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Everything posted by Tiller

  1. I'm looking for a rod to handle medium diving crankbaits including DT6-DT14s and SK series 5 cranks. Would the Powell Diesel crankbait rod handle these well? I like the price but am also considering a Shimano Compre crankbait rod. Thanks, Joe
  2. Tiller

    Rage Rig???

    Who makes this craw? Thanks, Joe
  3. I really like my *** black rods but the recent spinning rod I got from TW had a really bad first guide that was misaligned and showed signs of poor workmanship so I returned it and TW replaced it. Now this one has all nicely aligned guides except the tip-top guide is off by about 30 degrees. I thought about keeping it but it really bothers me when I'm holding and looking down the rod. Am I being too particular? I feel like getting aligned guides shouldn't be too much to ask for. Would you take this up with *** or return it again to TW and wait 2 more weeks and hope they send a good one this time? Joe
  4. Yep, that's the lake, been fishing it my whole life and have definitely donated my share of baits to pike. Not sure I've lost a spinnerbait but lots of jigs and frogs. May 10th? You might be ice fishing still.
  5. I fish very clear water and usually stick with fluoro and copolymer for most techniques but I'm thinking of putting braid on a rod to use for swim jigs and spinnerbaits. Do you think braid is a deterant with moving baits in clear water? Joe
  6. What type of knot did you have tied? Thanks, Joe
  7. I tested and broke a bunch of knots when I first started using fluoro and I've found the pitzen knot to be very good and it's also the fastest and easiest knot I've tied. Joe
  8. Thinking or trying this on my jig/t-rig rod this year. Anyone have any experience with sniper? Also, what's the difference between super sniper and sniper (Japan)? I see tw has both. Joe
  9. Giant smallmouth to giant muskie...I won't swim in Mille lacs http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PTgyaLDtpg0
  10. Ok I see now there are graphite side plates and a better line guide on the tournament. How important is the dual braking system? How much improvement is there between the mag brakes only and a dual braking system? Thanks, Joe
  11. Is there any difference between the tournament mg($130 model) and the tournament($150 model) other than the mag brakes vs the dual brake system?
  12. Floating bog. Pitch a bait right on the edge and get bit. Joe
  13. Watch your own bobber...
  14. Gore tex is great for water and wind but won't keep you all that warm without some insulation. It doesn't look like those jackets and bibs have any insulation. I believe they make some insulated gore tex bibs or even the cheaper insulated cabelas dry plus stuff should work. The gore tex ice angler bibs/parka would keep you really warm but is probably overkill for Tennessee. Joe
  15. It doesn't look like they're fighting because you can't see the rod bending and can't hear the drag screaming but they're fighting just as hard. I think fighting a fish through the ice is usually more challenging with the light line an rods that are used. Plus you have to get their heads turned up an 8" hole.
  16. I need to buy a new open water rod to get my mind off this terrible winter that won't end. I was thinking of an *** Black since I like my casting model so much but I've also been reading great reviews on the Fenwick Elite Tech smallmouth rods. So between the 6'7" *** *** Black and the 6'9" Fenwick Elite Tech in either ML or M which would you reccomend? I'll be using it for multiple applications from weightless plastics up to 3/16oz jigs and will be going with either mono or copolymer line. Thanks! Joe
  17. 7' medium veritas is my do it all rod. It's slightly heavier than most medium rods but not quite a MH. Light weight and only $100. Joe
  18. TW does sell it by the gallon. Is there a generic equivalent? It's worked very well since I recently started using it.
  19. Is there any difference between the lews speed spool ($99 version) and the tournament MG ($129 version) other than the drag system? Looking at the specs everything else looks the same. Thanks, Joe
  20. I caught almost all of my 35 bass over the weekend on a rocket craw in black/blue fleck. Texas rigged with a 3/0 owner j hook and 1/4-5/16 weight. Rod was a 7'3" MH *** Black and 12lb yozuri hybrid. The best part was going 5+ fish on one craw, very tough bait.
  21. I just purchased a new 7'3" MH rod that I plan to use for frogs but may also use for pitching heavier cover and possibly for some swim baits. I'm contemplating whether I should use 50 or 65 lb braid. I definitely don't need a stronger line than 50 but I wonder if the manageability may be better with the 65 and the line won't dig as bad in my spool. On the other hand would 50 cast further and handle lighter baits better? What would you choose? I'll probably be using 3/8-3/4 oz jigs and 1/2 oz frogs and an occasional spinnerbait or swimbait. Joe
  22. Im not much of a swim bait fisherman but will be picking up some of these to try. How would you rig it for fishing shallow weed cover? Texas rigged with a bullet sinker or a weighted swim bait hook with a twist lock? What size weight for water less than 5ft? Thanks! Joe
  23. I have success fishing texas rigged worms over and through the top and Carolina rigging a worm around the sparser edges. I'm sure other plastics would work as well and a crankbait over the top or off the deeper edges would work as well. Joe
  24. Anyone use the stainless steel terminator spinnerbaits? How do they perform and hold up? My local cabelas has them 25% off and I might pick up a few. Thanks, Joe
  25. Tiller


    Will the 3/8 oz cavitrons stay on top at slow speeds?
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