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  1. Picked up a great deal on 798 HD SI. Looking to mount it using a RAM. How do i secure the base "securely"?
  2. There are hundreds of pictures and mods in that thread. Check it out.
  3. After a helpful PM, I'm leaning towards this model. http://store.humminbird.com/products/600667/346c_DI
  4. Yeah I was leaning towards the 4x or maybe the 5x but don't think I need that big of a unit (STS) in my 10' pond boat
  5. I have been screwing around with a Elite 4 DSI for the past 6 months and am not too impressed. It was my first sonar unit and want to give a non dsi unit a shot. I have around $350 to play with and don't have a need for a chart plotter as 90% of the spots I fish are pretty small size wise. If I stay with Lowrance, can I keep the same transducer mounted or are the DSI transducers different? Will be trolling motor mounted if that matters.
  6. One problem i'm running into is my TM is too strong on its lowest setting. 45# Motorguide on my 10 footer. Sometimes I just want to putt along but even on the lowest setting I go too fast and require too many corrections.
  7. How many times have you fired your weapon in a situation like they were in?
  8. Sorry for all the posts guys but trying to get my boat situated. Going to bow mount my motor and have the plug needed but was wondering if I just cut and splice the plug? My concern is with my sonar. I was planning on mounting it to the motor but am worried about stripping everything down all the time. Its not so much the work but the wear and tear on the connections and what not. Will also need to splice more power wire into it to get her back to the battery in the rear. Like the idea of the transom mounted TM shaft transducer but haven't seen anything on craigslist for a LONG time. Going to give this a shot
  9. Dropped just under 1200 today 500 for the boat, 190 for 45# Motorguide, 100 for battery and connectors, 60 for the minkotoa batt box, 70 for charger, and 200 for lowrance. Was very surprised at how much cheaper everything was at academy vs bass pro. Now just got to get it all ready for the water this weekend.
  10. I know some guys earlier had mentioned finding a cover for their 10' pelican but had differing reviews on it. What do people use?
  11. Why is there such a price difference between academy, bps, dicks, and the like on pretty much the same type of boat?
  12. Was my plan. Kind of disappointed that the unit doesn't come with a TM mount but whatever.
  13. So I decided to stop waiting for a decent used pelican to pop up around here and am going to truck 3 hours up to Macon Sports Authority and pick one up along with making a stop at the bass pro shop there. Going to call ahead before I take off but I'm looking to equip it with the below motor and then possibly a lowrance elite 4x dsi http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product__10151_-1_10051_10210662 http://www.basspro.com/Lowrancereg;-Elite-4x-DSI-Color-Imaging-Fishfinder/product/53518000/247261?cmCat=CROSSSELL_THUMBNAIL Any other suggestions. I'm pumped.
  14. Yeah I wasn't going to offer him any more than $100 due to what you guys said above. Pictures can be deceiving though so I think I'm going to go take a look at it if it's still around when I get back into town on Friday. Headed to Disney World with the fam after being in Afghan and Kuwait quite a bit this past year. Looking forward to getting back to the fishing world
  15. Finally had a bass raider show up on the local craigs list. Looks pretty good for a good price. Only issue is seating. I know some of you have made pedastal seating but i'd like something with a back. Anyone see any issues with making the seating work without the original frame? http://valdosta.crai...3171593900.html
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