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Everything posted by flyfisher

  1. I will fish for bass as long as the water isn't ice. When I fish for trout i don't go out if the water temp is above 60-65.
  2. Leadership is so different than managing. Over my years in the corporate world as a process engineer and now in education I have learned that just because you are great at your job it doesn't mean you are great at leading others to do the same job well. You see it a ton in athletes trying to be coaches. It isn't always the case but I have seen it enough to know that it is more common than it isn't. I am trying to get into leadership in the school system and it is difficult for a bunch of reasons but at the same time I know it will happen eventually. Leading people is about empowering them to do their job to the best of their ability and then letting them do it....
  3. Easiest way to catch a PB is to not weigh or measure your fish then you won't eve know but you will always think there are bigger ones out there
  4. Mine is a couple years old but i will check which model when I get home. I have been very pleased with it and wouldn't hesitate to get another one.
  5. I have a curado spinning rod paired with a stradic and it is pretty much the perfect combo for me. I use it primarily for weightless soft plastics on lakes but on rivers I thrown small jigs and it performs flawlessly.
  6. A good car locksmith can cut and program the code. I was at a baseball game and came out and my car wouldn't start with the key. Doors opened starter turned. Now this isn't a traditional key but a fob that goes into a slot adn the npush button. Anyways, tow truck guy gave me the number of a guy who came to my house and got me a new fob made. He said just what was said earlier, it is matched to unlock doors and another to start. $300 later i hada. new key and the spare i still keep around in the rare case I lock the keys in the car somehow I have a spare for that at least.
  7. nah i like hearing from you....but **** i hope you win man, if i don't that is.
  8. Should be a fun game to watch. I am always gonna pull for Reid unless it is againt the Eagles.
  9. On moving water I am 98% fly, 1% spinning, 1% BC Lakes 95% fly, 3%BC, 2% spinning
  10. as long as they are dry it shouldn't be an issue. If wet, they can mildew or develop mold which isn't pleasant.
  11. That isn't always the case as there is no industry standard on what capacity really is. Wilderness systems states capacity as the weight the boat can carry and still perform under normal conditions. Old town does a similar capacity at what the boat can hold and maintain performance to an extent they also list a usable weight which takes out motors pedals batteries etc... I think the bottom line is the capacity listed, no matter the method used to calculate, is the absolute max and you want to be as low in that range as possible to maintain boat charcteristics. Where the weight is located makes a major difference as well. I can tell a big difference when I am on a multi day river trip and have camping gear, even though it is light for the most part. The placement of that weight can really impact performance.
  12. Looks great man. Keep up the great work and looking forward to seeing it done
  13. it is a torqueedo and it looks to be the 3hp equivalent model as well. I was with you as far as cost is concerned when I looked at motorizing my kayak but luckily at the same time I was looking the NK180s was released which is basically right between the power of the lower end and higher end torqueedo and that price along with battery flexibility was much more palatable for me. The weight savings and ease of rigging and removing was well worth it to me over using a standard trolling motor. I think all in on mine I was under $1500 and could have went cheaper with stadnard batteries but then i'd lose weight savings. I was not interested in a spot lock type motor on the bow either as I do a lot of river fishing and the last thing i want to do is hit the motor and it not be able to move out of the way. My motor has some river rash but it moves up when hit. My dad has the old town with spot lock and it is slow but it is does work well to hold position and much easier than me anchoring. I am cool with that trade off though.
  14. I use a baitcaster that is usually a 7' MHF with whatever line is on there at the time. Slip bobber and bobber stop to adjust depth and a circle hook of the right size for the size of the minnow. With circle hooks there is no need to set hard just a reel and pull in the slack and a gentle sweep does the job as a hard hook set will pull it right out of their mouth. The circle hook also prevents deep hooks on the live bait. This is for largemouth and i have never done it for smallies.
  15. So many to choose from I absolutely love my 9'7wt Sage XP with a SA titan floating line for smaller gamechangers but primarily it is a topwater rod. My other favorites are the TFO mangrove and Mangrove coast in 8wt one with a sink tip and one floating. When I want to throw big meaty flies that are wind resistant or heavier I go with my Sage Bass II LM rod matched up with a 10wt floating magnum line. My TFO mini mag is also in the mix paired up with a 7wt SA titan line for when I am wading the smaller flows and the shorter rod length helps with overhanging branches.
  16. you will soon learn how much better it really is. I could paddle my boat at 3.5-4mph with little effort. I can use my NK180s motor at about 50-70% throttle and get the same speed and not exert any effort. You also don't realize how much energy is expended and how much more fresh you are at the end of the day. For me on rivers it allowed me to fish way more water in way less time than when paddling and on a few lakes where I don't even start fishing for a couple miles it allows me to put the motor on and rig up my rods or just sit back and enjoy the cruise out there. On the way back it is really nice to just put the motor on and cruise back to the ramp.
  17. I broke way too many hawg troughs in my kayak or lost them overboard and i went to a plano bumop board and cracked that and recently went with a ketch carbonate board that is holding up nicely and i put some 3/4" foam seal stuff like you would use for drafty windows or soemthing in the slots in teh back and it floats. So far so good.....if i need to weigh a fish I pull out the rapala digital scale. Unless it is citation sized i don't usually measure or weigh my fish.
  18. What kind of well nuts, like the rubber ones with the threaded inserts? Me personally I don't think I would use those for a motor mount of any type. There is a lot of force on those mounts. If you can't access it you can either put in a hatch for access or use a yak attack rigging bullet with their backing plate. I have used well nuts, rivets, threaded screw inserts and good old fashioned nuts and bolts. I have virutally all of them break down and fail over time except nuts and bolts and a close second being the threaded screw inserts. Hopefully your experience is different and the well nuts hold fine but I would be sure to check them for dry rot and loosening pretty often and be sure to use the exact drill bit they recommend and keep the hole perpindicular to the surface or it won't hold as solid as it should.
  19. High of 79 saturday, 79 Sunday and 80 monday here in central VA
  20. definitely took his girl based on the chosen picture.....thanks for clarifying
  21. I am just curious as to why you go out of your way to bash kayaks every chance you get. Did one steal your girlfriend or something? I mean its funny but then it does make me wonder if you need some counseling to get through the trauma a plastic boat put you through......
  22. Amazing that no team in the NFC east has a losing record...Eagles are beating who is on their schedule and doing so handily. Commanders won 3 straight, giants took a bad L and the cowboys beat up on a bottom feeding team. Eagles still are the team to beat and I would like nothing more than to see an Eagles Bills Super Bowl. Way too early but that's what fans do....
  23. What makes someone a diehard bass angler? I don't really care much about tournaments but I will watch them in the winter when nothing else is really on or if i am flipping channels and see it on there.
  24. Zoom makes magnum flukes which are a big bait and run like 6 or 7" long. Won't suspend but can definitely be worked erratically.
  25. Interesting high end concept just not for me. I am surprised that thermoformed kayaks never took hold in the market though. Higher price but way lighter and I know river kayak smallie guru Jeff Little had one and beat the crap out of it trying to break one and never did. I love my current boat, ATAK 120 but if they came out with a thermoformed version that was reasonably priced I'd sell mine and get it for sure.
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