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  1. Has anyone built and fished with a new Eternity RX10? I have the 74 heavy and 72mh waiting to be built. The previous 72mH is one of my fav blanks. And to get a heavy power with pretty high modulus... Pretty cool. The butt is THICK!
  2. I really like the power if it's similar to my first Gen. It's very versatile imo, can be used around grass or open water. I shot them an email but don't think I'll receive a response until later in the week. Was hoping people that have fished it could give me there thoughts.
  3. Has anyone built on this blank? The first rod I ever built was on a Gen 1 hi mod version of this blank. It's horribly ugly, I think I used a size 30 stripper guide, but I love it and I have caught my biggest fish on it. I've attached some pics of a 7lb 4oz beast I caught this past week dragging a drop shot down some ledges. I've fished open water, submerged grass and everything in between and it really is excellent. Perhaps it's my confirmation bias talking, but has anyone used the latest version of this blank? I was thinking about building another one. I have a rod geeks c4 73mhxs waiting to be built up as well. I'd like to have 2 drop shot rods ready, one for bigger plastics rigged weedless and one with nose hooked smaller baits
  4. So my local G&F placed a bunch of habitats in one of the lakes and published the GPS coordinates online. I believed they used the UTM system. Forgive my ignorance, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to enter them. I understand you can change the type of coordinates your unit uses. For example, it could be Degrees, degrees minutes second etc. When I select UTM and try to enter these numbers it just doesn't seem to work out. Any advice would be appreciate. Northing: 3725761.104 Easting: 491376.808
  5. Don't really have much use for it here in AZ, but I've been researching panoptix a lot lately. There are some amazing videos on youtube specifically of the ice bundle. Seriously amazing tech.
  6. Finished it up tonight. Pretty happy with how it came out. Still trying to figure out how they modified that ALPS MVT spinning seat I originally posted though. ?
  7. If its anything at all like the old 50e series reels It'll be a winner. I'm super excited about the reel. Not a fan of the loud graphics, but it definitely looks promising.
  8. Which blank did you end up building on? I was all set on the 701MHF. Was looking @ the 7'3 models but I'm not a fan of extra fast actions. Right now my favorite blank is the Eternity2 72MH. I have two blanks, first gen and second gen that I absolutely adore. Would probably build more but a: I don't need them and b: it's fun to try new things. Would also love to see pictures of your build, you do great work!
  9. Awesome! Thank you for the info. My two NFC x ray blanks just came in and I've been trying to figure out what exactly to do with them. Ordered up a couple of alps seats, a couple Fuji seats, some HPS and KDPS with various cork and EVA to try and mess around a bit. ? Also decided to order a point blank rod blank to try out as well.
  10. Thanks .ghoti.! Anyone know if they will fit on an Alps seat? I know mixing brand may be a no no...
  11. So I've got a few builds I'll have time to start on in the next week or so. Usually I just cut the threads down to fit the reel, sand the edges smooth, and place a winding check on there. However, I think I'd like to learn how to start hiding the threads properly. The first pic is something I saw on ebay. It looks like a marriage between an Alps reel seat and a Fuji backstop? Has anyone done anything like this? Wondering how well they 'marry up' so to speak. The second pic shows what I'm trying to achieve. I'd like to be able to tighten or loosen it from the cork/eva in addition to the carbon piece of the actual reel seat as well. Used the spinning seat as an example, but would also like to do this for casting seats. Even something as simple as that Kistler seat with the piece of EVA attached to it. Thanks in advance, I'm sure this is probably super simple but it's something I haven't attempted yet.
  12. Both mudhole and getbit have youtube playlists that go over the basics of putting rods together. There's a youtube vid for just about everything ?
  13. Plastics are worth it if you only use a few and know exactly what you need.
  14. Well hell, now I feel guilty for ordering two of these. I ordered them the first day they were listed, still haven't received a shipment notification. I figured they wouldn't list them if they didn't have them in stock. I'd like to think they will somehow compensate their loyal distributors but it doesn't look like that will happen. Next time I'll try point blank.
  15. Really been wanting to try that rod geeks blank with the extra soft tip! So many blanks so little time. Maybe I"ll just order it and a point blank to try it out.
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