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Everything posted by MIbassin

  1. Hey guys, This is a lake i fish a lot and have caught many good bass over the years. However i have just been fishing visible cover such as submerged weeds, logs, and docks. I have a feeling the bigger fish are out deep and am lost on where to start. navionics gives a ridiculously detailed map. http://webapp.navionics.com/#@10&key=ia%7BkGtownO Where would you go when it is mid-late summer time?
  2. I would use braid for most of those
  3. Too lazy to post pictures but i just got a dobyns champion extreme dx745 and a tatula type r alone with lots of siebert jigs. Its the best combo I've ever felt in my 16 years
  4. x4 flatfish in gold
  5. 3/8oz black jig with a part of a trick worm as a trailer
  6. It may or may not get locked, some threads on this topic have been locked in the past.
  7. What are some times of year/conditions when you guys throw a large profile jig? For example, the mata jigs from Siebert
  8. Im looking for a jig reel to pair with a new rod i just bought. Do you guys like a high speed reel? I was looking at the tatula 100-r in 8:1:1 i feel like that high speed reel would really help pick up the slack on a hook set
  9. As a kid turning 17 in July, i have to say the the phone thing annoys me to no end as well. I will be celebrating and remembering with family friends, and enjoying living in a great country. As far as the public school vs home school, I have a very hard time seeing how home schooling is beneficial.
  10. While fishing in the Everglades, I lost one on a jig after making a long cast onto a hump. Got her right up to the boat and the jig came out. She was 7-8lbs easy
  11. I feel like I've seen this thread before, but the search function only turned up a thread from 2012. So, is one place cheaper than another?
  12. sweet! how deep is that water? Looks very shallow
  13. Hey guys, I am heading out to a small(120 acre) lake this coming weekend. The bass have just started spawning last week. The lake is fed by a river and the river then flows into a big lake. The whole lake is surrounded by pads, reeds, brush, and fallen trees on the shoreline. The shoreline averages 2-3ft The main lake has the same cover around the shoreline and averages about 5-6 feet. There is one spot with deep holes about 8-9 feet. This area also has a nice point that extends close to the deepest area. How would you fish this? Will the bass be moved to deeper water? Should i be fishing a jig and bouncing a hudd in the deep areas? Should i be fishing spinnerbaits parallel to the bank? I'm confused. The bass are unpredictable by me right now...
  14. Awesome looking lake you have there!
  15. Hollow belly swimbait
  16. Algae, yes. Weeds, no.
  17. So sorry for the loss. My grandmother is actually friends with the mother of Rachel Jacobs.
  18. Bluefin Tuna and Cobia are my favorites but i love others as well
  19. Once I was fishing a crankbait and the back treble got fouled and started spinning like a torpedo on top of the water and it got crushed. I then proceeded to catch 7 more bass by intentionally fouling the hook and running it on top.
  20. I was thinking back to April and my trip to the everglades and i realize that the way the guide told me to fish my jig may have been a bit odd. What i would do is cast it out, let it hit the bottom and immediately hop it. Then let it sink back down from the hop and hop it again aggressively. I was barely letting the jig hit the bottom and aggressively and quickly hopping it. Do any of you do this? If it makes any difference i was using part of a zoom trick worm as a trailer.
  21. I have to say, of all the places people fish on this website, you fish some of the nicest/most picturesque looking ponds
  22. Another option is the real prey pond shiner. Perfect for Florida
  23. Awesome!
  24. Welcome!! I have a house in Boynton, the public places suck. I have only had luck fishing private/community ponds.
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