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Everything posted by flyfisher

  1. Sounds like a good place to have nearby.
  2. Lots of craziness today which is we all look forward to the NFL every year. Hurts needs to get rid of these slow starts though because against a good defense the Eagles could have been down 2 TD on pick sixes. All in all though he is maing me feel a lot better about him under center than I did at the end of last season.
  3. same, I may have even recommended that one to you way back in the day. My kitchen knives are due for a sharpening
  4. As a kayak fisherman i always hear people say oh i do it for simplicity and take one rod or whatever. Well to me a kayak is a tool and that tool has it's limitations. One of those limitations is space so i would rather take rods that are rigged up rather than rerig often. I want flexibility, convenience and options and while i don't stack the deck like @A-Jay, i take my fair share.
  5. only difference will be the good old days will be now and not 20 years ago
  6. I rarely if ever fish with anyone so it wouldn't matter to me if they fished or not. There is a guy down the street from me that has a Ranger, an aluminum jon boat small water type and about a month ago saw him towing an outboard jet boat. I have only see him pull them out of the neighborhood probably a dozen times since I moved in 6 years ago.
  7. I have done 10 hours round trip for a day trip so not sure if that counts or not....i generally don't go super far for fishing only but that is because of time and vacation availability and having a family where I am the only one who fishes really.
  8. All depends on the body of water I am fishing. I am always searching out the locations that provide easy access to protection from predators and food. Those areas could be grass lines, lilly pads, laydowns, ledges, rocks....whatever really. Put a laydown in some lilly pads or some grass and I will undoubtedly fish it and if it has easy access to deeper water I will make sure I fish it thoroughly.
  9. I honestly didn't realize people didn't feather their line with a spinning rod until a few years ago when i saw someone post about it. It is a natural process as I manually close the bail so my off hand is already located at the spool. I fish from a kayak so sidearm casting is the norm for me and accuracy is much about consistency in process. I have been fishing this way for so long that I don't use overhand too often unless I am really trying to bomb a deep crank or something.
  10. Power ratings have no guidelines other than what the manufacturer wants to use. Historically St Croix has been a rod company that feels heavier than their ratings but again, that is all subjective as between lines there are differences. No way to know without fishing them.
  11. I will disagree on this one entirely. I like a faster action short rod as well as my glass one too. It is all about about preferences really.
  12. I am having flashback to my old jeep CJ with holes in the passenger floor nad literaly doing exactly what you said but of course highway speed meant anything over about 30 lol
  13. I have yet to see a manufacturer recommend sanding down small scratches on the hull as seasonal maintenance. And again, it makes absolutely zero sense to remove material to get rid of scratches as it only further thins the kayak hull and is purely for aesthetic purposes.
  14. Personally I am not paying that much money for a boat that you will want to upgrade the drive and can get that same drive in other boats now. You also have to consider UV damage potentiall depending on how it was stored. Personally unless you have a reason for wanting a pedal aka offshore saltwater, or tournaments that do not allow motors, i am going with a great paddling kayak and motorizing it for less money than a hobie. You can get something like a Wilderness Systems recon for like $1300 and a NK180s and battery for another $1500-$1700 depending on battery and steering choices and still right around 3k for everything brand new.
  15. Seems counterintuive to sand down scratches and taking material away purely for aesthetic reasons on a part of the boat that you never see. makes zero sense
  16. Twisty line after a failure is the knot coming undone 100% of the time. Pickerel will make clean cuts through the line. I use palomar for pretty much everything and rarely have knot issues.
  17. That is the perfect description of it and the warmer it got the more it tasted like cough syrup to me.
  18. Tried some of the hard mountain dew as I am a mountain dew guy.....not bad but not sure why they went with fake sugar as that taste overwhelms everything else.
  19. I think species matters too. There is a lake I frequent specifically in the winter and it has a large spotted bass population along with blueback herring. I have had more than one day out there with water temps in the mid to high 40s and sunny where they were chasing the herring and busting the surface. I didn't have any topwaters but if i moved my jerkbait enough to keep it floating they would crush it. Pretty memorable to have days of 5+ fish in the winter on topwater.
  20. my dad was an electrician and we lived right across the river in PA. We were doing a job in camden and my dad was like if you go to the truck lock the door while you are in it looking for parts or whatever. One of the construction crews came in and had your normal big ass job box that probably weighed close to a ton and they locked up all their ladders and brake on top. We told them yeah you don't want to leave that here overnight. They must not have been from around the area becasue they balked and said no way anyone is taking this. We said ok. Next morning all that was left was the indentations in the ground from the weight of the box lol Camden has come around though in the past 10-15 years. not what i would call a safe place but not anything close to what it was
  21. i carry 5 BC and one spinning frog crank jig chatter bait small swimbait spinning is weightless soft plastics fly rods it is usually 9' 8wt floating line 9' 10wt floating line 9' 7wt floating line 9' 8wt sink tip going after smallies i will take out the 10 and usually add another 7wt
  22. I am semi brand loyal but it is about consistency for me. I like havign rods that are the same for the most part so I know when i switch it isn't some drastic change. For fly rods I am pretty brand loyal to Sage and recently TFO. Baits, I don't care as long as they catch fish. Flies, I tie my own so I am super brand loyal to those
  23. I have side imaging and i do that just to the side. A lot of times I will go near the shore and turn on just the one side that is away from the bank and it shows me what I need to know. I then cursor over to it and drop a waypoint and use the casting rings on my humminbird so I know when i am in range and can start casting. Live scan would be much more efficient but no way with me primarily river fishing that I could justify that type of purchase.
  24. I have never worried about scratches on any of my kayaks and I do a lot of river fishing which is pretty hard on a kayak. My last kayak, that was 7 years old and warrantied for a hull crack, wore through a replaceable skid plate. I never drag it on concrete though but I also don't baby it. deep scratches are a simple fix of heating up a putty knife and smoothing over the areas.
  25. Thanks for stopping by, always good to see people who haven't come by and that they are on the right path.
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