I myself have lost 50% of my grip do to 2 strokes,and like yourself,ive lost a rod or two. Your grip will work better if the handle is a bit larger in diameter on a straight handle rod. On a pistol grp,it was a real struggl for me as the grip was so skinniy up front. All straight handl rods are to skinny also for me. My fix was taking some 1 an quarter pvc pipe and sliding over the handle. i had to shave a bit in the rod handle first,so it would fit. I then rapped the pipe with a rod wrap. it has worked really well,and i have caught many fish with it. I also capped the rod butt. It doesnt add that much weight eithre. You have to squeeze a skinner handle more than a fatter one. I still have to think about it on each cast,but it is workin for now. I also have a bunch of wrapps,and i can send you some free. just pm me sir.