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Everything posted by flyfisher

  1. This is what happens when you hold down inflation artifically for close to 2 decades and it has to come back to normal at some point. As far as who is spending the money on those boats, it is the people who have that money to spend and that is where they put that type of value. If someone wants to drop 100k on a boat more power to them and I am glad they can do it.
  2. Then sell the kayak. The old town AP series of boats are nice and super stable and easy to fish from. They are super heavy and even with a motor are slower than a sloth and the motor isn't super strong if you fish current often and if you have to paddle them they are a bear. If speed isn't any concern and neither is the weight then they are a good kayak. Me personally i'd go with a lighter weight kayak and throw a rear mounted motor like a NK180/300 or torqeedo on a good paddling boat and you will be lighter weight and faster. Another good option is a twin troller. Kind of like the pond prowler posted above but with two protected trolling motors.
  3. I usually underestimate the weight and validate by weighing them every once in a while. Judging by the weight of fish people say they caught and post, I'd say most people are completely horrible.
  4. that is a little different but I have done similar things with beets and stuff growing under tomatoes etc..I have heard of people basically just taking their seed and scattering it all over and not really caring what falls where and seeing what happens.
  5. Good write up. being a fly fisherman and tyer I have worked with marabou a lot and you nailed it. I will also add that stacked versus palmered achieve different things. Stacking is pretty straight forward and one thing that helps when palmering is to wrap and then after each wrap stroke the fibers back with wet fingers. Holds them in place and makes it easier to deal with. Great material though.
  6. I have a pair of Snowpeak titanium with screw in teak pieces for backpacking. They are absolutely fantastic. We all got a set at the shop I worked at when they first came out probably 20+ years ago and mine are still going strong. I think the new ones are made with bamboo though.
  7. I believe it. I caught a pretty large chain pickerel once that had something hard in its stomach. You could see it extend out to the side so i was checking it out and I felt the foot move.
  8. Those are pretty easy to grow and given your short growing season you might want to get seedlings as they will shorten the time to yield. Zucchini, yellow squash, potatoes, beets, greens, bell peppers and hot peppers are also pretty easy to grow. For tomatoes if you get seedlings you will want to plant them all the way up to the first set of leaves as all that stem will turn into roots and also prune them by pinching off the suckers aka the little growths that like to grow in the bends as it just robs nutrients from the plant. Check out burpee and they have a grow map basied on region as well that will help. Your garden is about double the size of my long bed in the pics so you have polenty of room depending on you have it set up. I am able to reach all the garden without going inside and you can too given the size.
  9. I have only seen them on jet motors to help with raising the transom up more quickly and balance the floatation, never saw them on a glass boat before.
  10. Got my raised beds ready to plant and mapped it all out. I follow square foot gardening principles which allows for maximum yield in a smaller footprint. Pretty simple but you basically look at plant spacing and not row spacing. This will be the first year I have done the whole trellis deal so we will see how it goes.
  11. what is with all these pansy glasses for beer? i mean a pint glass works just fine and you don't have to hold your pinky out either
  12. blurring a background does nothing if you still have the metadata embedded in the picture.
  13. I'll disagree. Cheap blades don't hold an edge long no matter how well you sharpen them. Thats not to say you need top end everything though. My kitchen knives are middle of the road Henckels and they hold an edge far better than cheaper knives. Most important thing on any knife for me is the handle and shape for the intended use. A knife is no good if you cant hold it in your hand comfortably.
  14. Just one if conventional and one if using my fly rod. I can make it work with whatever I want to do.
  15. Here in Virginia there are GIS systems available to find the owners of properties for all the areas around me. I have researched a few places and looked them up and reached out to gain access. I am not one to walk up to a house and contact a person but I have reached out via phone and had some success. Property tax records are public information. I never rely on word of mouth for access as I know if it was my property I wouldn't want people on it without permission. I also do not push the issue or try to sell my case if denied. It is a simple thanks for your time and if you change your mind please let me know and I give them my contact info.
  16. except those aren't warranty items and st croix makes you pay for those types of issues or at least they used to. I haven't looked into them for a while but it used to have varying levels of "warranty" cost based on age and if you want to upgrade etc.. The only company I know of that explicitly states we don't care how you broke your rod it will be "warrantied" is Temple Fork. I had a fly rod break and I sent it in with the $40 payment and within a week I had a conversation and upgraded to a new rod by splitting the difference in cost.
  17. Not sure this is accruate at all. If a company stands behind their product and knows it wil lperform as it should for X amount of years then extending a warranty adds minimal expense.
  18. I also use an Ionic for my kayak battery and I had a similar experience. I had some questions about what I thought was an issue and their sales manager calld me on a Sunday to make sure i was good to go and wouldn't miss any fishing time the next week as I had a trip planned for the next day. The warranty is cut and dry and also I relaly like their Bluetooth enabled app to check charge levels.
  19. These types of kayak "carts" have been around for a while. They work great but storage is an issue if you are a long ways from the ramp. Besides all that they are super expensive and i am not sure how much of an upgrade it would be over my wildy cart and i can't imagine it being 3 times as good.
  20. 2lbs.
  21. guys in my neighborhood that are all grass crazy have been cutting it here for a month.....i haven't even thought about it yet. Might be because I know I have two lawnmowers that aren't working and I gotta get a new one.
  22. we had that crazy warm spell that made everything start blooming then nights have been below freezing to put everything back to sleep. I am hoping to get out this weekend though so I can see what's going on as it has been way too long for me since I have wet a line.
  23. They fish with the weird stuff too but if it isn't a sponsor they sure aren't going to bite the hand that feeds them. A lot of baits are custom too
  24. a few new schools for where I work, a jet boat for the rivers and invite @slonezp over to my new river house and he can bring the entertainment
  25. or schools have litter boxes for those who identify as animals......
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