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Everything posted by bassguytom

  1. It seems like they should be 2 separate categories. Guys in a boat have a clear advantage over guys on the bank. Boats have fish finders and can move to where the fish are if there are no fish on the bank you are casting you won't catch any no matter what lure you use.
  2. It has nothing to do with fishermans code or anything like that. It is just a common courtesy to give people their space and let live. It is very self centered and selfish not to be aware of your surondings not to mention you are not setting such a good example for your children by getting into it with someone. There are people like that all over the place. It all sounds like white noise to me.
  3. To me a 6 lb. smallmouth is equal to a to a 10 lb. largemouth. I'm sure there aren't too many 10 lb. bass swimming in the lakes and rivers I fish in here in the northeast.
  4. Not yet but it's getting there. Water temp was 71 today. I can't wait to start throwing my lipless cranks for those bass chasing the shad.
  5. A case of it bit off more than it could chew. Bass will eat their own kind if they are smaller then them. That is why when you find bass schooling they are all around the same size.
  6. I havea Revo and a Lews speed spool. My Revo is much smoother then the Lews and cast much further. I like the Lews but the Revo is better in my opinion. I wonder if the Lews Tournement Speed Spool is that much better?
  7. I put a small bit of a senko in the tube and push it up to the top. I then use a screw lock belly weighted swimbait hook and screw it into the tube and then put the hook though the tube. The hook lays flat against the tube and has a nice flutter on the drop. If the cover is real thick I skin hook the tube and it becomes completely weedless. This is how I use tubes where I fish for both smallmouth and largemouth. I fish it all day without getting snagged and when the tube bite is on ( hopefully now) it is killer. I hope this helps.
  8. Yep. We Have them breaking all over the place right now.
  9. Look over there! Where? There! There goes Jeannie with her new bass friend.... They are on the feed this time of year so I go shallow then deep to target fish. Sorry for the corny song reference things just pop into my mind sometimes.
  10. I love throwing a jig into a beaver hut epically in the fall. I catch some of my biggest bass around beaver huts.
  11. Karma is a *****. Not worth getting into it with them.
  12. I am fishing a local charity Tournement with my son on Sunday. We can put a limit in the boat but need help with getting a kicker or 2. The lake we are fishing has a lot of lilly pads and some drop offs of 8 to 12 feet. It also has flats from 6 to 10 feet. There are schools of shad breaking all over the place right now also. We see fish breaking on them and cast to them without a hit. I'm not even sure they are bass breaking. Any info. you can provide to land some bigger fish at this time of year would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Guys, I'm getting into crankbaits more and need to know what a good deep diving crankbait is. I know you are suppose to grind the bottom when using crankbaits and need a good crankbait that will run 12 to 15 feet or so. Thanks in advance for the info.
  14. Yea t-rigged works well with these. Fish them even if the side paddles tear off and they will. These are my go to creature bait. Good luck.
  15. I would try this. He might think you are keeping fish and not know you are disabled.
  16. That guy got that bowl by stealing my lucky Charms! He's always after my lucky charms.
  17. I guess I should stop fishing in my fox hunting attire on my way to the hunt with the beagles. They might say something to me for sure. Just kidding I really hunt elephants and Rinos for their ivory, bear for their gallbladder and sharks for their fins only. Do you think any of these folks are actively cleaning our water ways and creating artificial reefs off the coast and habbitat structure in lakes and testing water quality in our water ways? Do you think they know that I do all of that? Or do they only see what they want to see or are one sided with their cause. Open minds opens doors. This has never happened to me but if it did I would just smile and walk away.
  18. Backlashes are part of the game. They are going to happen at some point no matter how experienced you are. The best way to get a backlash out that I know is after the backlash happens tighten the drag put you thumb on the spool click it down and put pressure on the spool while you turn the handle. Pull line out of the backlash and repeat. Give it a try it works very well. If its really bad I just use another rod.
  19. I like to fish at dawn and be home by 11:00 am and spend time with the wife and kids that aren't with me. It keeps everyone happy and keeps me on the water. That works for me just fine.
  20. I don't use live bait to fish for bass but have no problem with those who do. I like to hunt around and use my electronics and try to find a pattern to catch. It just is more fun for me.
  21. This spring I lifted my bass mojo rod and it was under my anchor cleat. The rod snapped. That really was really stupid.
  22. We came in from night fishing last year and my buddy went to get the truck and some clown was trying to saw the titanium lock off my trailer. My buddy is an FBI agent and drew on him the clown crapped his pants and was arrested on the spot. We laughed our ***** off all the way home. Lots of idiots out there and I'm way too trusting. I lock up everything now.
  23. Is his landlors Asian by any chance? Just kidding I'm glad it ended well or did it? Sorry I am just making my self laugh a little. I have 4 dogs by the way.
  24. A man shall always refer to pre-spawn as " fat bottom girls".
  25. I practice keeping my wife happy so I can get out fishing again. Lifes a chess game and I'm Bobby Fisher!
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