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Bass Slayer 72

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Everything posted by Bass Slayer 72

  1. A woman meets a gorgeous man in a bar. They talk, they connect, they end up leaving together. They get back to his place, and as he shows her around his apartment, she notices that his bedroom is completely packed with sweet cuddly teddy bears. Hundreds of cute small bears on a shelf all the way along the floor, cuddly medium-sized ones on a shelf a little higher, and huge enormous bears on the top shelf along the wall. The woman is surprised that this guy would have a collection of teddy bears, especially one that's so extensive, but she decides not to mention this to him, and actually is quite impressed by his sensitive side. She turns to him... they kiss... and then they rip each others clothes off and make hot steamy love. After an intense night of passion with this sensitive guy, they are lying there together in the afterglow, the woman rolls over and asks, smiling, "Well, how was it?" The guy says "Help yourself to any prize from the bottom shelf"!
  2. I live very close to a few lakes and fish them quite often, my pet peeve is the tournament fishermen act as though they have some higher right to the boat launch and the lake than those of us who are recreational fishing. I usually have at least one of my children with me, so I never drink and fish. I've had other boats get within 20 yards of us and the min I start catching bass, I've got three or five bass boats crowding me. It makes me upset and I will move, but I do it as loud as I can starting my motor at full throttle and sitting there letting it warm up. don't like it, fish at a respectable distance.
  3. There are a few areas in lakes that I fish that I have caught Pike in while Bass fishing as well, they are always super aggressive too, but usually only hit my cranks and silver/brass spinners. Several times my boys will have a Perch or Blue gill on their line and while bringing it in (fish fighting) we’ve had Pike come up and hit the hooked fish….
  4. Ha, you guys make me laugh.... What good is your side arm all tucked away in your tackle box? but to answer the main question, Needle nose Pliers surgical forceps Surefire defender extra clip/mag bug spray band aids hand sanitizer fish rag muli-tool My .45 is always on my hip or in conceal holster in the small of my back, with 1 in chamber... If you look at my profile pic you can see it on my hip under the fish.....=
  5. While you're at it, avoid these four word phrases too. They're all pretty loaded, and you probably won't get the reaction you want. In some instances, the reaction you get will be the exact opposite of what you want. What can I say? Dudes are sensitive creatures, like panda bears. 1. "Size does not matter." 2. "Do what you want." 3. "Mom is coming over." 4. "When is Date Night." 5. "I think I'm late." 6. "Do I look fat?" 7. "Did I wake you?" 8. "Be honest with me." 9. "Who are you texting? 10. "Don't talk to me."
  6. Yup, needle nose pliers for sure, I also carry a pair of 5-1/2'' Forceps, you know they look like surgical instruments, they are nice to be able to get down deeper than the pliers and can really help backing out those hook sets, or lack their of.
  7. If at all possible I will cast with the wind, depending on just how windy it is I might give up a spot that looks better if I have to battle the wind all day or reposition the boat so I can sidearm cast parallel to the shore, but I agree use a heavier bait to help keep your lines tight.
  8. Very nice..... Good job.
  9. Thanks for the advice and info, I'll pass it on to him. He only had 8 lbs test on his pole when he caught that, and yes I've seen the teeth in that thing, that's why he had that glove on and held it through the gills.... I've only seen these things on McLaren Lake north of Hesperia so that's where I'll take him if he wants to try for more. The other day a guy was getting into the water with a full SCUBA suit and tank on he had a spear gun and said he was going to hunt Bowfins.. I never knew they got that big...
  10. Here is a lake I fishined this weekend with my Aunt, is there anything better than this?....=
  11. Bowfins will eat larger birds and of course fish, he probalby was just checking to see if you were food or not. I have never heard of Bowfins attacking a person, but first time for everything. Next time throw out a worm on a hook,he might take it and you'd have a heck of a fight on your hands. My boy caught one last month 26 inch and a 5-10 min fight. He loved it.
  12. That sucks bro, I bet next time you take your gear with you behind the tree.....=
  13. Hey, good to see a fellow Michiganer here.... =
  14. Welcome, can't go wrong with a Lund....
  15. Welcome, and don't worry about lures, they will come trust me. Someday you'll look back and remember when fishing wasn't so complicated.....lol
  16. Good to have you aboard, Top-water can be a great tool for fishing Bass, it just can’t be your only tool. I know a lot of guys who will throw top water no matter the time of day or the weather conditions, as long as you’re trying to find spots where the Bass may hold or hide behind/beside cover you’ll do better. Frogs are an animal all of their own, so I’d suggest just starting with a Rapala jointed top water, cast to shore and bring her back with as much wobble as you can, pick out grass lines, and in front of pad’s. Trust me work the fallen timber and you’ll be smiling holding lunkers in no time…
  17. Welcome, and I can't wait to see more pics, Florida can produce HUGE bass from what I've seen in various bass magazines.
  18. No problem with old school... = welcome
  19. I sort of stick to the basics for baitfish in our area, I have a lot of perch colors, sun fish, and blue gills, because that’s what’s the majority of our bass’s diet. I guess I always figured that I can’t go wrong with offering what they are used to eating. As far as what might influence my decision to purchase, for cranks it’s always depth and size of lure. I will usually buy one, then try it out for awhile before I commit to purchasing the whole color spectrum…..lol but I agree with Fishking 247, once I find what I “think” works, I tend to buy a few extra and store them away for replacement purposes…
  20. Thanks all....
  21. Oddly enough I have lots of songs that I really like and feel a certain nostalgic reminiscing when I hear them mostly songs my mother would listen to, she was a big 70’s fan what is now classic rock, but I only can remember the heart breaking songs of past romantic relationships for certain time periods… =
  22. While fishing with my son, we noticed this weird fish that at first we thought was a snakehead. It’s dorsal fin was connected all the way around the back end to the bottom and it moved like a eel. I could see a mark on the back top of its fin that looked like a bull’s-eye. My son was flipin’ a worm and he became obsessed with this big fish that didn’t seem to mind us being so close, he kept flipping the bait close to him and the without any warning the fish took the worm, he fought the fish for 5 mins or so and when we got him in the boat I still didn’t know what the heck it was. While loading up the boat at the dock, some other anglers told us it was a dog fish. I had never really seen one, but was told as a child that a dog fish could eat me if I went out to far. The guys at the boat launch said they kill ducks and baby swans. My son wants to catch more of these weird fish, my questions is does anyone have any tips or info on these? Is there a better way than the worm? Thanks in advance for the info, I’m sure he’d appreciate it.
  23. I run the 4000 Shimano’s as well and over the past three years I have changed all my line out for braided, I don’t use anything larger than #14 lbs fire line or equivalent, unless I’m going to fish the river during the salmon run. I’m pretty constant with staying between 8-14 lbs depending on the time of season and what I think I’ll throw most of the day, I have the Crystal line on one and the HI vis on the other, but lately I’ve been either flipin’ or Cranking..
  24. I've read that some lunkers have been found with plastic baits stuck in their guts and keeps them from being able to digest, so maybe.
  25. Not that the money wouldn't have been nice, but wow, what a fish.... I'd have it mounted and sent to the IGFA....
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