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  1. With Yamamoto senkos I use the orings, because they are a bit softer and will tear off on a far cast. With the Gander brand I haven't needed to use anything. I just hook direct to worm
  2. I used to stick with the Gary Yamamoto' Senkos. And did good with them. However Ive caught more and bigger fish with the Gander Mountain Senkos. And the little added stiffness tends to keep my worm on for a couple more uses. Not to mention its cheaper for more. and They come with a free Hook in each pack!
  3. 5" red senko/ black flake Whacky Rig. First time using the Gander mountain brand.
  4. Went out friday evening to kick off my labor day weekend at a local small lake. Had no luck at first, after about an hour on the water I kinda just got into expecting not to catch anything and propped my feet up on the yak, still casting away. Ive caught plenty of Small mouth, nice ones. but where I live large mouth at far and few between especially anything over a pound. After one heck of a fight I got to pull this guy out of the water. I was very happy, not smiling because I was trying to hold him and take the picture with my phone! Cant wait to catch another!!
  5. 1. Read alot 2. Youtube alot 3. Fish Alot I would go to your tackle shop of choice and grab a couple of everything and figure out what you and the fish in your area like. In this I would include, 5" Senkos I prefer to whacky rig them, A topwater Frog I prefer KVD Sexy Frog but ive seen good result from the Spro frogs as well. A few 1.5"-2.5" crankbaits, I like sexy shad color square bill. Get a couple for different depths. and finally some white/.charutese Spinners.
  6. Why not just get a kayak. If you dont have alot of money just get a more affordable sit-in. Its what I have, and If I want to stand I just find a nice peice of shore I otherwise couldnt have reached and get out. And also have a blast doing most of my fishing from the yak. My Sit-in is just a pelican, one hatch in rear, Two flush rod holder built in the back, great for trolling. and one scotty rod holder in the front. I only paid 200$ new and couldnt be happier
  7. Same here, I love to just throw my worm out there and see what will grab onto it.
  8. I doubt at your age any company would be willing to take the chance that you are going to be mature and responsible enough to represent them. Reguardless of your fishing ability. I would put your focus on school. Get on a College fishing team. Take some courses related to the field. If your looking for money to help pay for tackle. and entry fee's. Get a part time job. It will probaly be less work/time than being sponsored.
  9. It actually will fit just fine. It has front adjustable straps from top to bottom as well as side and back straps to adjust. From all the reviews I read, many of those saying that they were worried about the same issue said after adjustments it fit just fine. This model vest is also made to not ride up even when sitting in a boat/kayak/canoe.
  10. I just got a NRS Chinook PFD. its not an inflatable. But its made to wear in boats with no padding on the lower back. Its very comfortable and doesnt over heat me. It also has 10 pockets. Which is great because I can keep all the tackle I need right on me. I would deffinately reccomend it for any small boat owner.
  11. So to start I should mention Im not a experienced top water fisherman. But after watching some videos It looked like alot of fun when executed properly. So I sent the wife to Gander last night while I was at work to pick e up my first Frog. I went with the KVD Sexy Frog. She got me the Watermelon with orange chin. not the color I asked for but hey what can I expect. Atleast she went and got it! I decided when I got home last night at 11pm that It could no wait to be tested. So I called up a buddy and we decided to head out early before work. We settled on going to lake monster. This lake got its nickname from producing large size toothy fish. The morning started off slow. Sun was just starting to rise when I got my first bite. And this being my first time using a frog I was of course not paying attention and was starring off into space. missed the first two strikes. One of which I seen and would of been a nice trophy bass. I kicked myself for that one. But it made me focus. About 20 minutes later BAM fish on! But without anything breaking the water. after setting the hook, Which felt solid. I started reeling in. Then, my line goes limp and I feel no pressure. CRAP! Fish off! I drop my pole in the kayak thinking i lost another one. Then suddenly the line comes back to life! After a good 5 minute fight I ended up with a nice Shortnose Gar. Also caught a couple 2lbs. or so Smallmouth. but didnt get the camera out for them.
  12. Me and my wife both had facebook. I wouldnt ever say facebook was the problem. But women will never see things like a man does. After a few jealous fits by my wife. Over nothing. I suggested we both delete our facebooks. Afterall anyone who wants to be in your life was there before facebook and will continue to be after. If they cant contact you in any other way then they really don't care for you. Its been a few months now, since we deleted them. and Im happy to say our marriage has never been better. in fact The last arguement we had was when we both had an account. If she feels the need to stay connected via Social media. Suggest she make a Twitter. as they are far less personal. but still satisfys her urge to creep on people.
  13. Good story! Now to get my wife into fishing!
  14. I personally dont think going to a bigger worm will increase your chances. Imo its not the worm size but where you are putting it. Ive only noticed that switching to a larger worm may keep the smaller ones off. but not really incrrease the amount of large fish caught. I personally like the smaller fish because they kill time, and with enough action in one spot seems to attract bigger fish to see whats going on.
  15. Yes he did. He is officially the craziest man I know. I dont think he thought about what he was doing, it was more of desperation. luckily he didnt grab it by the mouth, considering it was out of sight and the water there is very murky.
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