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Everything posted by flyfisher

  1. I am a kayak user and have been for 2+ decades but I don't think there is nearly enough to warrant a kayak specific page on here. I mean other than kayak rigging teh fishing part of kayak fishing is the same as anything else. I could see more use out of a bank fishing specific page than a kayak one myself.
  2. I am right handed and use left hand retrieve on all my reels. Made no sense to me why to switch hands
  3. you are literally only saving the weight of the actual crate itself though, whatever that may be and I would venture a guess that all the additional engineering needed would probably offset the weight savings and it also may impact glide as well depending on where the weight is now centered. I also don't evben know how you could add anything into the front area of a boat with pedal drive and make it easier to access but I guess that is why I don't design kayaks. And by hatch I don't mean internal, mine is a big opening with a flip up hood.
  4. and by making a tackle box/tray you will be adding weight to the kayak not taking it away. It will take more structural supports, probably scuppers, and more materia; plus hinges etc. I know on my kayak if I need to I throw stuff in my front hatch as I can easily get to it, even if it means getting out of my seat to go forward enough to reach. One thing that helps for me at least is I put a piece of pool noodle cut in half on my center console deal to put flies mainly but it also works for lures too. Keeps stuff easily accessible for things I know I will be using. I tried it on the side originally and it just wasn't working like I wanted it to and got in teh way but being a fly fisherman, I have a lot more to deal with in the way of snagging things than conventional anglers.
  5. best bet for that will be raising the seat and going underneath. I know some have already done drawers and others have put slots on the side that hold plano style boxes. My flexibility isn't what it used to be either but that is my own fault and I figure if I want it to be more comfortable I can do what I can to increase my flexibility and go from there.
  6. This is absolutely fantastic.....i was thinking of doing the same type of math to figure out the truth rather than what I think are better pictures and you saved me the hassle.
  7. What are you mounting?
  8. I river fish primarily out of a kayak so I use my anchor dozens of time each trip.
  9. Cool trip but would be very low down on my list. Sure, it would be cool but you can catch snakehead of size here in the US and I would want to go after something I can't catch here at all. I'd probably go for golden dorado or taimen if had a dream trip planned and already did the peacock bass trip like yourself
  10. you can train your body to work on no sleep and i did that in preparation for the race. The two sentences don't contradict at all. Sleep is overrated yet still needed, especially after 3 days up lol
  11. Sleep is overrated. Everyone needs a different amount of sleep and for me 5-6 is plenty. I have stayed up 48 hours+ straight many times when climbing and hiking just to do it. The longest I went was 74 hours and it was for an adventure race. I crashed pretty hard after that race as it was mentally and physically exhausting.
  12. think of it as pre-seasoning for all the fish that will be floating soon.
  13. Yeah I asked the DGIF about allowing non motorized vessels to fish at night out there and they said they can't make the exception for the exact reason you stated. I fish out of a kayak and paddling it isn't bad but now I do have a motor on my kayak so it makes it much easier aka less work for me to fish a lake like that. The first time I went to Sandy was probably 10-12 years ago and I remember paddling all the way out to those trees at the far end of the lake and coming back it was ridiculously hot and i was hugging the shoreline trying to get in some shade. I also had my largest fish on there but he broke me off. I know, fish story but I saw this one and I would have been shocked if he wasn't double digits. The main reason I remember, other than it being a large fish, was that it was on a carolina rig and I never fish them and I was getting irritated casting it and then he hit. Had him at the side of the kayak and reached down to lip him and he popped free. not many fish I sit after losing them but that one I did for a few minutes.
  14. Here is what I found regarding what you are talking about. https://www.co.prince-edward.va.us/home/showpublisheddocument/6333/638255281342570000 https://www.co.prince-edward.va.us/home/showpublisheddocument/6197/638194132241670000 I don't fish there that often but I have no issues with it being electric only. One thing I would not want to see happen is the lake is not open 24 hours. There are not many of them that allow that here in VA and losing that one would suck.
  15. I have always been told it is the sign of an old fish. I've never seen it on a small one either
  16. I think it is more that he hates that he isn't the average American and is projecting that hate to a store.
  17. what a ridiculous propaganda filled statement......the average American is exactly what drives their business model. Guys like you don't drive their business. They tried to cater to your belief of what the "average American" was with a hunting/fishing specific store and they failed and shut the stores down. Interesting as well that a private enterprise doing what they want to do with their business equates to hating the 2nd amendment. What they did is the epitome of being an American and in a capitalist economy. They lost money on the deal too from what I read previously but we all know that doesn't matter to you or anyone who is on the propaganda belief train... No matter what you believe to be true or not, the one thing that drives 99.9% of anything is money when it comes to big business. And maybe if more people actually got out and went hiking and ate granola obesity wouldn't be so high in this country....
  18. It isn't sad, it is the market dictating need. If a business is going to stay open it will do so by adjusting to the market need and not forcing the hand and then being shut down due to lack of business. I have been to Dick's sporting Goods in some places that have a large fishing department and others that are like you mentioned. Also, fishing gear has a very similar markup to the other items mentioned, especially with the purchasing power that a store of that size possesses. Honestly if it bothers you that much I would just go to a mom & pop tackle shop instead. They even tried to do a more outdoors based shop and it quickly folded. The competition in that market is much higher and easier to go online than in clothing or soft goods that people want to put their hands on before buying. I am not one to want to go into a store if at all it can be avoided and fishing is no exception. I'd rather order online and have it to my doorstep in a day or two than waste time in a store.
  19. Being in a kayak I usually go with stockingfoot breathable waders. If I am bank fishing many times I will go with a softshell pant like the original post.
  20. Yeah i looked the kayak up after posting and saw the weight and you are right on any cart working.
  21. All good advice. Only think I will add is that Hobie has designed their scuppers to handle the stress of using a cart in the scuppers. I have heard too many horror stories about the boondox to use them myself, especially given the heavy boats that are out now. I have been using the wilderness cart now for a few years and it is great and pretty easy to load. I set it up next to the kayak on an angle and lift the nose and set it on the cart and I am good to go. As far as the rudder goes it seems like people with that set up use the rudder to steer and the motor purely for propulsion. I have seen mounts that allow the motor to not be in the way of the rudder.
  22. look at the structure of their mouths and their teeth, combine that with how they strike and you will see why the pickerel are more likely to bite you off. I now when pickerel are active they seem to slash a bait and come back at them to finish the job. This is when a lot of the biteoffs I experience occur. Bowfin I have had bite me off probably once or twice.
  23. absolutely. I use heavy bulky jigs with big trailers fished painstakingly slow and then slow down some more.
  24. Sort of true depending on the PFD they are using. Most fishing type PFDs are not type I which will turn most people face up. Some inflatables will but they are not rated to do so. One thing that is 100% accurate though is that no life jacket also gives you no chance of being turned face up.
  25. why wouldn't you want your life jacket to inflate if you were knocked out?
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