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Everything posted by kickerfish1

  1. Bearing quality and placement is all that matters then you can look more at numbers.
  2. They Cuardo I and MGL aren't even in the same league. The MGL will blow the Curado clean out of the water in every category IMO. The external break dial on the Curado 200i offers very little change or input to the breaking profile while the MGL's external adjustment makes a much more noticeable difference. I can tame my MGL down by engaging 3 of the 4 internal brakes and it will still crush about every reel for casting distance especially into a wind and never a backlash on that setting. The Curado 200i is a solid reel but the MGL has a redesigned infinity system that is better than what is on the Chronarch. If I was deciding on a new Shimano reel it would be between the Curado 70 and the MGL.
  3. When santa brings you those dreaded Shimano reels you can just send them all to me Jeff!
  4. They are both poor to fair rod manufacturers IMO. I would opt for another brand or something on sale. I would pick a house brand rod like BPS, Scheels, Cabelas, or Academy over it. With a house brand rod you have a nice over the counter no questions asked warranty in play a lot of times.
  5. Worst case scenario you buy it and leave it in the box and sell it later when they are not discounted or discontinued like some guys do. I am sure you could get $200+ all day long.
  6. Xcalibur One Knockers, Pre Rapala Wiggle warts, and original Zell Pop-rs
  7. Got an order into Keitech USA - Never heard of a place offering those baits for 40% off - Order placed Northstar Custom Baits - 25% off and free shipping over $50.
  8. Fished maybe 25 on the high side. How many left would be a whopping zero.
  9. Medium spinning or a medium/ML casting would be ideal.
  10. When you have 20 casting rod combos and 10 spinning rod combos narrowing it down to a favorite is like picking your favorite kid. Everything that I own I like and consider it a favorite. If I buy something and done like it gets sold, traded, or given away. Most of my combos are technique specific with a few all around outfits sprinkled in. Some I like because they throw lighter weights better, some are better into a stiff wind, and some are flat out fun use.
  11. If you buy a quality jig from a good manufacturer all the prep work should be done. I don't really ever do anything to the jig just add a trailer of my choosing, tie it on, and get to fishing. Trimming but not thinning out a weedguard only makes it stiffer and less bendable. I don't know why anyone would do that. You can trim the skirt in a way that gives it more of a textured look or to shorten the length but rarely will I ever need this.
  12. They are all fairly similar and I tend to not have a favorite. RI Beaver, SK rodents, SK Rage bug, Pitt Boss. Uggly Otters, Yamamoto Kreature, and Keitech Crazy flapper. The difference are available sizes, colors, actions, and some have scent and others do not. Cant say that I favor one over the other but they all see regular use as Texas rigged baits and as jig trailers. Some last longer and don't rip as easy.
  13. I would have a hard time ever parting with my 16 Meg MGL XG. IMO it is one of the finesse low profile, light weight bait casters I have ever used. I think Shimano really mad this reel a great performer and very user friendly with the ability to open up the reels performance with users with a trained thumb as well.
  14. Cant comment on the casting rods or the newer version of the rods. But the Green/Moss colored blank spinning rods, are probably some of the best rods I have ever fished. I would put them up against any sub $200 rod.
  15. Stock up while you can! Mike is the best forum sponsor here and his jigs and products are top notch!
  16. Meh, I will wait and see when they come out and people use them for a bit. Not a must have for me especially the rods.
  17. Title should read "Daiwa and Shimano" ... The only 2 brands of reels you will ever need.
  18. Should be a perfect fit. I have the SV105 and that spool into a customized Alphas.
  19. I would get the Alphas SV 105. A finesse casting reel that can do far more.
  20. Those are some really nice Shimano reels in your collection. Any Core purchased for under $100 is an absolute steal given they were $369 full retail. I would have bought all of them. I wouldn't worry a bit about the fact that the grease and oil were sitting on the reel for years since the shop couldn't move them. They were probably stored indoors and not sitting in the cold or extreme heat. There would be no need to send them in or take them apart unless you feel like something is off or the casting distance is lacking. And flushing the bearings is pretty simple process if casting distance is your concern. You just need some time and a few products and you are set.
  21. I toss a black fluke year round while fishing shallow. If I need something on the bottom I am using a Texas rigged beaver or creature bait.
  22. What did you pay for them? They feature a very user friendly and often loved breaking system of Shimano called VBS. The Metanium MGL and the prior 13 Metanium are your likely replacements since the reel was discontinued and they feature many of Shimanos newest features . You may wish to purchase one to compare it to your Cores but I am guessing the Metanium will be more $. I still have my original Core 50mg7. I have no reason to sell it. It casts great, is smooth, reliable, and even lighter than the Metanium MGL I have. Both are among my favorite reels. If you need the higher IPT and want to beef up your drag, $38 isn't too bad to pay for those upgrades. If I had the cash I would do it for several reasons. 1 you can see if you feel the upgrades are worth it. 2. You now have an extra a set of gears on hand for a discontinued reel. Parts will be harder to come by years from now.
  23. Trade it for a Daiwa
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