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Everything posted by KDW96

  1. I like those. What size bait are you putting them on? And who sell them please?
  2. Mend it. Its money well spent.
  3. Sounds like to me you really want to try it? Id say go for it. Then use it next to your others. let us know how it turned out. If you dont do it your curiosity will forever haunt you. Good luck
  4. Thanks, ill look in to them.
  5. Looks good. Does it wipe off easy?
  6. I used lead wire i bought at TW, they sell two sizes.
  7. Ive found it best to have both. The knockers work when the poles arent long enough. And yet the pole works at other times. Come in handy with tree work, fetching lost lures.
  8. Im using either the Xuron, or a Cabelas stainless set ive had for years.
  9. Might give a KVD 1.0 a try. These little baits are one of the most overlooked and underated baits, that have caught me good size melons up to 6pd8oz. Change the hooks out to Kvd 1x2xshorts. Or you might try using single hook replacements.
  10. Rapala #7 came with stock #6 hooks. You could also try the kvd triple grip, 1-x,2-x, to up one size in hook, to a #4. Otherwise maybe Owner STX-36 or Owner STX-38 ZoeWire. I use both, and find they are excellent hooks. My first choice will always be Owner, but the kvds work well and are cheaper.
  11. 12lb usually when using mono.
  12. My thoughts and prayers to all his family and friends.
  13. I have used both. I ended up giving the megastrikes away, because sieberts just plain worked better for me.
  14. Might try Stren Magnathin? It been around a long time,might work. I seemed to have pretty good luck with it. But i might be the only one using it also?
  15. Oh my, I reeeeally like that. Just let me know the price please.?
  16. In looking for knock off versions, what ones do you recommend an where please? Thanks
  17. I ordered some just to try. But i likely wouldnt ever pay the retail. My concern is the gap beloew the barb. Maybe not wide enough? or deep enough?. But time will tell i guess.
  18. Ive took the same route as A-Jay. Storing them in Plano tacklewarehouse speed bags. Work especially well for kieteck packaging.
  19. The only things i wont buy,are labeled with- ike-.
  20. Fishing Skirts .com--If you have alot its way cheaper to build your own. Also,you can get the exact color combo. Get the wire at Home depot. I use braided line to secure them,and have had no issues. Much cheaper than tackle warehouse and amazon.
  21. KDW96


  22. Ive used this on several bags. You can get it at walmart in the camping section. Apply liberaly let dry 24 hours. This does work.
  23. Berkley lighting rod will be the better choice in the long run.
  24. Berkley lightining rod. 6ft6in med.1pc
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