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Everything posted by flyfisher

  1. Exceptions don't make the rule, which is exactly what you are arguing.
  2. That is such a ridiculous take. I mean where do you draw the line on pre and post anything? When flashers came out there were going to revolutionize the game, then it was 2d sonar and holy **** sidescan is going to change everything and live sonar is no different. I mean they do have different records in all the majhor sports to accomodate for the new technology as it is created....oh wait, no they don't. Nobody catches a double digit on instinct alone., It is either someone who goes out with a guide who puts them on fish, some kid with a barbie pole and some minnows or a person who puts some time in and learns where the big fish are. Someone like Josh Jones isn't some guy who just came off his couch and started catching DD bass. He probably had "instinct" on where they might be but nobody likes to just fish because you think they are there and they aren't. There used to be a guy on here who was an electronics guru and he would always say he would chuckle idling by people sitting right on top of the fish and he wouldn't make a cast without seeing a fish on his screen. Oh and this was before livescope. It's nothing more than another tool to learn and use to the best of your advantage.
  3. That was far from a tackle and was illegal unless we are talking the 50s or 60s. I don't think he went after anyone, he just happened to be there as he does security and has for years and was separating players on both sides. I was cool with both getting tossed. Weird chain of events and for sure, San Fran was better last night but that is fine. Eagles are in the middle of a tough stretch without the benefit of extra rest and are still in 1st. Aren't you a Cowboys fan and if so, you obviously have no football knowledge or clout.
  4. Everyone pretty much tossed around the Eagles yesterday after the first quarter. Players trying to get into it with security staff and getting tossed. Niners came amped up to play and the Eagles looked tired to me but I guess that happens at times. This is a rough stretch of the season with 6 tough games in a row and having played 4 and losing 1 is ok by me.
  5. Here is the set up. I have since changed the pole itself but the concept is the same. it is yak gadget steering arm paired with a bixpy stick steer link. When seated I just sit it next to me, i have a track mount for it but that was kind of a pain. The real nice part is when cruising and standing because I can steer while standing more easily. I use that often when on the river to be able to scout out areas before I get to them. I may buy an extra control module this winter and see if i can take out the internals and mount it to the steering pole itself but who knows if I will get around to doing that or not. I primarily use the stick set up for river fishing and the foot steering for flat water though.
  6. Yeah it was a short week then rewarded by a big game rematch with extra rest. Not the team's fault, just seems to happen often for the eagles.
  7. I will disagree that 24V is wasted on a kayak. It isn't always about top speed. A more powerful motor will not require as much throttle to move which will extend battery life by a lot. Weight distribution is a big thing on a kayak for sure. Moving my seat 2" forward or back can impact performance a lot
  8. The last ten years or so I only take pics of fish that are notable of size or quality or situation. I don't have pics of my PBs in any species but I know how large they are and am always on a quest for a replacement.
  9. This week's game will pretty much seal the deal for the Eagles having top seed and a bye in the NFC if they win. About as important a regular season game as there can be really. I am not a fan at all of the scheduling though. We will be facing san fran and then dallas after they both played thursday night the week before which gives them a bunch more rest.
  10. Yeah I guess they did and you are right, it might happen this year. They have beat up on bad teams all year and any team that was decent they lost to or barely won aka seattle. Cowboys have the easiest schedule this year and it isn't even close. Not their fault, you have to play who is on your schedule.
  11. I knew I should have bet on the Seahawks with the points. Most books had the cowboys as 9 point favorites. Was definitely an ugly game and the Seahawks had a chance but couldn't get it done. Cowboys weren't spectacular but at least they finally beat a team with a winning record. Won't matter though because they will get bounced in the first round of the playoffs anyways like usual.
  12. I is not about speed with trolling motor thrust on a kayak as they are all displacement not planing hulls. It is about having the torque/power when needed. You will also find that with a higher thrust, you will not have to max the throttle to achieve the speed you want which in turn extends battery life. I have roughly 90-100lb thrust (1.8hp electric) on the rear of my kayak and there are times I wish I had more for river use.
  13. Definitely a great cause if you have the ability to give a little, please do so. @slonezp thanks for spearheading this cause each year.
  14. same way I store them in the summer....i have a round rack and a flat rack that holds all of them. I keep them in my garage so while it gets cold, it doesn't get cold enough for me to worry about anything. I do usually wind all my fly rod line on the reels though as that can get pretty stiff in the cold
  15. Not sure what healthy means to you but the last 10 years or so of the swimsuit issue hasn't had those rail thin skinny women. Now if you said realistic i could buy that but these aren't normal women at all...they are models who work pretty hard to look like they do.
  16. Barstool is an interesting company really. Literally started as a free handout where they hired homeless to hand the papers out. I am pretty sure they were bought out for a couple 100M then he bought it back for next to nothing.
  17. Elliot has been banging clutch field goals his entire career and I was still surprised he nailed that one. As far as the Bills go, I don't care if they make it or not because we already played them and won They have some talent for sure but so do a lot of teams. Bottom line is they have a 17 game season and if you can't make the playoffs, then you aren't good/talented enough.
  18. 10-1 in one of the craziest games I have seen in the last 20+ years. Really typifies the philly buffalo teams though. Hurts flat out knows how to win....
  19. I see them as the same cart just one you can't switch to a non bunk style. Me personally, I have never felt the need to have a cart that i could swith the bars differently than a bunk style. I currently have the wilderness systems cart and if i was in the market for a new one, I would get the bunkster over the tow N stow.
  20. You will be happy with that motor for sure. I know I have been for the 3+ seasons I have used mine. I couldn't justify the added cost for the torqeedo...just didn't make sense to me.
  21. flyfisher

    Buc ees

    overrated. I don't get why people want the whole experience when shopping. Let me get my **** and get out. Wawa basically has said that they designed their stores and business model around efficiency and getting people through the line and out of the store quickly and with good service. I will take that model every time.
  22. Picture defintiely helps. What I wou.d do is just try and raise the bars above the fenders then slide the kayak to one side of the rack and the rod case. Not sure how those bars are mounted though You also may be able to use some PVC bunks which would raise the kayak enough to put ot over the one fender then it would allow you room for the rod box without having something up in the air. I am not a fan of having things high up if I don't have to.
  23. Without seeing the kayak trailer there is no way to know or suggest anything. I have seen all kinds of different kayak trailers out there.
  24. that price isn't shocking but your buddy not being able to stand up in a PA is lol
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