical price point. Personally I think anything under $50 is pretty much a disposable reel in the same sense someone would buy a disposable razor to shave with. Just something to use to get by but thinking is not precision or long term with all the plastic in the construction. Around $100 and you are in everyone's favorite price point for the budget stuff. Usually the reels are built much better and things are significantly noticeable from the $50ish reels. Jump to $200 and you are getting into the good stuff. Sort of like the Honda Accords and Toyota Camrys. You get the reliability, quality construction and a few more bells and whistles. Jump to $300 and you usually are starting to see things like special spools, magnesium frames, higher quality bearings, sometimes longer or CF handles. Clear the $300 mark and the improvements are less noticeable. Usually a bit lighter, sometimes a more sophisticated breaking system, perhaps a fancy paint job. When you get into the rare reels you are mainly paying for the collectability and condition of it. Some things were only produced for a year or two, some came with collectors pins, some are nearly impossibly to find used in about any condition nowadays. I wouldn't want to be the one to tell you what you should buy. However I do thing something JDM would be a good place to start. The one thing people don't always realize is that by buying a JDM version of a reel it can only be less expensive. Take the US Metanium MGL vs the JDM Metanium MGL. The other thing I would ask myself is what do I truly want my high end reel to do that my current reels don't? Do I want it to be lighter? Do I want it to be a reel known to be able to cast for distance? Am I wanting something that many would consider as smooth as a baby's bottom? Am I wanting something rare or limited? Here are 4 $300 retail Shimano reels that I currently own and use and a brief run down on them 1. Chronarch D7 - It casts easily with minimal effort, when you really get on it the casting distance is very incredible yet controlled, and when you reel any bait or are reeling a fish in it is just as smooth under load as it is without. 2. Core 50mg7 - This reel is pretty tiny and compact yet the magnesium frame feels super solid. It casts everything great from lighter plastics and jigs to jerkbaits and small/medium cranks. 3. Metanium MGL - The breaking system is incredible and casting distance is as good as you can imagine and as good as your thumb will allow. The external adjustment really helps fine tune it more than the Curado I IMO. 4. Exscence DC (older model) - Pretty much the wow factor Masterbait'r was talking about. Yes DC reels are a bit heavier due to the digital system they utilize. This reel is super powerful and super smooth and the casting distance is as good as any of the other reels I listed above maybe a touch more. One cool thing about the reel is the clicking drag. No, I am not talking about the drag start clicking which it does but rather when a fish of decent size pulls drag you will here it click. The other cool feature about the reel is the night mode setting? Ever been fishing before when it was so dark you couldn't see when your bait was going to touch down? Well with this setting you can cast 100% without your thumb and not have to worry about one small over run of line. Perfect for a new angler starting out or a kid that is getting started. I am sure more could be written and said. Is it worth it? Who knows as that is up to you and everyone else to decide. It would be hard to sit here and tell you something higher end will help you become a better angler, catch more fish, or be something that you can feel and see the "difference" in. At the same time there is always those folks that go cheap on everything, even when they can afford yet are always having equipment related problems. Best advice with whatever you piece you decide to buy is to one shop around whether buying new or used. And also make certain you keep the reel in a reel cover when not in use should you decide you don't like it you can sell it for a much smaller loss than if you use it and it takes a beating on the exterior. For example I have seen mint Chronarch D reels go for $300ish in near mint condition while reels with marks, scratches, and dings sell for around $200. Talking $100 difference due to the exterior condition of the reel. Also keep your reel, box, papers, and add'l items that may have came with the reel as they will only add to the value and appeal to more buyers as well. Hopefully that helps. Sorry for the ramblings...
  19. Yes, the ones that travel in schools learn to read. They have been warned not to bite anything that says Lucky Craft or Megabass.
  20. Buy used. Take a look at a Pixy variant, Alphas SV or Air or various Daiwa or Shimano reels that can accept or already have a smaller BFS spool. The Phoenix Recon ML and Light rods are good budge choices as are Majorcraft rods.
  21. I think it is too close to call for the US reels. Now if it were JDM I would give the slight edge to Daiwa.
  22. The handle should be a direct swap without any altering.
  23. Had to see what the fuss was on the Chronarch D series. I must say, it lives up to the hype and then some.
  24. Just ordered a NRX 852 spinning rod. Also got a Tatula 6:3 to use a workhorse reel/beater.
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