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Everything posted by Western-Mass-Bass

  1. Im going to be installing push pole style anchors this season. One on bow and one on stern. Searching for a bracket I once seen on a site but cannot find it now. This bracket mounted under the gator mount and was universal for both brands. Ive found others, but none that Im finding will use 3/4 O.D fiberglass rod with it. Any help? Thanks, Lee
  2. I always run some sort of circuit protection. Incase of running through thick stuff and putting a heavy load on it.
  3. Valid point. But there are regulations against vehicles in forest situations as far as spillage, such as two stroke dirt bikes . Atleast I think there is.
  4. Welcome aboard!
  5. Welcome to the forums..... Again
  6. I could see if he was running an old 2 stroke down a water way that had an endangered species or maybe a bald eagle hatchling reserve or something. But he was paddling a plastic boat to get from one point to another!!!! Cmon man.....
  7. Im sure glad my revos work perfectly. Love them all!!
  8. Welcome and congrats on the boat!
  9. For 500.00 bucks you can get a heck of alot more than one? There is some nice cheaper stuff out there now.
  10. Dave, I would never Hi-jack a post but if you dont mind , Id like to say thanks to them too. I was actually able just to PM Mike himself right from here. My package just arrived to! Simply explained what I needed. And bang!!! Seberts delivered. Thanks for letting me squeeze that in. And thanks to Seberts from me as well. Lee
  11. Man, I hope Im reading this right. He paddled through a stretch of water? And is being sued? This is the stuff we go to court for now? What a waste of time and money!! Loosen up people!!!!!
  12. Pair of costas... Darn shame they were whooped
  13. Ya man that's what I meant. Thanks for the advice
  14. Thanks Jeff, Do you happen to have a pad up front? Im right at 5'11 and am curious if 30 inches would be tall enough. Thanks again for the reply.
  15. Welcome Frank.
  16. I just bought a small leaning pad for the front of my boat. I originally had a traditional seat up there and now my pedestal is to short. Without going to a power style pedestal is there a cheaper route? Do they make an extension for mine? I really dont have the 80+ bucks for the ez swivel hydraulic at the moment. Any cheaper options? As always thanks, Lee
  17. Same here. I think we should start a pool on who its gonna be to get theirs before seasons end . Only two episodes left. Im thinking Darrel....... It could be though. Darrel is getting his own motorcycle show....
  18. Right over the mountain from me. Good luck with it and have a great season!
  19. Im currently in a situation like this myself. My boat was used on a restricted hp lake. (25hp) And it is extremely under powered now for the water I choose to fish. For me though it will not be as expensive because Im considering a 60-75hp outboard. But I love my boat enough to believe this will be the better route to re-power it. Good topic
  20. Welcome aboard!!!
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