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Everything posted by basscat73

  1. I have HD, but I don't automatically get WFN. I have a basic HD package. Nice to have it for free this month though...
  2. Good luck going after him. He's not even in the USA. He's untraceable for the most part, and these types of ads are extremely common. Surprised you haven't seen one before. Very common to see this scam for boats and especially vehicles. I could probably find an ad right now 2008 Toyota 4-Runner with 32K for $4,500.
  3. I just can't get over that statement. You should make it a point to get BACK ON THE LAKE and NOT use those trick sticks again until you gain some more confidence in other lures!
  4. You might want to look into the Eagle Cuda 250 GPS/MAP combo. Pretty basic finder, but you can mark your GPS spots, and it only costs $199. I think it might come with water tempº too. I'm thinking about getting one because the only thing I'll use my console finder for is speed, depth and GPS spots. I already have a flasher unit on my console. I place more importance on my bow finder in regards to resolution, etc.
  5. And it's very simple to install and hook-up! Just positive/negative wires for the batteries and an electrical plug.
  6. I've caught some decent 3lbers with a lure like that while fishing for musky. No monsters, but my buddy who fishes musky exclusively, usually picks up a bass or two while fishing musky lures. If you were to use it and specifically target bass waters, it could be excellent, especially at night. They make a funny bubbling, gurgling sound and you can retrieve them slow or fast.
  7. With cost in mind, I gotta go with Normans -- price is good and they have pretty good hooks too. I'm almost to the point of fishing Norman's exclusively because I do so well with them, especially this year. The bandits are really affordable and they are good fish catchers too, but their hooks are fairly weak and bend open easily after a few fish.
  8. On my boat, a couple of the batteries sit on a panel that is bolted down. My bilge pumps and livewell aerators are underneath that panel out of plain view. I have to unscrew the panel to get to them. It's worth taking a look for a similar panel if you're not familiar with your boat. Good luck!
  9. I've never had a problem with re-sharpened hooks -- maybe I'm just lucky. The only single hooks I've replaced are the ones that broke off in a toothy critter's mouth or another unrecoverable situation on the lake. RW, just curious on the average length of time you use a single hook before replacing it? Thanks, Matt
  10. I've used them. Those suckers are heavy! I have used the small one, I think it's a 6" version. I throw it out, let it sink to the bottom and sit for awhile, then I'll swim/jerk it for a few feet, let sit on the bottom for a bit, and repeat back to the boat.
  11. Why not sharpen them manually? They may not be as good as new, but I've never had an issue with hooking fish on the hooks I've sharpened manually. Heck, if I had money to burn, I'd be happy to replace rather than sharpen. Unfortunately, that's not the case. P.S. I use a small pen-type file. Works great.
  12. I bought an echelon a few years ago and it's horrible. At that point, I didn't realize how much of difference there would be between low-end and middle-to-upper end reels. I saved up and bought the president and supreme baitcasters, and they are a world of difference! I really like them. The only problem I have with Pflueger is trying to figure out where to have my reels serviced. No one in my area will touch Pflueger reels for some reason. :-/
  13. It's simple... A. Many people love the trick sticks. B. Black is a very good color. C. Trick sticks weren't available in black previously.
  14. One more, same fish
  15. I caught several decent fish on three outings so far with this lure, including 4 pike. Here's some pics of a 5lb. bass I caught last night.
  16. Here's a pic of the lure I made. I sculpted it out of clay first, then made a plaster of paris mold. I rig it on a 5/0 offset with a swivel to keep it from sliding down the hook. I've fished this lure on three different outings found it to be very successful. The tail has great action! It floats, but it's also big and somewhat heavy, so it can still get the attention from a bass, even in thick matted duckweed. It's super cool to catch a fish with my own lure. I love the fact that I can just melt the plastic down and remold when it tears apart.
  17. My favorite spinnerbait rod is an All-star and it's great. Plus, it's a hand-me-down from a good friend who fished that rod many years. My best musky rod is an All-star and it helped me land several 25+ lb. fish. I'd suggest selling any other All-stars you have in BR Flea Market forum. Sell 'em for cheap though, because they suck!
  18. If you only need a little extra space to fit your boat in the garage, this idea might work if your back wall is is not a common wall. I added a bump-out to the back wall of my garage since that wall is exposed to the backyard. The bump-out gave my 3 extra feet in depth and now I can back my boat straight in. By bump-out, I mean I cut out my back wall, in this case, I made it 7ft wide x 7ft tall. Then, I framed it out, put a header on it, and made it 3ft deep, nailed OSB to the studs, put some siding on the OSB to match the garage and then a few rows of shingles for the roof. Not only does it give me room for my boat, but since I made it 7ft wide, I also have a lot of extra storage space around the sides of the motor.
  19. No. Seems the "lowly" worm has been around since 1877 and they still kill that bait regularly to this day... http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/plastic_worm_fishing.html So, I don't think they'll wise up to senkos either. Thank goodness, bass ain't that smart.
  20. Hard to tell, but it seems like you could fish a frog through that. It's a little denser than preferable, but give it a good try before you give up. Throw past openings (if there are any?!) and work the frog though it. Do it on a real sunny day because the bass will bury into that stuff. If those pads move around pretty easily when you work the frog through, then just try to pause when are an opens up a bit. When the frog pops off the edge of a pad, that's when a bass will smack it. Try to work the lure in different ways to see what works. Do you have any idea of the depth underneath the pads? Also, if bass are in there, then you should be able to kill them with a weighted worm! Throw it up on a pad, then slowly drag it off the edge of the pad and let it sink down. You can pick that area apart doing that.
  21. So... I can't find this X-Rap sub walk anywhere for sale. Is it out yet or any idea of when it will be? I really want to try this lure out!
  22. It's definitely small. You may have a hard time getting the hook to stick in the bass. You could use it for the time being though, and it it will be a heckuva lot of fun reeling those bad boys in with that set-up. They'll feel like monsters! Your baitcasting rig would actually be just fine for plastics.
  23. Crankbaits is what I like to start with when fishing rip rap. I'm trying to get the reaction bite first, then I'll double back with something slower to try and pick up the less active fish. Don't forget jigs!
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