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Everything posted by flyfisher

  1. Changing the clock to read a different time will have zero impact on the amount of daylight. It will only impact what time we see on a clock at a given point in a day. i grew up in Levittown....graduated in 94 though. Lived in Holly Hill and my parents still do, same house they bought back in the 70's that now has more addition than original house.
  2. I have done a nomadic lifestyle albeit not because I was a pro fisherman but because I wanted to rock climb and fly fish more than college. This is what I would rather do if I had the chance but with family now priorities change and I wouldn't trade that for anything.
  3. I also think that with engine batteries in particular we have all been traiend to prepare to lift up this small package that is incredibly heavy and when we end up grabbing a battery and it weighs next to nothing it is even more shocking.
  4. exactly right. I saw Mike Iaconelli once fishing a jig and as he reeled it in he caught one. he immediately put that rod down and grabbed one with a weightless fluke and caught 4 more. He even said it wasn't the bait they wanted but the action and speed which is why he switched
  5. what knot are you suing because that is totally a user error issue.
  6. I know as a kayak fisherman Side Imaging has been an awesome addition to my fishing repertoire. I am by no means an expert with it but it helps me not waste time paddling over an area when I can see it to the side. I throw a waypoint on it, and then use the castign circles to help me position myself and have at it. When I'm fishing rivers, I don't bother bringing it 90% of the time.
  7. Yeah I think the easier you make it the better. I'd also bet those spikes are the cheapest part of the system so for them they are like send it and we have a customer for life. I have a warranty question right now on my kayak and not nearly the same experience as of yet...
  8. I'll be the one to disagree here in a way. I mean this person went above and beyond, especially without a picture to accompany the request.
  9. yup but i would take a 5 minute drive to the ramp rather than 4 hours.
  10. i don't want to live on a lake but a place with access to the susquehanna river would definitely pique my interest
  11. I prefer a 6'8" MXF spinning rod with 6 or 8lb diameter braid tied direct for all my fluke fishing. I can get all the distance i need and get fish out of any cover i encounter. I tried them on a baitcaster but wasn't a fan of the action needed to make them work and it is was easier to skip with a spinning rod which is something do almost every cast to help make it look like there are skittering baitfish.
  12. Absolutely the truth right there. Only downside is price and even that gap is rapidly closing
  13. The other thing to look at when thinking about BPS is a lot of times they have special deals going uf you open up a credit card with them. I know I did it when I picked up my Helix 5SI like 7 years ago. Gave me a percentage off and a bunch of bonus points. Now I only use that card when I want something from there and get the bonus points.
  14. Pretty much all the lithium batteries now have a decade warranty, you need to look at the fine print though. RELion for example is a pretty weak "warranty" in years 4-10 "Should the manufacturer deem a valid warranty claim exist and battery(s) are unable to be repaired in year one through three the manufacturer will replace the defective battery free of charge with a similar product. Should the manufacturer deem a valid warranty claim exist and battery(s) are unable to be repaired in years four and five a similar product will be offered at 20% off the retail MSRP listed at the time of the offer. Should the manufacturer deem a valid warranty claim exist and battery(s) are unable to be repaired in years six through 10 a similar product will be offered at 10% off the retail MSRP listed at the time of the offer." Ionic, the battery I chose has this as their "warranty" Period of Coverage: First 30 days - Refund of original purchase price with return of battery 30 days to 5 Years (60 months) - LithiumHub will repair battery free of charge. If repair is not possible battery replacement will be provided. 5 years to 8 years (61 months to 96 months) - LithiumHub will repair or replace battery with a service charge of $150 per battery. 8 years to 11 years (97 months to 132 months) - Replacement discount offer of 30% on a similar product valid for 30 days from notification.
  15. and they are a critical safety item as important as a PFD in my opinion. I might be able to swim out of a potential fall into the drink but there is a higher chance of a hook in the eye causing ireparable damage
  16. Other than your normal gear stuff, I'd turn around if I forgot my sunglasses or depending on the lake, my stakeout pole.
  17. they really are. I made a brush table and it works decent but a buddy of mine has one he bought and his is way nicer. It makes for a more consistent brush than I can do. I am intrigued by the brush idea with power pro though....may have to mess with it this weekend
  18. when using the power pro for the brushes, what glue do you use to hold it in place? I have a bunch of basically useless spools around that have 20-30 yards maybe and I thought about brushes with them but when I tried, it was all slipping out
  19. they aren't usually spun but rather reverse tied where you flare the tips at the tie in point up so they create the bulk for the next layer to help prop the materials. The head itself is usually spun though which creates the turbulence which helps to activate the materials behind it.
  20. 4/0 EWG weedless rigged on lakes with vegetation. On rivers I usually rig them backwards with the point in the slot that usually hold the hook shank and leave it pushed all the way through. 6'8" MXF spinning rod with either 20 or 30lb braid tied direct does the trick for me. When I made the switch to braid umpteen years ago for this technique, my hookup rate went up a whole lot.
  21. I have done retail, construction, call center rep, corporate america and now teach. Being kind in no way shape or form means being weak or quiet. Over the years I have learned how to say what I need to say the right way. Everyone makes mistakes including myself. I exend grace to all that I can and if someone screws up and owns it and tries to fix it, I am all for it. I have a rule at a restaurant that if the food is good and the service sucks I'll give it another shot and if the service still sucks I will go elswehere. One of the biggest fights me and the now wife ever got into was ironcially enough when we were going to restaurants trying to find a place that we would use for our wedding reception, only like 20 people. We got to a place around lunch time about an hour after they opened and the server we had was not in the best of moods. She wasn't rude per se, at least I didn't think so but you could tell she didn't want to be there. My now wife was pretty irritated by her and when I paid the bill I gave the waitress a pretty hefty tip. Well the wife was ticked and said she didn't deserve that tip etc....i told her look, she was having a bad day and this is probably the start of her shift so maybe a good tip will help snap her out of her funk and give the rest of the customers she serves a good experience. Who knows what actually happened but I know in a few months we will be celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary so she wasn't that mad I guess A snall act of kindness can go a long ways.
  22. I'm in
  23. There are some fish that live shallow year round and docks are not an exception to that. Winter fish like the abiulity to move up through the water column easily and a dock does just that.
  24. If this is family owned and the only place, why not just leave it there and lock it up after each use? Seems like that would be the easiest thing to do.
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