For those that don't know how the screen reads. The boat is in the middle top( blue thing that looks like a boat. The rest is a picture of a side image display. The middle number on the bottom isthe water depth of the boat.
So in 1.6 ft of water to the right he has picked up a change in structure/ depth.
With the DI unit in 1.6 ft of water you will pick up 0.8 ft of the bottom where he is picking up 10.0 ft wide.
A. He passed through the same area as you and picked up fish on the bank while you trolled through the area never finding the structure.
B. In deep water with bait you are looking for baitfish and with them you will find the big fish. So it is a lot of water covering, marking and fishing. So if you are in 25 feet of water with DI you get 20 to 25 ft of the bottom. With the SI option you go up to 40 to 50 ft. Not sure if my numbers are exact but the y are close. any way cover twice as much water pick up twice as many fish = twice the smile on my face!