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Everything posted by KDW96

  1. Do the Roboworms colors fade,loose their color?
  2. I myself have been really happy with the spool i recieved from tuff line. I used it all of 2013, with hardly any trouble. Id say any trouble was user error(too big of hurry to get lure in water)>. Like Long Mike, i make sure the line was good and wet when tying the not. It cast really well,and handled fish up to 7lb like a champ. I noticed the coating coming off at times,but has had no effect? Seems to have gotten better with time,as do others too.As far as being quieter? the noise from braid doesnt bother me at all. Will i buy it again-definate yes-when im done with the pwerpro thats on the other reels. Question for Long Mike- The kvd line conditioner,do you put it on while spooling or just anytime/also have you used the Tuff Line (Hevi-core)? Kinda intrigue me.
  3. Im not this ^ smart after 2 strokes. Anyone know of a GOOD line counter? Ive just been filling reels ,leaving about a third or less with 6pd line tightly spooled,and taped.Makes a very good base for tightly added braid.Just would like too know how many yards i put on?
  4. Im going to start using a leader is clearer water this year. But mine will only be 2-4ft. Like SirSnook alot said-having a leader long enough that wraps around the reel several times would be like having a whole spool of it? A leader is a leader,not a mainline? Im learning as we go here,not complaining,just dont understand the whole thing of having such a long leader?
  5. Its a deeper box.Just looking to hang buzzbaits rather than a binder..
  6. Thank you everyone! Learned alot on this.................
  7. I used a 7ft M/L Crankin stick this past summer. Used it to throw KVD 1.5&1.0. Was alittle worried about being strong enough,but it handled 4 & 5lbs easy.
  8. What size of flouro do you recommend for 40,30,20lb braid ? sorry for the dumb question,ive read to stay with the sames diameter,and others say go bigger?
  9. Yes i just dont know what the difference is , some of leader line is available in the same pound test as filler spools.
  10. Hey everyone- Can someone explain the difference between the two? Can i use flouro line as a leader or should i buy flouro that is labeled leader line? The labled as leader stuff has only 25-75 yds vs 150-200yds,of flouro line. Im wanting to start using a braid to leader,for contact baits. Any help would be great especially a good sensitive brand. I have setups with 65,40,30 and 20lb braid right now. Of the lines listed,what size leaders do you recommend? Im just looking to get some clarifaction on the topic.I can get diffent sizes,just wanted to ask here,because i know ill get some real life experiences. Thanks again everbody....
  11. Good luck with the new tackle. As far as the cost?,well you really should just be honest about it. I think it will help with the #%* chewin you think your gonna get. She may already know? Good luck man.....................
  12. I meant no disrespect to any one who uses an a-rig.?
  13. Its a NOWAY for me also. If i could get them for a dollar apiece,they would make neat things to put on a key ring? Just another gimmick,kinda like the a-rig.Just my opinion though..........
  14. I see plano has a new spinnerbait box out in hydroflow series. Has anyone used one, or can tell me if Calvitron buzzbaits will hang ok in it? Ive been storing spin/buzzbaits in a wrap,but i like to have baits hanging if possible.
  15. NOTHING -beats a jig and pork in tough fishin!!!!!
  16. This is probably a stupid question. But im looking for a decent pair of pliers that will cut hooks,very easy. Any recommendations? The lighter the better. Thanks everybody...............
  17. Just wanted anybody opinion on this place, good or bad. They seem to have decent prices,especially on the KVD hooks. Thanks everyone.
  18. Hey everybody- Im looking to get some trailer hooks for spinnerbait&buzzbaits. Most of the baits are 1/4&3/8 oz. What size hooks and brand are you using? Ive seen them run from size 2/0 up to 4/0. I was throwin a spinnerbait last time out,alot of big fish were short striken me but did manage to catch a couple. Any help is apprecieated ,
  19. I like it.Nice and simple. This site needs a do-it-yourself section for things like this and other good ideas.Gonna tinker around and make myself something now..
  20. I have the magnum bag. Its a alot bigger than it looked. If i fill it up,ya dont want to have to pack it around. I had the super magnum,but it was just waaay to big. I like the pocket arrangment, and the build quality was great on the magnum i ended up with.
  21. Megastrike will stay on your bait longer. Original is my choice......... Also Smelly Jelly Pro formula works too
  22. My hunting gear is what i use also. A good pair of boots that have GORTEX. No exceptions there. And make sure you can resole them when needed. As far as insulation, i have a 400 gram i wear to about 30 degrees, below that i have a 1000 gram insulated. I also work outside 8to10 hours a day in the cold.After many years,these are what i have. 2 words;RESOLABLE AND GORTEX.
  23. The BPS CrankinStik is a great crankbait rod. If you can wait till the spring sale you will get a much better deal.
  24. I am curious about the clips that hold the bait. I know you compress the bait to fit. But will being stored this way for a winter season or so, do anything to the baits blade arms?And do the Calvitrons fit well in the buzzbait side?
  25. Lunker Lure Rattleback,Picasso and strikeking. Most i have customized in one way or another. I have alot of Chopper blades made of copper i use with great success,and alot of the vibration blades from lunkerlure that get put on Picassos alot.
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