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Everything posted by flyfisher

  1. There are quite a few skiffs out there I have looked at myself and they are definitely intriguing to say the least. SUper shallow running and durable.
  2. I think part of the issue too is that kayak is flat out slow. Sure you can exert less effort but you can easily paddle a kayak at 3mph all day long without much effort. My dad has the 13' version of the same boat and when we go out i have my NK180 at half throttle while he is at full blast and I still have to drop it back so I don't drop him. Mine doesn't have spot lock which I have no doubt is awesome and his works great on the river but I can manage without that for a little extra speed and distance covered. No kayak will be able to cover water like even a small boat will, it is juist one of the limitations. Ultimately it is up to you to decide which would be more valuable in your style of fishing.
  3. And that makes for some really good fishing too
  4. I particularly like my casting circles feature on my humminbird. Allows me to mark a way point and then I don't have to guess the distance or direction to cast.
  5. Don't solve a problem you don't have just because some youtube guy says you should. I have been kayak fishing for a coupole decades and othe than my first one, I went out a few times before rigging anything. Each person is different, how they fish is different and their needs are different. The technology is out there to do what you want because you need it and not because you read it online. A perfect example for me is the whole rod holders on the crate. Everyone says it is the say to go but I hated it for my style of fishing and it doesn't make sense to me so i went another route that many don't like and that is flush mounts. I jhave since graduated to tracks with rod holders to provide flexibility in mounting. You will know pretty quickly what you want and need for your fishing and that is when you start searching for solutions to those problems
  6. Availability. In areas where bass aren't as readily available people don't fish for them as often. Many places bass can even be considered invasive.
  7. Nice to see someone actually post the math to solve the problem rather than people saying get the 100ah because i ran mine for a whole day and have 90% left...waste of weight and money. I personally run an Ionic lithium and have for 4 years now and it has been a great battery for my NK180s and I even run a 30ah for that.
  8. Shad flies, flutter spoons and darts are the go to for me. Location is more important than bait or color....except when it isn't
  9. Took about 12 years to graduate college because i kept taking time off to go climbing. Off and on during that time i was working at a boys & girls club eventually working my way up to the education director. Moved cross country once and then back and ended up at a major bank where i worked my way up the food chain over about a decade to being a six sigma green belt trained process engineer. Good work but not fulfilling at all, money isn't everything. Went back to school got my masters in education and began teaching and about 5 years into that went for my post masters for administration. Still trying to land that first administration gig but i have a feeling this will be the year it all comes together. Wouldn't change anything I did as it made me who I am today.
  10. He probably had a manual version which makes no sense to me at all to even manufacture let alone buy. I'll disagree on the cost aspect and working better, is more opinion than fact.
  11. I went to an a/m inflatable and never looked back. I have driven home with it on because I forgot I was wearing it. Only time I wear my traditional style is when it is below freezing air temperature or on a river trip and I think I may be using it but even then, I still often don't and have a recharge kit in my dry bag. I do not have one of the hydrostatic models but when I replace the one I have, I absolutely will. The comfort level isn't even comparable to me between the two styles. I fish from a kayak and primarily fly fish as well.
  12. That brassie packer is worthless on bass bugs to me. It will work but the difference between that and the fugly packer is pretty major. The UTC140 is a good thread but i am not a fan of it laying flat for stacking hair. I like the small round GSP for that really as it takes less bulk and you can crank on it, which is needed but you can pull to hard and actually cut the hair too. Your ties look solid and no reason to not catch some bass
  13. Spinning deer hair is hard and rewarding. A couple things that helped me along the way. -quality deer belly hair -Stack don't spin-allows more control and color locations. -fugly packer -pack as tight as you can -flexible straight razors to trim -Pat Cohen will show you how to do it right -GSP thread is your friend-I use 100 denier It is about time for me to get to tying for the spring as I have been slacking. I don't remember if i posted these up but it is the lunch money pattern that is super easy to tie. The original recipe calls for legs but i don't bother on the colored ones but I do put them on my white ones. This was a great fly for my local small flows for the spots and smallies and has been a great producer for browns in a spring creek I frequent as well.
  14. Why wouldn't they, i mean they live in it already. I guess if it was so cold that they froze when they came out of the water that might be an issue but I also think that if that were the case, the rivers would be frozen too.
  15. Always baffles me the number of deaths on the water that are 95% preventable if you wear a PFD. I would be lying if i said i wear mine 100% of the time but on flatwater I am always wearing my inflatable and on the river I am 99% of the time as well. I have not worn it before when fishing super shallow water and basically my kayak is acting more like stilts to wade. I do know that not much different than when I don't put my seatbelt on right away, it feels off when I do not have it on. Inflatables are so much better and I only wear my traditional style when air temperatures warrant it.
  16. I have always enjoyed fishing from the time I was a kid dodging traffic on my bike to get to the little *** lake with my rod strapped to my bike to now where I fish from a kayak primarily. There were times I switched up what I did but I have never abandoned it completely. The last 5 years or so I have switched to primarily fly fishing 99% of the time where before I only did it on moving water. I chase all the species of trout that are within a couple hour drive and the warmwater species when they are available too with being on the river chasing smallies being my favorite without question. Sometimes a change of scenery/water helps, at least for me it always has.
  17. Interesting because the palomar is super easy to tie.
  18. Interesting on the Palomar as all the tests I have seen it usually ranks pretty highly. There is a little bit of nuance with it, especially when not using it for braid as you can burn the line and if it isn't laying down right it can cut into itself.
  19. Brookies even when not spawning look like tropical fish. Those white tipped fins are awesome.
  20. Lefty loop or Palomar for me 99% of the time. I primarily fly fish and neither of these knots have let me down over the years.
  21. Genetic freak of a stocked fish. Way prettier natural fish out there in the trout world like a golden or a brookie. I haven't seen those blue ones before they are pretty. Another fish that nobody would think about, not a trout, but spawning bowfin turn fluorescent green.
  22. I bought myself a flower patterned shirt and said see, here I got you flowers. Ended up watching pornhub...
  23. Having gone to a Super Bowl Parade there is no way police can keep an event like that safe for spectators. Sure they can for the players and team but for the patrons, a near impossible task.
  24. Nor surprising at all, espcially for a kayak type tournament as they are notorious for cheating and it being difficult to prove. As far as distance goes, there is a lake I fish where it is about 9 miles one way to get to where i like to fish and only one ramp. Used to be a pain when I wasn't motorized but now i just sit back and cruise out there and fish along the way if I feel the need.
  25. I've always followed the look where you are going not where you've been philosophy.
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