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Everything posted by flyfisher

  1. there are quite a few out there that do that now. I know superfeet does them and we used to sell a ton of them for people to use in their ski boots.
  2. Best thing to do is to get insoles that are for your specific footbed. Doesn't have to be custom but that wouldn't be a bad idea. People confuse cushion with comfort when in reality it makes things worse. You need support and your foot pain will begin to subside.
  3. I would get the bixpy pole steering adapter and the yak gadget stick steering arm, assuming it is a stern mounted set up, if it isn't a stern mounted set up then I would convert it to one lol The biggest chalelnge in kayak fishing is boat positioning really and figuring out what works for you is the name of the game. I like my stick steering set up but not all the time which is why i have mine set up to do both stick and foot steer. I still need to reach down to manipulate motor but that isn't a big deal and still easier than when i used to bend down and move the foot pedals to steer while standing.
  4. stick steer is the best option but it is hard to do if you are monitoring the throttle all the time. I primarily use my stick steer set up for river fishing and floating downstream not motoring along working a shoreline though. I'd rather sit and use foot steering for that.
  5. lefty loop for me when I use a loop knot on conventional. I prefer it over the rapala knot as it creates a streamlined tag end.
  6. yup and he got none of his money from his intelligence or his business skills but rather his physical gifts.
  7. He really isn't good at it all. NBA franchises gain value by default and the time he has spent as owner of the hornets they have some of if not the worst valuation gains in the league. Now if you meant having his money then sure but there are tons of people with better business acumen.
  8. MJ was a great player but he sucks as a business/team owner.
  9. you can soak the fibers to get the stem more flexible but it is always better to find those great plumes for palmering. I do find that palmering is a little less durable than stacking though.
  10. That's about as far down river I go. We usually go further upriver. I need to check out het lower portions as they are a little closer to home. I would live there if the wife would agree to it but that isn't happening.
  11. yeah it's about two hours but it is an easy drive. I figure the susky has such good fishing that i will trade driving for motoring time. I mean you can put in one spot and fish it all day. I have done well on the juniata as well when the water is super low.
  12. I bring my kayak and usually meet my dad with his kayak who lives in philly. We will do a couple day overnight trip most summers as well.
  13. yeah it really is. I make the 4 hour drive a few times a year and many times even do a day trip....albeit a long one. I absolutely love that river.
  14. I was up in hershey this past weekend for a soccer tournament and all I could think was I need to be out there every time we drove over it. I am due for a trip up there soon for sure. It is probably my favorite place to fish I have ever been, I just wish I was closer than the 4 hour drive to get there.
  15. i have learned over the years that a boat on plane makes almost no wake as compared to one plowing through.
  16. Gonna be interesting to see what happens. Jokic is an animal and the whole team is well rested. I don't buy the whole rusty thing either. I'll take being rested and healthy any day of the week
  17. There aren't many players I don't like actually unless they directly impact my teams. I guess that could be the case with Lebron though. Flopping has been around forever and the euro step isn't anything but a slow two steps. The travelling rules were changed a while ago and the real issue is the steps don't begin to count until the gather happens and that is highly open to interpretation.
  18. I agree with this. My HOA is pretty lax but it does have a provision that basically anything towable has to be parked behind the rear corner of the house. To me if you want to call it a family neighborhood then why not have family things.
  19. I see this sentiment a lot and I cannot understand why unless it is some sort of personal reason. Jokic is a beast and is capable of doing what is needed to win no matter what it is for each particular game. His basketball IQ is off the charts. Butler is having a run but the heat don't really have anyone that can match up with Jokic and he will go down on the block and if you double and they are even hitting 3s at an average level, they will take care of the heat. The long lay off may play a factor but time will tell as I could see boston taking another game and forcing a game 6. Part of me wants to see the first ever 3-0 lead vanish but I hate the celtics....
  20. Jokic is the modern day Larry Bird and has the ability to make players around him better. It is going to be interesting to see what happens if Miami wins tonight with both teams having a super long layoff before the finals as game 1 is scheduled for the 1st.
  21. Yellow or white and black bottom works for me. The top really hasn't made a difference and my favorite is the terminator frogs in both their popping and walking varieties. I did pick up some Toad Thumpers though and their action is good but the frog bite hasn't really picked up here as of yet
  22. They are but a fly rod makes it easier for sure. You are right though that it really is about not spooking them. I used to fish for them a ton when I lived in harrisonburg and I can count on one hand the number of times the wanted a specific fly over another.
  23. you are exactly right, the SNP is all about the only native trout (char actually but save that for another thread) in Virginia and arguably one of if not the most beautiful non tropical freshwater fish. This thread makes me want to go chase them this weekend I think....
  24. Yeah it is annoying to not have spots that are close when you get there early enough when you don't have a trailer too, probably the same level of annoying you have when you walk past the vehicles parked in the wrong spots because the got there before you.
  25. Apples and oranges comparison here. Disabled people have a reason to park closer and even the state says so, I have no problem with a pregnant person either. All other groups can park wherever is open. I personally don't park close because I am able to walk and am ok with doing so but that doesn't mean someone who is capable should have a right to park closer just because. I get that certain spots are designated for trailers but to me with the advent of cartop or truck bed boats taking on a much larger presence there is no reason there shouldn't be equal amount of spots and having to trailer your boat doesn't mean you should be able to park closer. I'll also disagree as it is mentioned walking past a certain portion of the lot that is full of non trailered boats as it is a nuisance. The only nuisance is the distance walked here. I never even back my trailer down the ramp and put my kayak on a cart and wheel it to where I can launch and stay out of the way, even though i am probably 5 minutes max at a launch.
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