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Everything posted by wordty

  1. Where are the LIghtning Rods on sale?
  2. 1. I need a cranking set up to use from a boat...not extremely deep cranking...I have an extra rod sitting around, a 7 foot Medium Vendetta with Medium / Fast tip...would it work for a cranking rod, and if not, I will get a BPS Crankin Stick...but tell me why it wouldn't work if you don't advise me using the Vendetta (also I'd like to know if I should use a 5:4.1 baitcasting reel, or what?) 2. I have a KVD 7:0.1 burner that I might as well use as a frog / pitching type rod I guess...is 7'3" a good length rod for this, and what stifness / action should I get on it? Thanks!
  3. I do have a boat and get out now and then with it...I use the 7 foot with the 7.0:1 for most jig applications.
  4. The Vendettas are all Medium Fast The 6'6" is actually a medium shaft, not medium light and it is a fast action
  5. Another one of those posts...what would you all add here? 7 foot Medium Vendetta with 6.4:1 Pro Qualifier 7 foot Medium Vendetta with 7.0:1 KVD Burner 6'6" Medium Light Vendetta with Sahara 2500 7 foot Medium CarbonLite with Symetre 2500 Maybe something for deep cranks (and how deep does that mean to use it at)?
  6. I know that the subject of what reel to use for cranking has been beat to death on here...my question, is does it matter how "deep" I am cranking when looking at what reel to get (5.4:1 as opposed to 6.4:1) and if I get a 5.4:1 what else can I use it for? Looking to put a BP Cranking Stick and BP Pro Qualifier together.
  7. This is a video of my motor that dies after about 30 seconds...should more water be coming out of the top hole that I point my finger to at the end of the video? I hope this is only an impeller issue but am looking for feedback please...thanks!
  8. I have an extra 7 foot medium Vendetta rod so I thought I'd make it a topwater rod...looking for a reel on the less pricey side for it (Orra SX, BPS Pro Qualifier, Speed Spool, etc)...what do you recommend? Also, I also have 7'3 heavy rod with a 7.1.1 on it for jigs...would I be better of using the 7'3 for jigs or making it the topwater rod and using the 7' Vendetta the jig rod? I am not buying another rod, so no rod suggestions please.
  9. I live in Franklin and have only fished the Harpeth and Caney Fork rivers...how did you do fishing near Steeplechase? Did you fish there in the park? That part of the river flows into the main Harpeth at Ensworth.
  10. Here is my first experience with one (it came off as I pulled the fish in).
  11. Not wanting to spend over $300 on a scope for .30-06...have looked at Leupold VX-2 but Redfields are cheaper and sound to be good ones for the money...Any advice for someone not wanting to spend over $300 but preferring to spend closer to $200? Thanks!
  12. Never can decide if I prefer to have plyers in a pocket, line cutter on a string, or if maybe some multi-tool on the waist band is my best bet when bass fishing...cutting line, digging out hooks, etc. What works good for you and if you use a multi-tool, which one do you like?
  13. Got this new reel that came with no owner's manual but has 4 little washers in a pack that say "See owner's manual"....I don't know why a $59 Sedona comes in a box with paper work but a $99 Symetre is in plastic with nothing. Anyway, I looked online at the owners manual and still can't see what these washers are for. Any idea where to put them and if they're needed?
  14. So I would literally have three lines on there? Backing, braid, then fluoro? Is some plain old mono ok to use for backing?
  15. I am new to braid, and based on my other set ups already with my baitcasters I am looking at putting 20 pound braid on a 7 foot rod with my Symetre 2500. I wIll be putting a fluoro leader on it of 8, 10, or 12 pounds (open to suggestions here please)...anyway, should I put tape on the reel to hold the braid in place and what knot should I use to tie on the leader? 12-18 inch leader ok?
  16. At Wally World where I live they were not marked down but the guy at the register got a sale flyer and saw the price then honored it (after saying it may have been a one day sale...he then saw it was good all week and said "great deal" and rang em up at the sale price.)
  17. I bought 4 of them Is the 7 foot MEDIUM baitcaster good for a cranking rod? Is a 7 foot MEDIUM good for a flipping / pitching rod?
  18. I have a coupon at a local sporting goods store that would get me a Skeet Reese Crankbait rod for $69.99....or I can get the sale price at Bass Pro on their Crankin' Stick for $69.99. So which is better for deep crankbaits, since money is the same price on each one?
  19. I have read lots of negative about this reel...any thoughts on it by anyone who has had one?
  20. Thanks to you for the great info on how to check on a state...I had not found that! So can you mark exact spots and save them just like on a GPS device?
  21. Wondering how this has worked for people...I may download this as I have heard that it will save me from using a GPS system separate from my phone or fishfinder....any one have it? Particularly, does it have J. Percy Priest Lake or Old Hickory Lake in Nashville on it?
  22. I bought a Mark-4 DSI and am afraid it is overkill for what I need. I only have a 16 foot jon boat and mainly want to find brush and fish...don't need all the bells and whistles...it sounds like actually seeing fish on the unit I have is not too easy. Should I just go to Walmart and get a cheapy for around $80? Sounds like on mine the transducer goes in the hull as opposed to under it?
  23. Looking for a flipping rod...Academy Rod Riot has the Ethos 7'3 HEAVY for $59. Some Dick's coupons will get me a Veritas 7'6 MH for $79...is the Vertias worth $20 more than the Ethos and does the 3 inch difference make any difference? I am 6'4" so I can handle length but would prefer a 7'3" rod for $20 less if it is going to do me fine... Will be putting a 7.0.1 on it.
  24. where was the sale? how will you use each of them? (what type fishing)
  25. Needing advice before going to Bass Pro Friday! I have: 1- 5.4.1. Pro Qualifier Baitcaster on a 7' Medium Vendetta with 12 pound mono 2- 7.0.1 KVD Quantum Baitcaster on a 7' Medium Vendetta and need line suggestion 3- Shimano Symetre 2500FL spinning reel and I need suggestions on rod length / strength as well as what line on it to give me a good broad span covered among these 3 set ups... Not really wanting to go with braid, but considering both mono and fluoro Thanks much
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