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Everything posted by kickerfish1

  1. Excellent work and welcome!
  2. It makes it collectable, adds more value and a sense of completeness. This comes into play more on the high end or rare reels where the collectors are looking for the entire package. No different than say any other collectable piece... Also some people want the schematics, warranty info, and oil and tools so they can do basic maintenance to the reel.
  3. Gen 1 Shimano Cumara ML 7'2 Gen 1 Shimano Cumara Med 7'2 XF Megabass Orochi XX shakeyhead rod Fenwick Elite Tech Smallmouth 6'9 ML Cabelas XML TI 6'9 medium DS All five rods range in price but the performance and action is there for what I need them do. All are paired with 2500 or equivalent size reels and 6-10# line.
  4. Super fluke weightless for sure. The smaller sizes are decent on a drop shot but far from my favorite.
  5. You do realize he is talking spinning reels right? At least that is how I took the title of the thread. Curious about the palmability comment...
  6. Megabass X-pod by a wide margin for open water. Spro frog for weeds and mats.
  7. I have fished a handful of good drop shot rods including the Megabass Orochi XX rod and still prefer my black Cumara 7'2 medium XF drop shot rod over everything else. I feel the way it casts the drop shot rigs, the way it allows one to work the bait delicately, and the ability to get a good hookset and keep the fish pinned has helped this rod stay a personal favorite. The 7'2 ML Cumara is decent but a bit too light and currently serves as a backup. I don't have any experience with Dobyns spinning rods but I would probably keep the Cumara for open water and lighter cover and snag a slightly more powerful rod of choosing for the slightly heavier cover and bigger drop shot weights and baits.
  8. Yes, the 1000 size would be a great finesse reel for bass. For some of the rods 6'9 and less I actually prefer it. The balance is quite good and overall weight makes it quite comfortable. 6 to 8 pound flourocarbon or mono equivalent is what I would use anything bigger I would move up a reel size due to the diameter.
  9. Volfan has pretty good advice. I may add or highlight a few things. First since you share the same class together start with topics like an up coming test or homework assignment. Ask her what she thought of it. If she found it easy just ask her how she approached it to get a good grade. From there you can ask her what she is studying or anything school related. After a few weeks go by I would see if she would be willing to be a study buddy for an upcoming test in that class and try to meet her at the library,student lounge, or a coffee shop. If she likes you as a friend or sees something more there chances are she will agree to it. Now that you have essentially isolated her away from the classroom setting you can do one of two things depending upon how things are going. You can continue being study buddies and classmates or possibly ask her out for something non school related. Before doing so it would help to know her interests. School sporting events, a concert, party, etc. At this point it will be up to you and her as to wether or not something is there for any future dates and possibly a relationship. You may find out you are or are not compatible once you get beyond looks. After you have had her out for a non school related date then tell her how beautiful she is but I wouldn't start perusing anyone this way unless you are at bar looking for a one night stand. Lastly outside of the voice possibly look into a gym membership or a home gym. It would relieve stress not to mention help reshape your body thus improving your confidence. Good luck and remember even if you don't get anywhere with her keep trying. It may not have anything to do with you and maybe she doesn't want or have time for a relationship. Oh and always be yourself.
  10. I would second invisix and sniper in the under $25 lines. Just back the reel with mono and you can do 2-3 reels. Shooter and tatsu if money isn't an issue. I have used all 4 for some time. The differences are there but I really like sniper and tatsu all things considered and am exclusively running those two lines for my flourocarbon outfits this year.
  11. He also offers 10% off to members just mention your screen name. And I would second Mike as a stand-up guy doing good work.
  12. You just lost the state record! In all reality given your location a bigger bass or possibly a big cat. I have hooked a few big cats while bass fishing that were good sized (10# class and bigger fish).
  13. I have been fishing the NRX 873 for about a year and really love the rod. It is a very good rod for both jigs and heavy Texas Rigs in addition to its designed use of Carolina Rigs. The rod is difficult to understand given its somewhat deceiving 3 power rating. However I was told by several trusted guys before I bought the rod that it is about a 4.5 powered rod on the Loomis scale. To be honest I rarely put a 3/4 oz jig on the rod but I do throw ALOT of 1/2 oz jigs plus larger trailers which will put the bait close to 3/4 oz total. It fishes them just fine. On the lighter side I have thrown Northstar 3/8 oz hair jigs with finesse trailers and they fished very well on there and casting distance was very good. I don't have any personal experience with the 894 though I would suspect it would be similar to the 873 CRR. I also don't own the DX745 though I have several other DX casting rods... 703 and 742 plus a Savvy 735. Get a rep sample NRX. Also the rod will likely blow the DX rods out of the water in casting distance and sensitivity... at least it did for me.
  14. Tho rodent is a decent weightless bait fished around shallow rock. It casts well too. Fall rate is similar to a knock off senko.
  15. The older MBR IMX rods are very solid and versatile rods. The older GLX rods are better than the newer rods IMO. The NRX is one of the best feel rods that are factory built. Buying used or rep sample is the way to go for the better Loomis rods.
  16. I am assuming that no bait was supposed to be live bait? I prefer soft plastics and a jig and plastic trailer if they are included. That would be my vote over hardbaits 99% of the time for numbers and size.
  17. I have 4 of the 50 sized variants. I use them for 90% of my fishing needs. During the labor day sales you can find one new for 160-170.
  18. I used to fish with a guy that was a hardcore tournament guy in Missouri that fished with a deck full of BPS Extremes and Tourney Specials. Yes, All his rods were under $80 and most were under $40. The guy fished 90% feel techniques. The one thing I took away from conversations with him was that all you need to be able to do is detect a bite with your gear. Granted he grew up fishing rods that were pretty inferior to what you see in todays market but he out fished me 9/10 times. Some say that catching is 90% angler and 10% gear. He was living proof to me of this theory. Learned a lot by fishing with him. I can see both sides of it... the under $100 rod guys and those fishing the $350 + rods. Get in where you can. If you need the additional weight savings and sensitivity and can afford than go for it. Like others have noted as you jump in price the performance increases but you also have the point of diminishing returns where the differences in performance are marginal.
  19. Daiwa Alphas ITO custom and modified to the max - Full upgrade - Most palmable and smoothest reel I have used Daiwa TDZ 100m US Trails - Again fully modified and custom - Casting distance is excellent for such a light reel without using a DC system or complex breaking system Shimano Core 50mg7 / Scorpion 1000XT - For all around usability they are among my favorites Shimano Chronarch 100SF - Casting distance was phenominal and the reel is smooth
  20. Jig - I can catch fish from ice out to ice up on them. Just alter the style, size, jig trailer, and color as conditions dictate. I have been known to occasionally load a deck of nothing but jig rods!
  21. The bait does not have to have any floating characteristics. The way a drop shot rig is set up will allow any bait to appear to suspend in the water column. I prefer baits that are finesse oriented that have life like movement when worked slow or even at rest. My top producers after trying dozens of baits are the following: Jackal I Shad Jackal cross tail shad Roboworm FX sculpin Roboworm 6 inch and 4 inch straight tail worm Keitech Sexy Impact Jackall Flick Shake rigged wacky style Strike King Dream Shot
  22. Do not buy the Megabass Orochi XX drop shot rod if you want versatility. The Shakey head rod in their lineup is an outstanding drop shot rod. It also doubles as a very good shakey head rod obviously, as well as smaller 3/8 oz jerkbaits, lighter split shot rigs, and flickshake rigs. A smaller tube or finesse jig around 1/4 oz would also fish very well on it. I don't like it for baits closer to 3/8 oz plus. It seams to cap right around 3/8 oz so keep that in mind. The sensitivity and fit and finish is better than any $300 rod I have used. Again the only cons are the use of slightly more filler in the cork and the warranty which is basically 3 years. I absolutely love mine for true finesse baits.
  23. I have probably more jigs than I care to admit and more than 99% of the guys on here. I won't claim to have fished them all but I have tried a lot of brands and styles. Having said that I typically don't toot the horn of the sponsors on here but I will for the jigs. Siebert and Northstar are near impossible to beat on quality, color choices, price, and performance not to mention durability. I know $50 might sound like a lot of jigs but you should qualify for free shipping at this point. Best advice is to get several styles to fish in a few basic colors. Contact Mike at Siebert or Chris at Northstar and have them assist with your selections. Also don't forget a few trailer options as well.
  24. Read his last post. He got the core.
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