.........and the second worst outcome happened: it took on more water than it could handle and became submerged just over halfway.
Got the boat out yesterday morning and the launch we dropped in at did not have a dock. Being only our 3rd time out, we didn't realize the trouble that would wind up causing. Anyways, I get in and try getting the engine started but it didn't want to turn over. I get out for some reason or another, then when I get back in, I see that there is water coming up from the floor on the captains chair. I tell my dad and he says ""OH **** ****, I FORGOT THE DRAIN PLUG!". I open the bilge and sure enough, it's full. I flip on the bilge pump, but it's listing to the side the pump empties so that is useless. i then reach down to try and find the plug but nope, I can't. My dad then gets in and finds it and plugs it.
Then some other chain of events happen that all kinda blended together and are kinda fuzzy, but they resulted in the motor eventually starting and me trying to go in reverse because I could not go forward which was the final straw: my dad looked at me and said "that's it, it's under water, go go go!". I gun it to try and cut it left and maybe get it on plane or something, anything but all I do is drive it up on the concrete walkway. That actually saved our butts by bringing it far enough out of the water to formulate a salvage attempt. Luckily, some amazing guys were there and they helped us maneuver the boat back to the ramp, then slowly and methodically pulled it back on the trailer via the winch and our anchor rope. How that winch didn't snap is beyond me.
Once we got it out of the water and drained, the only obvious damage was the trim motor randomly getting stuck in the up position, trimming the engine up. I narrowed this down to being the switch by the transom and was able to take it apart and clean it which seemed to have fixed the issue. We took the cowl off the engine, checked the spark plugs and blew most everything out with an air compressor until it was good and dry. Took the batteries out and did the same. After a couple hours of making sure stuff was dry, we reconnected the batteries and tried starting it up but nothing. No power. I then noticed how heavily corroded all the battery connections were so I took a wire brush to all of them, one by one and cleaned them off. Reconnected everything and voila! We have power! Put the key in and it tries to turn over! Holy crap, it's not completely dead. Well, then I fiddle around with some oil injection hoses and as most of them have been, one more breaks apart in my hand (the third one to do so in the ~2 weeks we've had the boat) and I have to swap it out. Once I do so, we are able to actually get the engine running. I am sitting here today still in disbelief because we then took it back out on the water without any issues.
nope, I don't have pics. But looking back, I kinda wish I took some to put on my wall of shame, possibly even on my console next to the steering wheel so i NEVER forget again.