If i remember right that kayak isn't motorized per se but it does come pre wired to throw a motor on it easily. My preference will always be a good paddling kayak that you put a motor on rather than a kayak that is designed to be motorized. Kayaks that are designed to be motorized are pigs to paddle and not as efficient. my dad has the AP 136 and it is a good boat but it does depend on where you fish. I like to fish rivers and that motor isn't strong enough to maneuver rivers with much current or if they are able, they do it very slowly. That boat is also super heavy, as are many designed with a motor in mind, i think you need a trailer to make things easy. there are places on rivers that my dad couldn't go upstream but i could easily and on lakes i would be at 40% throttle while he was at full tilt. It doesn't paddle well either which may or may not be an issue. The spot lock is nice though for sure.
I personally have an ATAK 120 set up with a NK180s motor. It allows me to paddle easily when needed and gets me almost 6 mph on lakes and motors upstream on rivers easily and then i can float back and have a easy to handle boat.
Best advice after all that mess i posted is to go out and try them and think about all the other stuff you need, paddle, PFD kayak transportation etc...