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Everything posted by KDW96

  1. Ive used both,with about the same results. So ive pretty much stuck with the impacts.
  2. If you would like sir, i also have some 6foot rod and 6ft6inch rods extra. I would gladly make you one like the ones i have and send it to you free of charge !
  3. I myself have lost 50% of my grip do to 2 strokes,and like yourself,ive lost a rod or two. Your grip will work better if the handle is a bit larger in diameter on a straight handle rod. On a pistol grp,it was a real struggl for me as the grip was so skinniy up front. All straight handl rods are to skinny also for me. My fix was taking some 1 an quarter pvc pipe and sliding over the handle. i had to shave a bit in the rod handle first,so it would fit. I then rapped the pipe with a rod wrap. it has worked really well,and i have caught many fish with it. I also capped the rod butt. It doesnt add that much weight eithre. You have to squeeze a skinner handle more than a fatter one. I still have to think about it on each cast,but it is workin for now. I also have a bunch of wrapps,and i can send you some free. just pm me sir.
  4. Hi everyone. I have a Promariner-Pro sport 12 battery charger. Sold the boat it was in. When i took it out, it sounds like its full of loose sand? It didnt do this when i put it in two years ago. My question is--is this normal? It still works just dont understand the sand noise. Thank you everyone...............
  5. Agreed 100%
  6. Black CALVITRON with black blade
  7. As posted above. Abu Garcia 4600s is a great reel.
  8. Not hijacking the post,but rather than starting a new thread, i have a question. I picked up 7 brand new ZMAN Chatterbait. My question is about the snaps? They seem kinda cheap? Should i replace them,if so with what brand do you recommend? Thanks all..........................
  9. My Ketich Swing Impacts served me very well in 2013,and 2014..............................
  10. Sew it up with some braided line,any pics of the bag ?
  11. Those are very good reels. Yours is missing a couple sideplate screws etc.So it may or may not be missing other parts also. Personally, i would just clean it up real good, and keep it because it was your dads.
  12. Ive been using them for 25 years now. I bought 15 different ones that long ago,and still using the same. I have had to change out a few skirts over time,some have few chips in thepaint on the heads and paited blades. They are a great quality bait that have caught me alot of fish over the years. Use some braided line around the skirts, and never worry about the skirt band again.
  13. Ive done it,it was cheaper and worked just fine
  14. As tomustang stated. My wife uses both the omega pro has brought in some nice 5&6 pounders!
  15. 6- 3700 size A-Rig boxes for 2.00 apiece. Took the arig holders out replaced them with a bunch of extra 3700 dividers. All extra storage.
  16. Nice-i like it.............
  17. I have that same bait also..
  18. Sir do you know who -THE BAIT MONKEY IS? What kind of nonsense talk are you speaking?
  19. Which jig head are you talking about, as opposed to a standard tube jig?
  20. These are some excellent quality built bait sir. I think im gonna try to make some, to help with the winter months. If you dont mind? what kind(brand) of jig is on the black/chart?
  21. VERY well put papjoe222
  22. Im with the KEITECH group.............
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