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Everything posted by IMPACT01

  1. Just spend the 35 bucks and get a slammer or woodtail. So big and so font to throw....
  2. Thanks all ....
  3. Beau and I worked the Q today from 7 - 1. We worked a lot of new water. My normal spots have been ok but giving up a lot of small fish. So we went looking for pods of bigger fish. We found some and had a great day. The wind was wipping and we saw some 3-4 ft rollers. Made it tough for Beau to fish and he ended up playing video games until my phone quit on him. He did get a hand full of small ones and I ended up letting him real in my fish a couple times to keep him smiling. Fish came from just out of gate 2 and all the way down at the barrels mostly in 28-30 ft. All on the DS accept for the first of of the day on a 10 ft diving crank bait it was one of the hardest hits I have had all year. Here are the pics we got before my phone died. __________________
  4. Never know who your going to bump in to here!
  5. Hey I know you! GNice ....
  6. What gave it away she frequented wallmart? Was she wearing a shower cap! Ha ha Sounds like a couple good trips....
  7. For those that don't know how the screen reads. The boat is in the middle top( blue thing that looks like a boat. The rest is a picture of a side image display. The middle number on the bottom isthe water depth of the boat. So in 1.6 ft of water to the right he has picked up a change in structure/ depth. With the DI unit in 1.6 ft of water you will pick up 0.8 ft of the bottom where he is picking up 10.0 ft wide. So A. He passed through the same area as you and picked up fish on the bank while you trolled through the area never finding the structure. B. In deep water with bait you are looking for baitfish and with them you will find the big fish. So it is a lot of water covering, marking and fishing. So if you are in 25 feet of water with DI you get 20 to 25 ft of the bottom. With the SI option you go up to 40 to 50 ft. Not sure if my numbers are exact but the y are close. any way cover twice as much water pick up twice as many fish = twice the smile on my face!
  8. I use the wright and McGill rods for all my bait cast set ups. The fast action allows you to feel the wobble of the crank better. I need that to feel it bounce of structure and assure it is not line tied or weed bound. It also allows for you to just keep cranking to set the hook and not worry about hook set.
  9. So cool to get both in one trip!
  10. the 858 should cover 100 percent of your depth. The only problem is you are going to wish you got the SI model. Good luck man!
  11. Some things you need to know. If you have a 20 degree finder it will pick up half the depth you are in. So 10 ft deep you are coving 5 ft of the bottom. If you turn up the sensativaty in shallow water you will get the best reading. If you turn it up in deep water it will tighten your cone but give you less reading but wil be more accurate. Less sensativaty less confinement or picture but not as good of. Return. How is your fish I'd set.
  12. You would want both optons. Do you fish deep water? The power of the unit describes the power of the transmitter. The more power the better and more accurate your returns will be. Have you tried to use your fish id in your current unit? How high is your sensitivity set?
  13. Love the spinner bait bite!
  14. Nice belly on that one! Well done!
  15. Sweet 00 fish! That is a rare fish here in MA!
  16. 7 series Humminbird with SI and DI. Great unit!
  17. IMPACT01

    No Where

    Bummer sounds like a nice spo Cresty has the right idea...
  18. Just tring to help ya out man! Don't get all wound up. I could care less how big the fish is. You wen't out and caught fish and had fun. That's what really matters. I am just telling you if you have bad photos and make big claims people are going to call you on them. I wish you good luck bro!
  19. LMAO!
  20. Nice chunk!!!
  21. I will be nice. That is not even close to 8-9 lbs. Your hands cover the whole body? Are you 7 ft tall? I am 6.2 here is a 5 or so lb fish. As a comparison.... / I don't want to argue with you, but if you go making big claims and not producing clear accurate photos with weights taken on a scale! People are going to laugh at you. Just Sayin ...
  22. With a rod and reel! Kidding... crank baits sound like a great way to start. love shallow rocky ponds ....
  23. I would poke it through in the general area of the dot. It is notmanexact science . Fish have bones, and then some thin soft spots..
  24. I love this post! A true fish story , what it is all about. I think the saying goes no picture didn't happen!
  25. Yes you should fish every part of the lake! Depends on how they are hitting for spot length!
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