I'm a new member from Central Texas. I've been bass fishing for years and finally competed in a local tournament trail last year. Wow, am I ever hooked now. Hubbs and I have an 18' Skeeter and spend most of our free time on Lake Travis, Lake Bastrop, Lake Austin, and Fayette Lake. We'll be fishing the Texas Tournament Zone (TTZ) trail this coming season and we're looking forward to it. We're 40-somethings who met a while back when trying to find regular fishing partners. Decided to simplify things and just get married 7 years ago.
Other than bass fishing, our hobbies include pouring baits and home-brewing. Hubbs has guided a few trips on Lake Bastrop on the side and enjoys it very much. Until he can retire and do part-time guiding, he works in the asphalt industry and I'm a sometimes-employed technical writer. We've got a couple dogs (The Kids) and a couple of freakishly evil cats which I'm convinced are actually aliens.
We're planning a vacation this coming Spring to the Hot Springs, Ark area. I'm looking at renting a home on Lake Hamilton and also fishing Lake Ouachita. I know nothing about these lakes or the general area. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.