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Everything posted by MIbassin

  1. Does the faster ROF trigger that reaction strike?
  2. When would you suggest moving up to the 1/2oz as opposed to the 3/8oz?
  3. Hey guys, What type of jig head and weight would you reccomend from siebert outdoors? I will be pitching shallow wood/shoreline brush in about 4-6 feet of water!!(late spring, summer and early fall) Thanks! Also, what color is your favorite for visibility of 2.5-4 feet?
  4. I find that if fish are ignoring your lure completely, it most likely isn't color alone, if fish are almost-but not quite committing to your bait…this is where i change colors and most of the time it works.
  5. The frustrating thing is when you set the hook with a 13 inch worm and you think you have a 10lber and it turns out to be an 11 inch dink…..
  6. SPEED, when the water is warm enough for you to fish a rat bat, do you fish it during the day too? I noticed that 3 out of the 4 pictures are at night.
  7. Yea I've been by his website a couple times, hopefully he makes another batch before spring!
  8. DUDE! Nice bass! Hopefully i have some of those in store for me next season! Now the search for a big perch swim bait continues….
  9. Can't wait to see the 10lber you pull in with it next season!
  10. Is that a hinkle glide? That thing looks enormous!
  11. Im a righty, like i said before i reel left handed with spinning and bait casting reels. I get to hold my rod in my right arm/hand and my right arm is a lot stronger than my hand.
  12. That's the article i read too
  13. Huh, i read an article on pond management that included tiger bass. It said they were a cross between NLMB and FLMB
  14. I am a righty and I'm the opposite….it feels extremely awkward reeling with my right hand.. all of my reels are left handed.
  15. I believe it is a cross between Northern Strain and Florida Strain LMB, from what i have read they are usually used in private, well managed ponds due to their aggressiveness and how fast they put on weight. Someone please correct me if i am wrong!
  16. All my concerns about baits being too big flew out the window when my dad caught a 5 and a half inch bass on an 8 inch lunker punker No way it's too big! Throw it!
  17. 1. Try and match the forage of the bigger bass as close as possible 2. Get off shore 3. Slow down/have patience
  18. From my dozen or so fish on the hudd, you wait till the rod loads up and I use mono, but you could definitely use braid. The only reason I don't is because if I backlash I don't want to watch an expensive lure fly off the end of my line...
  19. From my dozen or so fish in the hudd, you wait till the rod loads up and I use mono, but you could definitely use braid. The only reason I don't is because if I backlash I don't want to watch an expensive lure fly off the end of my line...
  20. Add a spook style bait to your topwaters
  21. Are jerk baits only winter time lures?
  22. Thanks for the help!
  23. Understood…but the worm mystery still remains.
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