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Everything posted by flyfisher

  1. Or it could be a sign of lack of intelligence and cognitive ability as well. Many studies indicate a link to cursing and higher use of normal vocabulary and higher brain functioning. Words have meaning because we gave them meaning and how those words are used are what we were told them to be.
  2. I have been told by many boaters that what i wear and the kayak color doesn't matter for the exact reasons you stated but they did say having bright colored paddle blades draws attention much more. Unfortunately so many fishing kayaks are now motorized or pedal power you don't see the paddles in the air as often. I am lucky that I have a lot of lakes are HP restricted or electric only. On the few places I fish that I have a concern of motorized boats I use my flag and flashing strobe.
  3. you know the ringing is caused by the screams of all the women you tried to hit on in your early years to torment you, right?
  4. All the places that sell fishing licenses online literally have you use their computer and get it online. They aren't losing any sales because of this either. I mean this isn't 1970....
  5. i have to agree and it always amazes me just how active they can be. My last big smallie was caught in 89 degree water too.
  6. Big smallies are available all year long. You just need to change up tactics to an extent. I have caught the vast majority of my largest smallmouth in dead of summer.
  7. They have been available for a while now from other companies. Price is always a factor but that will start to come down with increased nee and production. There are quite a few electric only lakes around here that I have seen people have set up with torqeedo motors for the electric only lakes and they are solid. I haven't seen the cost comparison for charging versus gas and I am guessing lighter weight towing etc...but that could be interesting.
  8. I usually throw them when I am fishing a hollow bodied frog and get some hits as i am moving them fast. I do agree with others that they basically a more subtle buzzbait and can come through cover.
  9. Beginner kayak is a lot of times cost dependent for most as they are dipping their feet into the sport and not wanting to spend a lot of money. There are lots of kayaks out there that aren't pedal kind of money that have a good seat which is probably the biggest factor in initial enjoyment of the sport. Most of the kayaks designed to be pedaled are super stable and super heavy. Neither of which are an issue really but it doesn't prepare you to handle a kayak in a true manner should you need to at some point, plus they are not designed to paddle. I guess I am of the thought that learning on a paddle kayak will helpo your overall kayak fishing experience as you are able to learn to fish from a kayak and not a small boat with pedals.
  10. I find it interesting how on these types of threads so many people state to get a pedal drive first because you will want one eventually. I went 20+ years using just a paddle and when i tried out the pedal it was clunky and got in the way. I think when you go straight to a motor or pedal drive you are missing out on some of the baseline skills of fishing out of a kayak. They aren't the panacea many claim them to be and with the advent of cheaper motors they don't make much sense to me over a motor but I digress.
  11. this is super important. Man think a normal tire will work and it won't, at least not very long as trailer tires have a stiffer sidewall to accommodate for their intended use.
  12. I don't think this is new as I have seen studies stating that the amount of daylight is as much a factor as anything. I don't really target smallies during the spawn though so I am speaking more on what I've read versus what I have experienced.
  13. One of my best days on a small river here in VA, no more than 50' across, was when I was fishing exactly what you said, the shade line by trees. It was ridiculous as anywhere else was not producing but those shade lines were the ticket.
  14. Having to and choosing to are different to me. Warranty issues aren't going to magically appear 5 years down the road bu many confuse warranty with replacement programs.
  15. Biggest thing I have found is people want to do too many passes. It doesn't take many to get the point back. Remember, it isn't needing to be Forged in Fire level blade sharp but that sticky point is what is most important.
  16. Costa lenses are the best out there for fishing as far as glass lenses. I don't see a ton of difference between their plastic and others but the biggest thing for me is they have their mirrored green lens which has a copper base which I haven't found in other brands.. Important thing is fit. It takes me a while to get the right pair because I am very particular on how they fit and if it takes 10 pairs to try on and move around then so be it as they aren't cheap. I haven't had mine slip off but I also never take them off once I start fishing either.
  17. All about constatn tension barbs or not. I think you have what you need to do and there isn't a magic formula.
  18. i think it is all about getting the right rig for your water and you found yours. The water i fish is super shallow in summer and without a jet or a kayak like i have now you are severely limited in when you can go out.
  19. I'll echo the ease of charging sentiment on here as well. I used to run a box for my kayak motor batteries but recently switched to just leave them open with no issiues so far. I also have mine set up with trolling motor plugs so I just plug my trolling motor plug in for the charger and I am good to go. Lots of options out there.
  20. Foot control is always the easiest as most kayaks are already set up for rudder conrols and it uses the same process. Not sure how you have the throttle set up but you will have to consider that as well. I personally use a stick steer on my motor set up but I do not have a traditional trolling motor so I use the throttle control they gave me. I will also echo searching social media as there are lots of people who have done a more tradisional stick steer style that it seems like you are searching for. I know bixby makes one for their motors but I am not sure if it would be burly enough to turn a traditional trolling motor as they are pretty light motors.
  21. Those G3's are nice boats for sure.
  22. yeah that is the largest but it is more of a lightweight deal and since it is made out of plastic no need for UHMW on the bottom and top speeds are still in teh 25-30 range and it drafts realy shallow so it isn't like some boats that can run in 4" but can't stop and fish. I do think it is a pretty specialized boat though which does add to the cost.I wouldn't be fishing with more than one person and primarily just me so to not have to worry about damaging it by banging it up on the rivers and all that is high on my list of importance.
  23. yup they look like a lot of fun but at the same time it seems like a get to a spot and get out and fish type of deal. if you get a small tiller motor yeah. I built one out and it was closer to 30k once you get the largest jet you can which is as much as the hull, side console, trolling motor etc....
  24. all depends on the build out but i think the hull alone starts at 9k then goes up from there depending on console/tiller, motor size etc... I know a guy who runs one on the susky in Harrisburg area and he absolutely loves it.
  25. Yup, I think he is the biggest dealer in the country I believe and probably where I will get mine built.
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