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hooah212002 last won the day on July 7 2013

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About hooah212002

  • Birthday 03/05/1982

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Rockford, IL
  • My PB
    Between 3-4 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Delavan Lake
  • Other Interests
    Breaking computers then gloating about how to fix them, nerding out on a silly green lawn, growing dank nugs

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  • About Me
    I have been fishing for pretty much my whole life but it's never really been my primary passion or hobby. My dad and I recently went in together on our first boat, an '87 bass tracker, and that got me into it again. However, that purchase kinda also made boating a hobby and fishing seems to play second fiddle to the boat.

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Community Answers

  1. Ahh crap. Didn't think about the charger being bad. Gotta find my multimeter.....
  2. Silly question, but in a 24v system running in series, both batteries should be used/depleted equally, right? If you put it on the charger and one battery is still completely charged after ~8 hours on the water even though the TM stopped working, is it safe to assume something is probably wrong with one of the batteries?
  3. Ah, gotcha. I bought a 2 gauge jumper cable like this to connect the batteries: https://www.farmandfleet.com/products/g--549-deka-battery-to-battery-cable.html. I looked, but did not see one that had a fuse.
  4. I know one goes on the positive TM cable, but where would the 2nd fuse go?
  5. It would certainly be a downer but we've been fishing for a while without a working TM so we're used to it. That said, it definitely shot up on my list of priorities. Getting out last weekend and having a reliable TM really changed how we fished and was really awesome. I did find myself getting greedy and pining for a fancy model with spotlock. A cable drive TM is a pain in the whozawhatzit when you don't have the foot pedal secured lol. Without spending a ton of money, what is a better way to keep an eye on deep cycle battery health? Ideally, I'd like to have an onboard battery monitoring system with a phone app and the whole 9, but they seem to be rather pricey. Bear in mind that my dad already has plans on buying a brand new boat so this one is going to turn into a project boat in the next year or two so we really don't want to put a ton of money into it that doesn't equate to redoing the interior or things that can be reused (seats, TM/fishfinder, etc).
  6. That's what I was afraid of. I'm going to check it today to see if by some sort of miracle it is actually charging/charged because I really don't want to have to buy another battery before we can take it out again. Danke.
  7. we recently upgraded our TM to a 24v system (65lb Minn Kota Maxxum). We did not buy 2 new batteries because the old one still worked, but I don't know how old it is. We took it out for the first time yesterday and it never lost power even though we used it to do a controlled downstream troll with the boat pointing upriver but traveling downriver slower than the current in a pretty fast river which required it to be at nearly full power to keep us steady. When we got off the water, I put a multimeter on both batteries and the old one read something like 6.5v while the new one was still at 12.4. Both were fully charged at equal levels before we left. I've never measured that battery in years past so I have no idea if this always happened to it. I assume this means that the older batter is shot and should be replace, right?
  8. Not recently. I just moved back last July but I typically only go where my boat can go and until this past weekend, we didn't have a reliable trolling motor for lakes with size requirements or electric only.
  9. I realize this post is a couple weeks old, but I picked up a Hook2 5 Tripleshot late last year and while i know extremely little about how to even use the thing, I like it. I bought this model specifically because it was the cheapest way to get SI and DI. Once I hit the lotto or finally get my long awaited raise, I will move the 5" to the bow and get at least a 9" for the console because even though I have decent eyes (no glasses...yet), I have to get super close to the screen to see anything. Long time no see, Joe. My dad and I picked up a boat a few years ago so I owe you a trip.
  10. I imagine the thinking is that those laws only apply when your vessel is under power by your big engine and not while fishing.
  11. What about rock?
  12. Same in WI. I'm not sure it's a state by state law, though, is it? That one seems to be pretty universal just like lights.
  13. How do you know/how can you tell what prop rotation direction a boat is set up for?
  14. Good point. It's at my dad's house right now so I'll get some later today. Thanks.
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