What type of fishing do you want to do? if you want a good overall state north carolina is boss. coastal stripers, drum, offshore fishing (shark, tuna, etc) then you have some big largemouth, smallmouth and up in the mountains you have great trout fishing.
don't overlook northern fishing for largemouth. i live in southeastern new york (long island) and while we don't get consistent 10-12's if you put your time in you can get quite a few 4-6's. anything above 7 is considered a "trophy" i have heard of a handful of 9's and even a few 10's by me. i have great largemouth fishing here, perch, some walleye and smallies and a few OK trout streams. then you have the atlantic ocean, long island sound, and various bays, harbors and rivers for striped bass, bluefish, porgies, blackfish, sea bass, cod. you also have the sportfishing capital of the world also known as montauk point. More people saltwater fish around here but there is a pretty good freshwater crowd as well.the problem with Long Island, well actually everywhere is more people and more people wishing which means more fishing pressure and the "bucket brigade" keeping every fish from 3"-10lbs
i am in my early 20's as well and while i do love it here, the cost of living is plain ridiculous i can't see myself being here when i am 30