I was recently in the French River area of Ontario fishing for Bass. We had a great trip and enjoyed the fishing very much. During our trip I met a gentleman who was staying at the same camp and on the last day he was there he left a Soft Plastic Bass Bait on the side of my boat. He talked how it was the best top water slop bait available.
It was a soft plastic bait in the shape of a Rat of Mouse that needed to be rigged with your own hookpprobably a 5/0 Hook. It was similar to the type of bait af say a Horny Toad only in the shape of the rat.
I have searched throughout the internet to try and find out what or whaer this bait could be had, but after two weeks no luck. I thought I would ask the bass fishinf community as I am sure someone out there knows what the name or manufacture of this bait is.
Your help would be appreciated.