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Everything posted by flyfisher

  1. I never understood cinnamon in a chili....i have had it and don't like it at all and same for ground turkey or chicken.....guess that is why cooking is good because you cook for yourself, well except in a competition that is lol I know the few rib competitions I have done, they are completely different than what I prefer at home.
  2. I absolutely impacted the teams and your comment says just that by them having to deal with it. There was some potentially shady stuff as far as the groundskeeper but he was apparently an Eagles fan growing up but has taken care of the Chiefs field for decades so who knows. I think Chase young is also gonna be a fantastic pick up for the niners. He won't be the "star" on that team and might get some coaching for once since the only team more dysfunctional than Washington is Dallas.
  3. Beautiful boat and I'm a big fan of that center console set up. Are you gonna get any UHMW on the bottom? When I move from the kayak world a jet will be my choice.
  4. Modern day turf isn't as bad as in year's past and depending on what you are measuring, it is the same as grass. There isn't a question that there are more non contact injuries on turf though. All that aside, another week and another Eagles win.....unlike the other "top" teams in the league, the Eagles are still finding ways to win even when playing poorly except against the Jets and they still had a shot there too. Eagles are the most complete team in the league with talent all over the field and whatever is needed week to week to win, they are doing. The next 5 games will really tell the tale though as it is probably the most difficult stretch for any team in the league.
  5. i've travelled and spent time all over the south and let me tell you.....other than northern virginia its as southern as it comes lol
  6. I am not a fan of southern cuisine even though I have lived in VA for 20+ years now but i do like some sweet tea. Where I grew up it was always unsweetened tea. My mom used to make sun tea as a kid where she would get some giant jar with a bunch of tea bags in it and sit it outside on a piece of tar paper and let it brew all day in the sun. Again, unsweetened but it had good flavor.
  7. PA NJ NY VA WV NC TX CA CO WY I am sure there are a couple I missed but I have fished for various species in all of them and not a single one I wouldn't go back and fish.
  8. First thing I thought too.
  9. at least he chose a good number for the average per day
  10. 2-4 minutes is a considerable amount of time to be out opf the water. Also I promise you many fish we have all caught later died even though they appeared to be ok. It comes with the territory and if that keeps you awake at night and sick to your stomach, you shoudl probably pic a different sport.
  11. there is a difference with doing what the sixers did where they openly had no desire to win and came out and said it, compared to a team that is rebuilding and making porgress year to year. houston came to the AL and increased their win totals every year pretty much and won a couple WS in the process. I am all for getting rid of dead weight and building a team for the future but that to me is very different than tanking. yeah.....what happened with that one.
  12. yeah they do care but why should they? Everyone has the capability to use them so to me it is nothing more than people crying because they don't have one to use. I am not one to base things off speculation of it may impact fish or fisheries until there is some data to support it. My speculation would be that a good number of the fish that are caught using the live scope wouldn't even be fished for otherwise and there are studies that showed how there are way more fish in places we didn't think they were.
  13. Who cares what people use. As long as they are legal I am ok with whatever anyone uses. Conventional fisherman are becoming like fly fisherman whining and moaning about some purity of the sport but not totally just what applies to them....reminds me of the upcoming events in early november as well
  14. Having done some marketing work in a previous career, I will also add that a writing class or technical writing class would also be very beneficial as you look to increase marketing effectiveness. Graphic design/video editing would also be helpful given the social media age we live in.
  15. Smart set up. My son has one of those electric scooters and they can really get moving. I know his I can get up to like 12-13mph
  16. Agree completely on this one. Reminds me of when I hear people with a paid off vehicle saying they want something with better gas mileage and I ask them well how much more gas mileage are we talking because unless you are increasing by at minimum 50% it really isn't worth the change for that reason.
  17. And not a single one has resulted in anything substantial. MLB isn't even in the conversation as players don't even have to go to the team that drafted them and it is super rare for anyone to get drafted and go to the majors without a few years in the minors. And for the record, I am a Sixers fan and the tanking sucked....the year it started Milwaukee had a worse record than us and they are perennial contenders and have had a parade already. In every sport it is about drafting right no matter where you draft and building a team with players that are cohesive units. Football is the easiest to turn it around though given starters are routinely picked up in the 3rd round and later
  18. I'll never understood the losers mentality of wanting your team to lose, especially in the NFL. There are 22 starters not counting special teams and unless there is some crazy once in a lifetime player, draft position doesn't matter as much as drafting well. Look at what Howie Roseman does year after year with the eagles with signing and drafting and trading and rarely having top draft picks to start the draft.
  19. Minnesota won a lot of close games last year and nobody expected that again this season but that doesn't take away that they are an above average team. We also have to remember that Purdy is still a new QB who is just now getting a lot of film on him for the DC to attack. Normally it is a starting QBs second season but in this case it is kind of like the middle of the second since he didn't start all last season. While I don't think the niners are any worse off after the loss, they definitely to make sure Purdy doesn't lose confidence which could easily happen after two losses like they had.
  20. not owning an AP i can only go based on my dad's and fishing with him and I can say the AP doesn't do well in current and is much slower than my NK180s so the extra torque and power would be nice if that is your application. I could also see not running full throttle and increasing range and battery life.
  21. Everyone I know, or at least the majority, who has a rudder and a motor, take the rudder off and use the motor to steer. The torque and power the motors give almost overpower a rudder. The weight diference should you go newport or torqeedo and a lithium battery would be like 30lbs max so not a huge concern there really. As far as your dual motor set up, i have seen it but it is ridiculous to me. If I wanted a trolling motor and rear motor I would rig up a pond prowler or something with dual motors and call it a day and probably save a wad of cash in the process. Don't force a hammer to do a screwdrivers job just because you are a rep for Estwing
  22. Dolphins have played two quality teams and had two quality losses.....Eagles still don't look good but they are winning and that is what matters. Hurts needs to get it together and stop turning the ball over because while the defense is good, they can't be expected to always be the savior of the team, especially with all that talent on offense.
  23. there have been some manufacturers who did this on kayaks in the past, I want to say the jackson coda and some of the ocean kayak models had the feature of a bascially exactly what you stated but I can't remember if they were deep or wide enough for a plano style box to lay flat.
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