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Everything posted by flyfisher

  1. Nothing for me really. If it doesn't produce it gets moved into the maybe one day I will try it again box. I am all about keeping things simple.
  2. I never got into the cast iron deal but when I have used them they are good. Now one thing I do like are my enameled cast iron pieces I have a bunch of Dutch oven types of various sizes but my favorite is a straight walled lasagna pan that is perfect for the job of making lasagna. The straight walls are the key so you don't have a different amount of noodles on each layer.
  3. eye witness is real evidence of course but that also doesn't mean it is indicative of an overall stance. This particular article mentions saltwater specifically and that saltwater causes fires on batteries. I have yet to research it, because mainly I don't care, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if we see an increase in those types of fires due to the saltwater component, just happens that an electric vehicle has a lot of batteries to catch fire.
  4. I don't but a parent on my son's soccer team has a ford with eco boost they use to tow an RV trailer. He said it does as good if not better than his expedition with an 8cyl.
  5. good stuff for the coastal inhabitants but most of the country isn't on the coast.
  6. Then why not get a kayak that actually paddles well and put a motopr on it. Best of both worlds and I wish i hadn't wasted so much time before motorizing my kayak. Just today I went out and realized I forgot to charge my batteries so no big deal, take the motor off and batteries out and I have a great paddling kayak. 4 Miles one way isn't bad at all with a good paddling kayak, assuming you have the time. My ATAK i can comfortably paddle at 3mph and with a little extra effort get to 4 and maintain that speed. Now I have a motor and just use that.
  7. I target them on my fly rod whenever i see them. Most underrated freshwater fish in my opinion or maybe tied with the bowfin.
  8. not really unless it is backed by something other than anecdotal data like you are presenting.
  9. Tennis elbow aka tendinitis is an overuse injury that there is no fixing without laying off for a long time and easing back in slowly. All you can do is treat the symptoms and decide if you are going to lay off or a while or not.
  10. well individual experience doesn’t always mean it’s true though. https://www.kbb.com/car-news/study-electric-vehicles-involved-in-fewest-car-fires/ Much like school shootings which are publicized wildly when they happen, the probability is ridiculously low of it occurring but when they do, it’s everywhere.
  11. It isn't lazy if they choose to do it that way. It is only lazy because you think they are doing it wrong.
  12. could have been worse. What brand lithium battery just out of curiosity. I don't think that is true anymore. Some of the older ones when they first came out were much less tolerant to moisture. My lithium batteries are sealed and fine in on my kayak. I don't even have them in a box. They are out of hte way of water but everything in a kayak gets water on it at some point and thankfully, no issues.
  13. and this post is exactly why it is named Lake Menderchuck
  14. I'd rather have my line get tangled then me get stuck with a hook. I'd also rather not have that stress on the bend of the line in the same spot every time until I retie. On my fly rods I have to use the hook keeper. I do fish out of a kayak not that it makes a huge difference for this question.
  15. Confidence baits draggin head in whatever weight you want
  16. I was always under the impression that my time to start work was when I was actually working not just walking in the door. The only reason I am late to something is if it is an emergency. I have kids and they know the deal, and neither of them like to be late to anything. To me it is a respect thing. If we have an agreement to meet at a certain time and you are late you are telling me that whatever you were doing is more important than what we had planned. Now this may be the case but this should not be the norm. My sister and her family and parents are always late and I don't even care because she lives 300 miles away and I don't schedule around their needs and wants. I let them know what is going on and that is how it goes. If they make it, great if not, oh well. Time is limited and I am not gonna sit around waiting for someone to meet me who said they were going to at a certain time.
  17. I have used 15lb yozuri hybrid and also 30 or 40lb braid. I prefer the hybrid when fishing rocks as it is way more abrasion resistant but all other situations I am going straight braid. Fishing bottom baits on straight braid is a little different than the other types of line though as you lose slack line sensitivity but I am a religious line watcher and your line shouldn't be slack with those presentations anyways. I also loosen my drag a touch on braid set ups to accommodate for the no stretch scenario.
  18. nope a total non issue to me. I'd rather not waste time fishing areas that didn't hold fish than fishing poor areas and then hoping to land one for that level of excitement. Cool part is everyone can do whatever they want and fish however they want and as long as they are not trashing the environment and legal, I am cool with it.
  19. grinding isn't good no matter what but it is probably stressing the gears more due to the resistance. I own multiple stradics and never use them for baits that require movement by the reel and I have yet to hear any grinding. Biggest advantage to a cranking set up for me is the rod being more parabolic which helps to keep trebles hooked up and cranking reels are generally slower IPT. For me spinning reels just feel weird, i know very scientific, when cranking constantly. You are also put a lot of stress on the roller as opposed to the spool with a baitcaster.
  20. They line up fine on mine. Its the angle of your picture.
  21. 95% of the time I am nose hooking my flukes on rivers with a inline circle hook. If there is a lot of grass or snags i go weedless weightless with a 4/0 superline to give me a littel extra weight depending on the fluke I am using. https://snaglertackle.com/product-category/soft-plastic/minnows/
  22. The SuperBowl, no matter who is in it, is the most watched TV event every single year with few exceptions. Ratings also don't even factor in the streaming crowd for the most part either. I saw a stat somewhere before that said something like 85 out of the top 100 most viewed events in history were NFL related. I like seeing upsets for sure but this is ultimately nothing more than a first week win against a team who didn't have their best skill position player. A win is a win and I do think the Lions will fare well this season. Gotta keep improving and moving forward so since it was a Thursday game I guess they can celebrate till Saturday this week then its on to the next one lol
  23. Usually the light requirements are white light visible 360 degrees when anchored and if your kayak is powered, you follow the powered vessel arrangements. While my kayak is powered and I do not go out at night on lakes without a HP restriction, I have chosen to NOT install the red and green navigation lights for various reasons which I won't disclose here out of respect to the rules of the forum but if interested, feel free to PM.
  24. You'd think by reading these comments the lions won by 25.......a win is a win but a 1 point win isn't anything to hang your hat on in my eyes. Goodell has zero control over that and all he cares about is the league making money so he can get paid. Having a Lions Browns SuperBowl would reactivate fan bases that have been dormant and bring other fans to the league. There is a reason the Browns only went what, 3 years after they moved to Baltimore to get a new team in place. Browns fanbase is very solid and I would bet pretty much any football fan, once they got over their own team losing, would find one of those teams to pull for if they met up in the SuperBowl
  25. There is nothing special about the person as far as fishing goes. It is all about having a big fish mindset AND actually going for it in that manner. Lots of people say they want the biggest fish but are content stumbling into a few while catching average size fish. There is a reason I make the 4 hour one way drive for day trips to the susquehanna for smallies and that is because I know there are larger fish there and i'll take a single 20+" fish over 20 fish 12-16" assuming time allows for it.
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