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Everything posted by kickerfish1

  1. Nice work Blue and Garnder! Looks like a good time had by friends.
  2. I agree, unless there is an eagle eye among us I am not sure many will be able to identify those baits yet alone try to tell you which one is which. It would be like barking out battleship commands...E-1 ...miss! Post groups of 3-5 baits in a nice row and maybe even number them. Folks can guess the bait based on number and then you will have some sort of idea what you have and if you are lucky some kind soul could help you figure out what they are worth should you be looking to sell them.
  3. Even fished the bait on private lake that produced over 50 fish in a half day and I couldn't get one fish to take the Booyah. Maybe just bad luck...
  4. Thanks, for the extra digging. I dont do Facebook so I couldn't see everything. A bulk pricing special sounds like a good place to start a jig collection.
  5. I have yet to catch a fish on the Booyah version.
  6. They look nice. If I am reading the Facebook link correctly they want $6 a jig? While nice looking they aren't worth that much to me. I would stick to Siebert for nearly half the cost.
  7. For your clear to stained waters I find it hard to beat a green pumpkin or watermelon. Sometimes a variation that features one of the above colors plus a secondary accent color... for example like Okeechobee craw, bamabug, or something with a touch of orange or chartreuse.
  8. I have it as a main line on probably over 20 reels, also use a lot of mono/copoly. I have braid on 2 outfits. I am glad we have options for line. Not every line is ideal for every situation, person or reel/breaking stystem.
  9. I haven't had to do any additional maintenance or oiling to my reel but follow Maico's advice if you do. Also if you have tried everything else I would say spool it up with new line and slightly underfill it. If that doesn't solve the issue send it to a shop for service and inspection. I have mine spooled with 12# Sunline mono and have never had an issue casting nor a backlash and my tension knob is set pretty lose. Another thing to keep in mind with running your spool tension knob tight like that is that the pads that rest inside the cap can wear prematurely resulting in less and less and even eventually no tension. When you press down on the thumb bar to disengage the spool does your bait drop like a rock or does it not even drop at all with the tension knob set that tight?
  10. Open up the side plate and check your settings. You can run that reel with 1 break off and the others on. Under the reel you have 6 setting on the dial. Start somewhere near the high end. Set your tension knob in a setting that doesn't allow any side to side play. So in summary there are 3 pieces that can be adjusted for this reel. I have never backlashed mine and I use mono on it and cast wind resistant baits like spinnerbaits and jigs. You can move the dial on the outside down to say 1 or so when you feel like things are going better.
  11. I am sure you can do a few upgrades to the reel but I have been more than pleased with reel out of the box fished bone stock. Have used it for a good 10+ hours and it has caught SMB, LMB, and some wipers and handled them like a champ. I scored mine for a good price from American Legacy. Maybe just try it as is before spending add'l $ on it. That is what I do with every reel so I can try to see if the upgrades or changes made were worth it and noticeable.
  12. Always enjoy the vids, pics, and reports. Congrats Blue!
  13. Hmm... a true finesse jig...something I don't have many of. May have to get me some of this smallmouth candy! Looks good Blue
  14. Congrats on the PB wiper Blue! I too caught a PB wiper in the past week as well.
  15. Not sure on the rod maybe something on the shorter side but my reel would have letters SV stamped on it somewhere.
  16. I agree, the best trailer = no trailer.
  17. For the northern/bullet/finesse style I use 1/4 to 3/8. I prefer the lighter wire hooks. When using the Cali/poison tail style I use 3/8 and 1/2 oz and prefer larger and more stout hooks like a Mustad Ultra point or bigger Gammy.
  18. You spent $3. Event if it is junk you are out $3. I don't see what the fuss is. Most hardbaits are more than this and are easily snagged or bit of by fish with teeth.
  19. Keep posting! We almost have the Internet broken!
  20. Couldn't let Ripp'n buy all the SV 103s. Got one while the getting was good.
  21. See if you can talk them done some. I might pay $175 if I was in love with the reel and the breaking system. I remember buying mine for $140 new. I am sure for the collectors and buyers/flippers the reel could bring over $200 to the right buyer.
  22. Most of the lake is developed. Cabins/houses/ and most of the land is private or belongs to the resorts there. Sure there are boat lunches that are public and few areas a guy might be able to fish from the shore. There is a bridge/rip rap area in front of one the resorts that leads into one of the other lakes ... I cant recall which but I think it is Upper Gar.
  23. You will want the 894. There are a few others that will work but not quite as well.
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