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Everything posted by bassguytom

  1. Also sexy shad works anywhere.
  2. Pretty sure I'd catch a unicorn before I catch one of them around here. Although I did hear rainbow powerbait was also killer for unicorns. Cool fish.
  3. Not sure if anyone else does this or not but I do this in the winter while getting my rods ready. On reels that the braid has faded and may be weak I go outside and walk off all the braid to the mono backing then tie the faded end to the mono and spool the braid back on. Presto chango new braid! Works like a charm so I just thought I'd share it here in case someone might want to do it. Also remember to leave the dogs inside while doing this or you could have some issues. I hope this helps someone. Good luck!
  4. Plastic worm. Ribbon tail if I must pick a style.
  5. Looks like you are all set! Go get them!
  6. Good tip when grilling is to leave the lid open otherwise you are baking.
  7. Oh yea.... it's kind of warm here. It was 28 this morning and got up to 38 in the afternoon. Going into the 60's on Saturday! The fish around here will still be in winter mode so I will be using my electronics extensively before I drop a line.
  8. Can you catch Pike on topwater? I have never really targeted them with top water. I'm guessing just use bigger top water lures. Any info. Would be appreciated.
  9. Nice! That's some real folk art going on there. I can barely carve a turkey.
  10. I always knew you were a Bass Man!
  11. I have never caught a fish on a frog. For some reason unknown to modern man I keep trying.
  12. That looks great! I have been using plastic bins for a couple of years. In the winter I organize everything and put it in it's place. As the season progresses it becomes organized chaos. Then again in winter the process repeats itself.
  13. Has anyone changed from flourocarbon to hybrid line? I have not tried hybrid line yet but want to give it a shot. I like fishing light line 6lb. to 8lb. test when not using braids. I was thinking about getting some 4 lb. test hybrid to try because I heard it it thicker than Flourocarbon line. Anyone have any suggestions on what line to try?
  14. Everything I have seen on how to hook this rig the hook points away from the head or side that has the weight in it. When I read Ike's article about it he has the hook pointing towards the weighted side. Is there a Wrong way or a right way to hook this bait? I'm leaning towards the hook pointing away from the head. The one time I used it I had the hook pointing away and caught 4 bass this way. Here is a pic of how Ike hooks it. Anyone have any experience either way?
  15. I wonder is the smallest sabiki rig you can get would work. We would catch bigger Shad all the time in the river when we would get herring to live line for stripers. If I was trying to catch shad for bait I would give that a try.
  16. I use 10lb. Braid to 6 to 8.lb. fluoro. I have never needed more then that for finess presentations.
  17. I was using a zoom finesse worm. I also used a sheet metal screw for the weight. It was stupid ugly when I rigged it up last night but transformed into miss America this morning. ?
  18. Thanks for the reply. The answer is yes it works in cold water. I was dock hopping this morning and caught 4 bass on this rig. The water was 38 degrees and for the first time throwing it I am pleasantly surprised. I love it when I try somthing for the first time and it produces! Give it a shot guys if you haven't already.
  19. The biggest problem that I have found when fishng is work getting in the way. Other than that when I'm fishing no problems. Too many things to enjoy when out fishing for any of it to be a problem.
  20. My new tactic this year is going to be the Neko rig. I have been reading all about it and want to give it a shot. I have the rigging down and will experiment with baits but was wondering if this technique works in cold water. Seems like you can slow drag it and shake it in place so I was thinking it might work. Any info. From anyone that has experience with this rig is appriciated.
  21. Use a trout magnet. Catch all the bulegill you want.
  22. I use the Shimano Sedona Fe for my sons and guest on the boat. It's a great reel in that price range.
  23. I usually bring some fruit of some sort and water. I always remember to bring a sandwich in case of emergencies. I bring the sandwich not so much to eat but rather put it in my hand because when the bite is slow as soon as you put a sandwich in your hand its fish on!
  24. Mega Strike Shakey head is my go to. Pick a worm of your choice. I use zoom finess worm a lot.
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