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Everything posted by flyfisher

  1. Ironcially enough I just removed the tint from the windows on my car. It was on there when I bought it 7 years ago and starting to bubble and I didn't realize just how scratched and not clear it was until i removed it all.
  2. What he said and also be prepared to burn your battery down more as working in current will use more juice.
  3. I do alot of in water pics or just hold them out in front of me.
  4. I also think this helps your eyes adjust more naturally than unlaoding in the dark with lights on and the like. It is too hot here lately in the day so I have relegated myself to wade fishing smaller rivers and checking out new spots in the process.
  5. Fishing isn't fun to me at all but is a means to the end which is catching. I am not having fun if i am not catching fish which is probably why I am pretty obsessive about catching anytime I am out.
  6. polarization should have zero impact on the properties of a sunglass lens. All polarization uses a film and you can have an almost clear lns be polarized. What you are experiencing is probably the lens itself. I have a cheap pair of polarized sunglasses to wear around a pair of costa 580 g and 580p lenses and they are way better than the cheapos but it isn't he polarization, it is the lens quality itself.
  7. Tough call but I am going with either one. Doesn't matter to me as I have seen all my teams win in my lifetime and honestly I want to see hte sixers more than the Eagels or Phillies but I will take going to a parade for any of them.
  8. Major bummer and I hope you find them in great shape but if not I hope whoever has them they are broken and non usable
  9. Many on here would be appalled by flyfisherman as a lot of warm water guys use a strip set and it works fine. I am trying to do them more often but I am conditioned over all the years of a quick snap hookset which dos also work on many species pretty well. Sharp hooks are as important as the set to me.
  10. Nah, I am going to be grinding out the stumps once it cools off some. I do know what you mean as they seem like they are aspen like in that they have a vast underground root system that can sprout trunks anywhere there is a root.
  11. pod motor set ups are never cheap as they are very specific to the boat. I am not super familiar with that boat boat isn't it relatively new? If so, it will limit options most likely for now
  12. Kayak fishing has a learning curve and just like driving, it is weird at first and you are feeling all kinds of things that are new and it overloads your brain. Once you get some experience, those feelings will be normalized and only the out of whack stuff will make you wonder what to do next. For paddling remember slow and smooth is also fast. You also use your torso not your arms to paddle. Do a search for Jeff Little and his youtube channel, he is an avid river fisherman and before he became a torqeedo rep he was all paddle and has some great videos on technique and the why behind it all.
  13. How I spent my Sunday morning....before & after
  14. Yeah they have a provision that you can put them on a stringer or even a livewell to revive or to allow time to set up for a picture.
  15. Still for the benefit of the fish to have your systems down so they can be back in the water on their own accord as quickly as possible.
  16. Stability and tracking are very subjective. A new person to paddling won't have a boat that tracks well no matter what really, even though some will be better than others and stability is also based on the individual as well. This is why you see people touting width of the kayak. On my ATAK120 i had a motor issue and I was able to stand up, step over my seat and go to my tankwell and adjust the motor. Can everyone do that, I have no idea but I know I can and that is what matters.
  17. A citizen's arrest, really? good luck with that. I have a Helix and never thought about rain or damaging my unit. Also if you are drenching everything then you are being very inefficient. Slow down and smooth out that paddle stroke. I just turn my motor up to 100% now though and don't miss what you are experiencing.
  18. One thing to consider is going with a motorized kayak instead. I know people are into the pedals and it works for a lot of people but when I was looking into propulsion I couldn't get past a good paddling baot with a motor instead of a poor paddling boat with pedals. Not to mention you could probably save some cash in the process I will also say demo them all if you can because the pedal motions can be really strange, I personally hated the hobie motion but that may be because I was an avid cyclist for many years
  19. I have heard way too many stories of those coming undone on tournament fishing to use one myself. I just use my fish grips and zero out my scale and weigh the fish if needed and getting a length takes all of 20 seconds. The key is having everything ready to go and where you need it to be. I don't weigh anything that is under 20" or so usually anyways.
  20. Cowboys will be overhyped and trash like usual. Dak will again lead the league in interceptions. Eagles will have a rough start with a bunch of younger. talent but will come together when it matters and win the divsion and the NFC again. AFC i want to see the Bills so I am gonan keep picking them cause I am dying to see a Philly Bills superbowl in my lifetime as it would be completly epic.
  21. Yeah here in VA there are always crazy laws up for discussion and potential passing during legislative time in teh spring and they rarely pass. All it takes are a couple of the general assembly to think it is a good idea and it can be put on the dockett for discussion.
  22. Again you are showing your lack of research before buying a kayak that isn't fit for you. My first kayak was 29" wide and it was fine stability wise, I could even stand in it and fish if I wanted to. It is about the hull shape as much as width. I hope you get it all sorted out and learned a little in the process because obviously you know everything because there is so much bad info out there lol.
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