Hey guys!
As i grow as a fisherman, i am beginning to understand many different types of lures much better!
But one lure that i have never tried and no matter how many articles read i just dont understand it....a weedless spoon such as the johnson minnow
how are they weedless with only that one little strand of metal protecting the hook?
when should i use them besides when fishing for suspended fish?
do they work well in grass?
What color imitates a perch/bluegill better gold or silver( im assuming gold)
If any of you could answer these questions that would be great!
Hey guys!
I just had a quick question:
Most lakes i fish have really nice looking shorelines with logs and weeds, and in some lakes there are big grass "islands" that stick up out of the water,
would you first see if the fish are active by throwing a buzz bait or would you throw a pop-r first and slowly pop it bass the shoreline/islands?
Would 15lb braid with an 8lb fluorocarbon leader work for a shaky head?
I thought the braid was 10lb not 15....just wondering if this is ok or if i should return the line
Hey guys! I was wondering what factor decides if you are going to throw a moving vs slow moving lure for Active or inactive fish? Is it cover, wind, sky conditions, time of day or a combination of things? What factor do you look for first?
lampreys, like leeches suck blood off of other creatures. I would google it, but they have circular mouths with sucking teeth and are much larger than leeches
Hey guys! Most of the ponds around here are shallow and as the season progresses they fill with snot grass( the slimey crap you can't keep off your hook) early in the season it's only on the bottom, but later on its everywhere! Do you guys have any tips for catching bass in this stuff?
haha that's funny because the first super spook I picked up was in bone with a red head! What size is your favorite? Could you still use the super spook when it's calm or would you opt for a smaller one?
Thanks! I actually live fishing with the super spook.. And is there any way you could help me out with color? I've heard white for cloudy days and chime for sunny days ..... Then Ill go to a different website and it will say the exact opposite. I'm just looking for a general rule if thumb
Hey guys,
I know that the general rule of thumb is in clear water or when the bite is really tough, to downsize lures.
But what about spooks, poppers and any topwater for that matter..for example when would you throw a super spook over the puppy or regular size?
Hey guys!
I havent seen this question asked anywhere else and im really curios to know the difference!
In your experience and knowledge....is there ever a time when one big rattle will work over many smaller ones and vise versa?
The reason i ask is because recently, many companies that have lures with many rattles have come out with a lure with one big rattle such as a one knocker spook just to name one.
What do you think?
Hey guys,
I consider myself pretty good at topwater fishing, but i still have a few questions:
Does color matter? especially on spook style baits- any tips on when to use what color are appreciated
Do they work all day?
Besides low light, what are the best conditions to fish them?
Hey guys!
I have a question: What should you do if you want to begin fishing tournaments but there are none anywhere near you? How do you enter? do you need a boat?
Im looking to maybe start fishing a few but there aren't any near me and i only have a 14 foot boat with a trolling motor
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