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Everything posted by KDW96

  1. Buy one in black with black blade. and youll buy more.
  2. Thank you to all who replied. As usual, i knew id get good honest information here. Thank for taking the time,i learned alot from everyone..KDW96
  3. Hi- Ive used them all, from the rubber ones(which are too bulky) and the cheap ones(which alot of times wont stay on). The only ones i will use now are the ones made by OWNER. They are 2.99 a pack at TW. Ya,they are more more money,but the ole saying(you get what you pay for) applys here. OWNER covers have a distinct snap putting the hook in,a drain hole allowing air movement,and are way easier to remove. Also if you ever replace the hooks as i have with (kvd 1x2x hooks), the owners fit better. They also keep ya from gettin stuck while tying up,and keeping hooks sharp. As far as taking up more space,i dont see how? unless your using ones that are too big for the lure? I will post up pics of my squarebill box and others,so you can see for yourself,later tonight when i get home..HAPPY NEW YEAR.......... KDW96
  4. The cataloges from BPS have become more of a -(in general or what we might have) thing. The catalogs from years ago had way more specific info.
  5. Hi everyone- Ive finely decided to start tube fishin ! Been fishin for 40yrs never bothered with them. I got a answer from a previous topic on rod&line. But now im looking for for--BRANDS OF 3in or3.5 TUBES-- . Some have a bit of a solid head for rigging,others dont. So can you help me with: 1. Hook type and size.( for 3in or 3.5in). 2. Brand specific (some have more tail than others). 3. Any other recommendations tackle wise. Thanks for your time-KDW96 HAPPY NEW YEAR............
  6. Gonna have too look in to this? Might be knock offs? If they are the real deal gonna get some
  7. My go bait------A jig and good ole uncle josh pork trailer----works 95% of the time for me...........
  8. I stopped at kmart today. I was able to get zoom lizards(black/chart) for 80cent a pack-cleaned them out and berkley fire line 125yd(8lb-3lbdia) for 3.70:) took all they had of that too! So between walmart&kmart i picked up 14bags of zoom & 6 rolls of line. Not quite sure about the fire line,as its pretty thin.
  9. Right now the same bag,newer is 52.00 without boxes. Does the bag he has have the prolatch boxes? If it doesnt id pass, or offer him less.
  10. KDW96


    I got 12 new waterproof 3700s at a steal of 2.00apiece. I really liked the 3 big latchs, But as JFrancho stated-not trapping condensation-will control the rust. I drilled holes in all dividers,and along all four sides of the boxes. To this day,no rust,
  11. Agreed. Your reel needs to be filled,even if with some old line to practice with. You will get better distance,and your thumb will be higher on the spool,not down in the middle of it. As far as thumb breaking goes-practice alot-you will get it,then it will come natural. Good luck.
  12. I changed all the hooks,on every crankbait,topwater i own last winter. Using the kvd 1x2x and up sizing i found i used more no.4 and no.2
  13. Mustad kvds for me also...........
  14. It will be fine, just dont cover the hubs,etc with plastic or the cheap blue tarps. They trap air,resulting in condesation,which will rust. I have actually placed a 5 gallon bucket over them,and bungee cord to hold them on. Just make sure trailer is good and stabilized. It looks funny, but my tires and rims look new yet.
  15. Hi everyone- I picked up this trolling motor for 60.00. Everything works perfect.I am looking for any opinions or information on it.Esspcially from those who have had one,or has one. It is model PD-40 minkota. Power drive electric steer,also has battery monitor. Thank you........
  16. Hi- You may want to take the bases and all out? A buddy of mine got a boat with the same type base. someone had put them together,then drilled a hole through them and bolted them together,and used some sort of adhesive also. They had no plans of taking them out,and did it ti keep people from stealing them. Hope you get it figured out.
  17. I personally would opt for the used ones, IF, everthing checks out ok with it. You will save alot of money in the long run. Most importantly take your time. If something dont settle right with it-let it go. There are alot of boats for sale,and the right one will come your way. Good luck to you....................
  18. I have been a life member of B.A.S.S. since 1981. I get the magazine&bass times every month. I like reading them on paper vs computer. I will say,that i liked B.A.S.S. better before espn stepped in.
  19. If it has free replacement warranty like shimano you can do that. Ive have rods that have broke right above second guide. I took second guide off,put new tip on it.The rods fish just fine,you loose some tip flex.
  20. Spike-it makes the scented markers. Do-it makes paint markers and jig molds. You can also get paint markers at hobby lobby,make sure to print off a 40% off coupon,which will makem alot cheaper.
  21. Ive been looking at the same bag. But id be using 3600 size boxes,running them the lenght of the bag as the one box you have pictured,
  22. There is a reason this site is called - Bass Resource .
  23. Don't get your panties in a twist ^ Just no respect. A simple-THANK YOU SIR- would have been nice.........
  24. You also must remember--RESPECT!
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