One of the things that jumped out to me was the part where you mention getting discouraged after not getting anything on first 3 casts. 99% of my outings I am not getting bit with that kind of frequency. Here is an example. Last weekend a buddy and I went to a lake that is know to have some quality fish in and a good amount of numbers as well. We got there about 6:35 am and fished until about 8:15. We tossed frogs, weightless plastics, texas rigs, swim jigs, and regular jigs due to entire lake being heavily weed choked. I had 1 bite and my buddy had 1 fish come off half way to the boat. We probably made over 100 casts a piece for 1 bite each. Went to another lake that is more of a dink lake. We fished for a 1.5 hours and he caught 3 and I caught 4 with a few more lost fish and bites as well. Fishing the same kinds of baits we were able to find more willing fish at lake 2 plus better water clarity. The point is that sometimes it takes dozens of casts before you get bit. It could be something as basic as color, location, retrieve type and speed or just one lake fishing better than another. I would consider trying other lakes, other locations that are shoreline accessible on the lake, and varying up a few things. The key piece is location. If you are not where the fish are, it won't matter what you throw. FWIW are lakes here are small and highly pressured. I would put the difficulty and fishing pressure up there with any in the country on per acre basis.