Hi- Ive used them all, from the rubber ones(which are too bulky) and the cheap ones(which alot of times wont stay on). The only ones i will use now are the ones made by OWNER. They are 2.99 a pack at TW. Ya,they are more more money,but the ole saying(you get what you pay for) applys here. OWNER covers have a distinct snap putting the hook in,a drain hole allowing air movement,and are way easier to remove. Also if you ever replace the hooks as i have with (kvd 1x2x hooks), the owners fit better. They also keep ya from gettin stuck while tying up,and keeping hooks sharp. As far as taking up more space,i dont see how? unless your using ones that are too big for the lure? I will post up pics of my squarebill box and others,so you can see for yourself,later tonight when i get home..HAPPY NEW YEAR..........